Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1119: Tangled and struggling

After leaving the driving range alone, Sasuke walked on the streets of Koba, and his heart was difficult to heal for a long time.

Although his brother Itachi gave him the precious opportunity to have permanent light, but he still resisted the light that was sacrificed to his loved ones, thinking that his father would never see the light again in the future, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

The scene on the driving range just kept stimulating his nerves.

He understands that if he ca n’t get a stronger pupil, it ’s completely foolish to dream of overcoming Naruto today, and thinking of Naruto will always be overwhelmed in the future, his unwillingness is like a volcanic eruption, making him difficult Self.

One side is guilt for his father's blindness, and the other side is unwillingness to lose to Naruto.

The two strong emotions were intertwined, which made him tangled and nagging again. Unconsciously, he found himself in front of the Naruto building.

"How come here?"

After a brief moment, Sasuke was ready to turn around and leave.

At this time, Zi also just came out of the Naruto building and saw Sasuke wandering in front of the building, so he stepped forward and stopped him: "Sasuke, did you come to me?"

Sasuke felt that he came here subconsciously, maybe he really wanted to talk to the teacher, and nodded.

Seeing Sasuke's intentions, he also said, "This is not the place to talk, come with me."

Soon, the two came to a remote grove in the village.

Zi Lai also asked with a smile: "Anything difficult to decide?"

Sasuke was surprised: "Teacher, how do you know?"

Zilai also pointed to Sasuke's face: "Your mind is written on your face!"

After quickly pulling away the tangle on his face, Sasuke asked, "Teacher, are there any ways you can strengthen my strength?"

This time it was his turn to come by accident, he looked Sasuke up and down, and then laughed: "Hehe, you are already strong now."

Sasuke shook his head, his voice firm: "No, it's not enough, it's not enough!"

Zi Lai also put away the smile on her face at this time, and her expression became serious: "Sasuke, at your current age, you are already very good. In the whole Ninja world, few of you are your age. Opponent! "

At the age of thirteen, he has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, which can intervene in the battle between Nagato and Datong Mushe. This strength seems to be enough to be proud of himself, so he does not understand why Sasuke still so desperately desires strength He was still the tail of a crane when Sasuke was so old.

Facing Ziya's gaze, Sasuke said, "But I lost to Naruto, I'm not willing!"

"It was originally because of this!" After a bitter smile, he also persuaded: "Naruto is your companion, but not your enemy. It doesn't matter if you lose to him once or twice, and you can win again in the future. Now, when I was a kid, I didn't beat Dashe Wan once. "

Sasuke shook his head and said, "I have a feeling that Naruto will only become stronger and stronger. I must master more powerful forces to defeat him, otherwise, I will always be his defeat!"

Since he was staring at Sasuke, he looked a little dignified.

Sasuke's obsession with defeating Naruto made him feel a little uneasy. Obviously, he did not know that it was not Sasuke himself who caused all this, but Chakra, who came from Sasuke's large tube.

As the reincarnation of the big tube Indra, Sasuke is very repulsive to lose to Naruto, the reincarnation of the large tube Asura.

Therefore, this obsession with defeating Naruto was not Sasuke's own paranoia, but originated from the endless grievances of the brotherhood of the thousand-year cycle of Sato and Indo-Atsuro.

After carefully weighing it, Lai also shook his head: "Sasuke, with your current strength, I can't teach much."

Regardless of the use of ninjutsu, body art, or tactics, Sasuke is already a rare wizard among his peers, and not all ninjas.

Naruto who can't beat the 'Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode' is not because he is weak, but he was carefully tuned by Hyuga, and passed Naruto's trial of the giant turtle island badly. Already.

Therefore, Lai also feels that what Sasuke lacks now is not more powerful, but precipitation.

Sasuke ignored the worries of Tadashi and said bluntly, "What about the fairy art? Teacher, I'm ready. I want to go to Miao Mushan to try the fairy art again. Naruto can, and I can!"

He has also vetoed it decisively: "No, you cannot practice immortality in this state."

Looking at Sasuke's eager face, the worry in his heart became more and more serious. He was afraid that Sasuke, like Nagato, lost himself because of strength and went astray.

Sasuke was also reconciled: "How do you know if you don't try it? Teacher Lai Ye, I'm not the same as before, this time I will be able to successfully master immortality!"

"The more anxious and eager, the more effective you are at practicing immortality." After a pause, Zilai continued to persuade him with gracious words: "The last failure proves that you are talented in practicing immortality, so the mentality is more important If you can't keep calm and indifferent mentality, the more you try, the more dangerous you will be. As your teacher, I will not watch you take risks. "

Sasuke sighed suddenly: "Is there really no other way ..."

Zi Lai also wondered: "Sasuke, what happened?"

"Silai is also a teacher. There are still some things in my family. Let's leave first!"

Because it involves the secret of writing karma in kaleidoscope, and the writing of karma in eternal kaleidoscope on top of kaleidoscope, Sasuke did not explain too much to Tajiki, and gave a salute directly to Tajima, then turned away.

Looking at the back of Sasuke's departure, Tan also sank.

Strolling on the way home ~ ~ Sasuke heard the whispers of the villagers around.

Before he took to the streets, everyone would vote for him with admiration and envious eyes. Since losing to Naruto, these days he always hears others' discussions on the streets, although many of them are not malicious. It was just a simple surprise that his genius of Uchiha was defeated by Naruto, but it spread to his ears, which made him feel extremely harsh.


Sasuke wanted to dispel these arguments from his head, but found that the more he wanted to dispel, the more he cared.

At this time, he suddenly found himself in front of a Le ramen door, and it happened that Naruto and Sakura were in the ramen restaurant.

Looking at Naruto, who is eating ramen without any care, Sasuke said secretly in his heart, "Just give up? Oh, this kind of thing, I still can't do it!"


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