Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1117: Addictive temperament

Aerial fortress, driving range.

The dexterous and exquisite hands of the sun-mirror, who controls the flames, quickly printed and drank, "Seal!"

Suddenly, a series of black seals gathered from his body toward his forehead, and finally gathered into a diamond-shaped lilac pattern on the brows.

There is no doubt that this is the unique pattern of the 'yin seal'.


After exhaling lightly, the corner of the sun's mouth raised an arc.

The 'yin seal' he uses at this moment is not the unisex version he developed, but a version of 'yin seal' suitable for women that Tsute has recently improved.

Perhaps it is the tremendous pressure from Xiao organization, Tsunade has not been idle these years. In addition to the disciples such as silent guidance, Hyuga Suzu, and Uchiha Izumi, she is constantly improving all kinds of medical ninjutsu and mystery she is good at. .

The ‘yin seal’ with great potential naturally became the focus of her improvement.

And because she has superb medical ninjutsu, her meridians, structures, and Chakra manipulation, etc., she is mostly still the original developer of the "yin seal", so the "yin seal" in these years There was a very big change in her hands.

Because the sun direction mirror is Naruto, each time Tsunade improves the version of the file, he can consult it at will, so he is very clear that if it is restricted to female cultivation, the latest improved version of the female-only version of the "yin seal", in terms of performance, , Has gone beyond his modified unisex version.

Considering that the Huoyan avatar is a female body, Hyuga chose the Tsunade version.

Came to a mirror set on the side of the driving range, and the sun-dial mirror carefully observed the lilac lines on his forehead.

Because it stores its own chakras, it has no repulsion, so even if there is no 'yin seal' full of chakras, it has certain anti-feeding effects.

In other words, as long as you successfully cultivate the "yin seal", the strength of the body will be improved.

As for how much you can improve, it depends on the physical foundation of the operator and the amount of Chakra stored in the ‘yin seal’.

As Tsunade is physically superior, the effect of ascension will undoubtedly be very significant, and like Sakura in the original time and space, there is no thousand hands, and the ninja of the swirling blood, the effect of ascension may not be as exaggerated as Tsunade.

But even so, Sakura in the original time and space can also perform Tsunade ’s horrible weird fist. You can easily destroy a small building with only your fist, and you can tear it like Tsunade in one step. Zuo Neng Hu '.

With the discerning eyes of Hyuga, the intensity of this fire avatar may not be too high, but looking at his fire avatar in the ninja world is definitely the perfect body that many people dream of.

Coupled with the nourishment of high-level nutritional fluids in recent years, as soon as he mastered the ‘yin seal’, his body changed significantly.

First of all, his temperament looks more mysterious and dusty, but just standing there silently gives people a sense of confusion.

Then, because the ‘yin seal’ has the effect of maintaining vitality and delaying aging, his originally delicate and fair skin looks more transparent.

Not only is the external change, he feels that Chakra in the body is also full because the Yin Seal penetrates the meridians of the whole body.

Holding his chin, he looked at the mirror and said, "Why, how did the temperament change so clearly? Is it because of the excess of the Yin Chacha in this body?"

Chakra can affect the ninja's body, spirit, and even temperament.

The simplest example is that the tail beast can pollute the human pillar force through its own tail beast Chakra, causing the pillar force to collapse and fall into a runaway state of runaway.

The eye-opening Uchiha also mostly has a temperament that is untouchable.

It is just that the temperament of the sundial mirror is a bit special, just like a black hole. There is an unconscious attention to explore the attractiveness, and coupled with the exquisite appearance, this strange attraction is even stronger. .

"Well, it's a good body for performing illusions, unfortunately ..."

This temperament appearance that can make people unconsciously addicted, if combined with the sharp illusion of writing round eyes, can definitely produce the effect of one plus one greater than two.

It's a pity that Hyuga mirror is such a rational and pragmatic character that he is not very good at the construction of emotional illusions. In terms of illusions, it is a mess, and he can confuse laymen.

If itachi, the master of illusions such as water stop, owns this body, then their illusion strength can definitely improve one step steadily.

He shook his head in regret, and Hyuga returned to the driving range.

After completing the training of the "Yin Seal", the next step is to try to merge the "Tian Zhao" Hei Yan with the "Yan Yan" Jin Yan. Of course, this is just a concept of Hyuga, whether he can make it or not, he has no heart at all.

Without hesitation, the sundial mirror instantly opened the kaleidoscope in the orbit.

In fact, the double kaleidoscope writing eye of Fuyue also has obvious blurred vision, but considering that Fuyue's eye opening is already a matter of the third Ninja war ten years ago, so the maintenance of this double kaleidoscope writing eye Very good.

You must know that Sasuke opened his eyes for only a few months, and his vision dropped to the point where it affected the battle.

Gradually adapted to the blurred field of vision, the sundial mirror stomped lightly, and a large area of ​​golden flames ignited instantly.

Standing in the golden flame, Sun Xiangjing picked up a golden flame in his hand and played with it, thinking about the method of integrating the ‘yan yan’ jin yan with the ‘sky photo’ black flame.

"Tianzhao can burn everything, and my Yan Yan has the ability to absorb chakras. If they can be integrated into one ~ ~ while retaining the characteristics of both the endurance and chakra absorption, the power and general use Sex will rise a step ... "

Thinking of this, Sun Xiangjing no longer hesitated, directly urged the kaleidoscope in the eye socket to write the chakra, and cast a ‘sky photo’ against the golden flame in his hand.

Wow ...

Instantaneously, in the center of the golden flames gathered by the sight of the sun mirror, a faint flame appeared out of thin air.

However, Hei Yan did not merge with Jin Yan. The two sides that met together quickly confronted each other. After a while, ‘Azure’ Hei Yan gradually gained the upper hand, and a little bit of Jin Yan was eaten by the hand of Hyuga.

"Sure enough, is the personality of" Tianzhao "higher?"

Watching this scene quietly, the sun-mirror's look remained unchanged, and he immediately slammed his finger, and extinguished the ‘Tian Zhao’ Hei Yan and ‘Yan Yan’ Jin Yan that were shining on his hand ...


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