Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1118: Flame fusion

Judging from the first attempt, both 'Tianzhao' Heiyan and 'Yanyu' Jin Yan have certain incompatibility. Once they contact, they will have a fierce rejection, even if it is Chakra of the same caster. The births are no exception.

"It seems that pure physical fusion cannot work ..."

After a little groaning, Hyuga had a new idea.

The birth of the "Tianzhao" and the "Yanzhao" are all chakras of the sun mirror. Since Heiyan and Jin Yan cannot physically merge, he can change his mind and try to combine the pupils of the "Tianzhao" 'Yan 遁' Chakra fused.

Chakra fusion may be a very difficult thing for others to control, but for sun mirrors that have developed a variety of 'blood succession boundaries' or even 'blood succession elimination', it is not difficult. .

After making up his mind, Hyuga first extinguished the burning golden flames around him, then slowly closed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his eyes suddenly, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in his eyes flashed with a subtle and restrained fascination, which was unique to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Characteristics.

After mobilizing the pupil of the kaleidoscope to write the round eye, he stopped the release of the pupil technique at a critical moment, but refined the 'Yan 遁' Chakra in his body, and then gradually instilled it into the kaleidoscope in the eye socket. Write round eyes.

The attempt at this step is actually very dangerous.

Because the eyes are very fragile organs in the human body and are easily damaged, even the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is no exception, so if you change the average person, you would not dare to make such an attempt.

The subtle manipulation of Chakra by the sun mirror is almost one of the top in the Ninja world, plus his rich experience of Chakra fusion, so this kind of attempt by others seems unbelievable, and for him But the road is light.

With the injection of ‘Yan 遁’ Chakra, the scarlet kaleidoscope in his eyes became more and more delicate.

Feeling that it was time, Hyuga mirror immediately stared and released 'Tianzhao' towards a target in the driving range not far away.

Wow ...

A hint of melanitis suddenly appeared on the target, instantly swallowing up the target and burning it into ashes.

Staring at the blossoming melanoma scattered on the ground, Sun Xiang mirror showed a little surprise.

Although the "Tian Zhao" released this time is still pure melanitis, and it seems that the attempt failed, but Hyuga mirror keenly noticed that the power of melanoma was slightly improved.

It should be known that the targets in the air fortress practice ground are not ordinary cheap wooden targets. The sun mirror is made of high-quality solid wood with a forged steel frame.

Although it is not difficult to burn a wooden target with 'Tian Zhao', it is never possible to burn it so fast. Even the outer frame of a forged wooden target made of stainless steel has been burned instantly. This undoubtedly shows that the 'Tian Zhao' released by him just now is more powerful than normal 'Tianzhao' is slightly higher.

"It seems my thinking is right!"

Although there is no change in the shape of 'Tianzhao' and the increase in power is not significant, as long as there is a change, it means that the thinking of the sunward mirror is correct and you can continue to try.

After refreshing, Hyuga started a new attempt.

Chakra ’s fusion is nothing more than primary and secondary relationships, the proportion of fusion, and the timing of fusion. As long as you master the law, you will always get the best results after trying it again and again.

The only thing restricting the sundial mirror now is the loss of pupil power of the kaleidoscope in his orbit.

Because this pair of kaleidoscope writing round eyes is not in perfect condition, no matter how he saves, the number of times he is allowed to try is limited, so whether the final fusion can be completed or not, luck is also an important factor ...


Wooden leaves in the village.

By the side of a driving range, Sakura complained: "Mr. Kakashi is really right. Since sending Naruto back to the village, he has never seen anyone else, nor do he know what he is doing!"

Sasuke aside didn't bother Sakura's complaint, but stared at the battle in the practice range.

In the practice range at this time, Ning Ci and Xiao Li were working together to fight Naruto. The three players in the test were all in full force, so the confrontation was so fierce that even a few people standing on the sidelines watched the battle. Must also raise arms from time to time to withstand the bursts of air from the field.

Every day at this time asked Kai: "Teacher, who will win?"

Xiao Ying also looked at Kai with curiosity, looking forward to Kay's answer.

Kai shook his head: "I can't say well either, Ning Ci's cooperation with Xiao Li is really excellent, but Naruto this boy ..., the ghost knows how this boy became so strong!"

Listening to Kay's evaluation, Sasuke's face was gloomy again.

Ning Ci in the field almost fully demonstrated the sharpness of the Japanese family's soft boxing, and Xiao Li even opened the ‘Eight Gates’ Armor to the fourth ’Injury Gate’.

Of the two, Xiao Li's steel boxing was responsible for frontal hard shocks, and Ning Ci's soft boxing was responsible for cover and precision strike.

Sasuke felt that even if he was on the court, even if he was on the field, if he didn't use the kaleidoscope to write the pupils of the chakras, it would be difficult to cope.

But it was such a sharp combination, and it was the same after encountering Naruto ’s “Nine-tailed Chakra Mode”.

Ningji's soft fist can't hurt Naruto at all, Sasuke clearly saw that Ningji hit Naruto in the "Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode" several times, but failed to penetrate the protection of Naruto's golden-tailed beast coat. , Seal the meridians in Naruto.

And Xiao Li ’s steel fist is equally difficult to pose a threat to Naruto, because even if he opens the ‘Eight Doors’ to reach the fourth door, Xiao Li still has no half advantage in speed and strength.

After the test continued for a while, Ning Ci and Xiao Li finally defeated, both of them were sweating, panting, and even stood a little unstable.

On the other hand, Naruto is still energetic, showing the advantages of his own human power.

"Ningji and Xiaoli are not Naruto's opponents anymore ..."

After secretly speaking ~ ~ Sasuke with his hands in his pants pockets turned and left.

Sakura quickly asked, "Sasuke, where are you going?"

Everyday also asked, "Aren't you practicing?"

After thoroughly confirming the identity of the soil, Kakashi began hard practice alone, so Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were paid to Kay by Kakashito, and temporarily followed Kaiban to practice together.

Sasuke didn't snor, and a ‘transient technique’ disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Looking at Sasuke's direction of departure, Kay said, "Let him go, the genius will always be a bit lonely!"

In fact, Kay is very clear that Sasuke is a type of genius ninja with Kakashi. He has nothing to teach him ...


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