Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1122: Unexpectedly well-behaved

显现 In the moonlight like a silver waterfall, two red and one purple ‘suzano no yu’ appeared at the same time, shocked many birds and beasts in the forest, and made the whole grove seem to come alive.

Sasuke, who was held in the hands of Hyuga mirror's "Suzano Nobu", was stunned.

怎么 However, he didn't expect that he would launch ‘Suzano Nerhu’ himself first, but the opponent would take control of him later, and he would easily control it. He also did not expect that ‘Suzano Nerhu’ could start and launch an attack at the same time.

He was unwilling to give in easily, and immediately struggled.

But even if he exhausted his whole body, his neck was bloated and his face was flushed, he couldn't shake the ‘Suzano no Yu’ who was holding him.

The next day, he glanced at the mirror for the helpless Sasuke, and said lightly, "There may be people in this world who can use their hands to tear open the 'Suzano no Yu', but it is never you."

Susuke stopped struggling, his face was ashamed and angry.

The next day, Xiangjing urged Susano to fall to the ground fiercely, and said in a cold tone, "Don't think of writing pupils in the kaleidoscope with kaleidoscope every time when you become angry or angry."

He was smashed by Sasuke, and ‘Suzano Noh’ disappeared immediately.

Hyuga went on to say: "It is important to cherish pupil power, but you cannot look forward and hesitate because of this. You can't tolerate distractions on the battlefield. If your life is gone, what is the use of keeping pupil power? ? "

Sasuke looked surprised.

He didn't understand how the 'Flame Demon' guessed his mind. Just now he did because of pupil power. He wanted to use the kaleidoscope to write pupils of the round eye, but he was so worried that it caused his hands and feet to be missed. The best timing.

"Learn to decide!"

The next day, speaking to the mirror, he lifted his ‘Suzano Nosu’.

Ryo Sasuke got up from the ground, shouting and rushing to Hyuga: "I don't need you to teach me!"


The next day, he turned towards the mirror and kicked Sasuke who flew towards him, with a cry in his mouth.

Sasuke who fell on the ground again found him several important points on his shoulders, waists, and legs. I do n’t know when he stabbed a thin thousand books, so his body just could n’t work hard enough to dodge. , Was easily kicked by Hyuga mirror.


He quickly responded, and Sasuke came over, knowing that it was a trick when he was imprisoned by Hyuga's ‘Suzano Nobu’.

The next day, Xiang Xiangjing said lightly, "It's unexpectedly slow."

Uh ...

的 Sasuke, who fell to the ground, slammed into the ground with a punch: "Hate! Hate! Hate!"

The next day, Xiang Jing came to Sasuke, lifting his neckline to lift him from the ground, and then hit him with a fist. His tone was cold: "Concede so soon?"

Sasuke even began to distort his expression, and said unwillingly, "I'm not your opponent!"


The next day, tossed Sasuke to the mirror and stepped on Sasuke's face.

I was stepped on by Hyuga mirror, Sasuke was ashamed and angry.

But he understands that he really isn't the opponent of the 'Flame Demon' right now. He just tried his best in the fight just now, but he is not sure whether the other party is serious. He feels that he is completely seen by the other party.

Released Sasuke, Hyuga turned directly, and walked away from the village.

Sasuke, lying on the ground, was sad and alone. He thought he had failed the test organized by God and missed the opportunity to retake his father's kaleidoscope to write round eyes.

His body gradually disappeared in the shadow of the sundial mirror, and said, "When are you going to lie down, you can't keep up!"

Sasuke froze for a moment, suddenly realizing that he still had a chance, so he couldn't even care about the dust on his face, and quickly got up and picked up a backpack on the ground. He followed the sun mirror regularly, and his mouth was still haggard. Baba said: "Thanks ... thanks!"

far away.

Watching Sasuke leave so nicely with Nikko Mirror, he looked incredible and said, "Hey, Sasuke's kid has never been so respectful to me. Is it because I haven't been so fierce like Homura?" Ever his cause? "


The weasel and Zhishui glanced at each other, speechless.

After they wanted to come, with Sasuke's proud personality, after being severely beaten by Yan, they should be resentful, but never thought that Sasuke was so miserably stung, but unexpectedly well-behaved.

In fact, they don't know that they are too fond of Sasuke. Sasuke respects and admires the strong.

In time and space, Kakashi's guidance to Sasuke was meticulous and dedicated, but Sasuke was still slow and Kakashi, and he knew that Dashemaru stabbed his body and wrote round eyes, but he joined the rebellious village without hesitation. Dashe Wan ’s camp, and has always paid enough respect to Da snake pills, until his hands defeated Da snake pills, this respect gradually dissipated.

This alone is enough to prove that Sasuke, who is growing up, will have an instinctive admiration for the strong who can crush himself.

Whether itachi or water stop, or even Shinichi, in the usual practice with Sasuke, they are too petting Sasuke. In order to take care of Sasuke's self-esteem, they will deliberately release water, causing Sasuke to make mistakes since childhood. Judging their strength, not only did my brothers seem to have this level of misjudgment, but also produced the illusion that I was so strong.

Therefore, even if you are as keen as a ferret, you don't realize that Sasuke can be a good character for a long time just by being severely beaten ~ ~.

In Sugawara time and space, Sasuke even took a hard meal because of Naruto, convinced to take oral, and even put down the grudges entangled in the millennium between Datongmu Indra and Datongmu Asura.

I want to know that this is something that I haven't been able to do without knowing how many generations of reincarnation.

He seemed to think of something, and Zhishui suddenly asked, "Sasuke just left like this. I'm afraid I can't explain it in the village?"

At this time, Itachi took out a document: "This is a travel permit signed by my predecessor, and I will officially submit it to the village tomorrow."

Is it right for Huoying to be a betrayal of the village?

As long as the status is high enough and the relationship is strong enough, it is not a big deal to leave the village in private. In the name of travel, I was out of the village for a long time, and Tsunade did not say hello to the village, and went out to the village in private. For many years.

And the reason why the two of them can act so arrogantly is because there are three generations as Naruto on their heads, and their own strength is enough to deter some gossip.

Nikko Mirror is Naruto today. It is a matter of minutes to issue a travel permit for Sasuke. As long as he says it is travel, no one in the current Koba can identify Sasuke leaving as a betrayal village ...


The third one is offered, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets!

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