Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1121: I'm happy!

far away.

After discovering that it was Uchi Boyan who was responsible for testing Sasuke in the organization, Itachi breathed a long sigh of relief: "It turned out to be Homura, great!"

Itachi himself is the **** organization that joined the test of Uchiha Boyan, so for him, Uchiha Bobo is half of his leader and teacher.

Really smiled: "The boss sent Yan Yan that guy, so we don't have to worry about it."

The water stop nodded concomitantly.

Compared to other members of the unfamiliar **** organization, several of them apparently trust Uchibo Yan, who is also a Uchibo family, after all, Uchibo Yan has become old friends with them.

In the forest.

While Sasuke was looking at Sunstory Mirror, he was also looking at Sasuke.

Seeing Sasuke carrying a backpack and a dress about to travel, he said coldly: "You seem to be well prepared, but it will not make sense to be fully prepared if you can't pass my test."

Sasuke frowned. "Say, what's the test!"

The sundial mirror slowly opened the kaleidoscope in the eye sockets: "Do you recognize these eyes?"

After seeing the lines on the sunwheel kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Sasuke's face suddenly gloomy, and he said with a murderous expression: "Damn, how dare you use my father's eye wheel!"

"Yes." Hyuga didn't deny it, and put on the mask again, and said, "My eyes are the kaleidoscope of your father's kaleidoscope, so the test is very simple, you just have to beat me, these kaleidoscope writing wheels Your eyes are yours. "

"Don't you have a kaleidoscope to write chakras? Why use my father's eyes?"

To change someone else's kaleidoscope to write chakras, Sasuke was naturally irritated and went straight to the action, but he knew that Uchiha had a kaleidoscope to write chakras, so when he was angry, he was full of doubts.

Hyuga leaned up slightly, his tone was cold: "I'm glad!"

"Abominable!" Sasuke gritted his teeth and dropped his backpack on the ground. "My father's dignity, how can you allow such a guy to trample on!"

Uh ...

Before the words fell, Sasuke fluttered towards Hyundai Mirror.

He smirked at the corner of his mouth and greeted him.

Uh ...

In a hurry, there was a harsh metal clash in the originally peaceful woods under the night!

The speed of both sides is extremely fast. Under the cold moonlight of the bath, like two ghosts, they constantly shuttle in the light-drenched forest, but Sasuke's figure is better recognized because his body always lingers on a glint. Electric arc.

It was only a moment before Sasuke's heart sank in the battle.

At this time, he had already used the thunder stimulus method, and his speed and strength had been greatly improved. On the other hand, it seemed that he did not use any secret skills, but was no slower than him.

Not only that, he also found that the opponent's body skills were very exquisite.

That is not the precise accuracy of Ning Ci, nor the boldness and openness of Xiao Li, but a kind of sharpness and changeability. Even the man who has a kaleidoscope to write round eyes is hard to guess. style.

Uh ...

It was another staggered pass, and Sasuke gasped heavily after landing, and a sweat perched on his forehead.

Obviously it was just a simple physical confrontation, but it gave him a tremendous pressure of life and death. He even felt that the fight for such a short time was more tiring than his kaleidoscope to write the eye of the eye.

The opposite Hyuga mirror said faintly: "The basic skills are barely decent."

"Tolerable ..."

Sasuke was provoked again, and he could imagine the disdain on his face under the mask of Hyuga.

He went on to say, "But only at this level, you can't get back your father's eye."

Zizi ...

At this time, the palm of Sasuke's right hand shone with a brilliant 'purple electricity', coldly: "You see how I can break your mask and recapture the writing wheel eye belonging to my father!"

Hyuga mirror tone was still cold: "I look forward to it."

Uh ...

Suddenly, a large area of ​​the ground under Sasuke's feet collapsed, and under the thrust of the reaction, Sasuke's whole body flew toward the sundial mirror like a purple lightning.

Just in this flash of light, Sasuke who flew towards Hyuga mirror suddenly looked stagnant.

Because he found that the opposite 'Blood Demon' was facing the raid of his 'Thousand Birds', he stood in place and did not hide, but the figure bathed in the moonlight was full of a mysterious dimness, as if it were not so real .

Almost at the same time, he felt a chakra invade his own head, and he suddenly thought, "Is it magic? Oops, I'm magic!"

As a result, the original Sasuke's heart suddenly hesitated and filled with enthusiasm, not only the momentum was absent, but even the movement was somewhat deformed.

When he died, Sasuke slammed into the face of 'The Enchanted Demon', and when he judged that the 'Indestructible Demon' who was not dodging was mostly a shadow clone or simply an illusion, the 'Infernal Demon' suddenly caught him accurately. Cast 'Thousand Birds' right hand.

Sasuke was taken aback: "You !?"

While Hyuga pinched Sasuke's right hand's wrist, he struck Sasuke at will and kicked Sasuke to the ground: "Even a raid can make a difference, I'm the first time I've seen such a fool!"

Sasuke pinched his wrist by Hyuga, and was shocked and furious when Sasuke was kicked: "Did I have no illusion just now ..."

There is no doubt that Nikko Mirror did cast Sasuke's illusion just now, but the purpose of his illusion is not to let Sasuke succeed, but to interfere with Sasuke's judgment.

Because of his illusions ~ ~ it is impossible to instantly subdue a Uchibo who also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, not to mention Sasuke is the reincarnation of the big tube Indra.

But as soon as Sasuke felt that he had been attacked by illusions, he immediately became confused.

Because in his eyes, the **** organization 'Inflammation' has defeated Zhishui. One or two family kaleidoscopes are powerful. Illusions must be extraordinary. In addition, the temperament of the fiery avatar is too mysterious and unreal. So he didn't discriminate at all, so he subconsciously determined that he had been recruited.

Realizing that she had been deceived by the small means that ‘Flame’ used to help her, Sasuke was furious immediately, and did not care about the loss of pupil power, and immediately launched ‘Suzano Nobu’ and broke off the arm of Hyuga mirror.

At this time, Hyuga also launched 'Suzano Nosu', and his experience of manipulating 'Susa Nosu' is obviously far above Sasuke, so one purple and one red two 'Susa Nosu' are launched at the same time Yes, Kosugai's 'Suzano Nosu' directly penetrated into Sasuke's 'Susa Nosu', and put Sasuke in his hands again ...


The second is to offer, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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