Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1123: Call me teacher!

Hiromi Sasuke followed quickly to Hyuga and would peek at Hyuga from time to time.

Feeling Sasuke's peep, Hyuga mirrored for a while: "Just say what you want!"

Sasuke asked quickly: "I ... what should I call you in the future? Is it called" Yan Mo "? Uchi Boyan? Or senior, or sister or something?"

"Sister ..." He shook the corner of his mouth and immediately ordered: "Just call me a teacher!"

"is teacher!"

Sasuke did not question Hyuga, and obediently obeyed.

A moment later, he asked again, "Teacher, when is the next test? Is the test still a test?"

The next day nodded to the mirror: "Well, as for when, a few days later, as a ninja, you have to learn to summarize the reasons for failure, if you can't win me, then don't want to get back your father's eye."


Aya Sasuke responded quickly.

He is not stupid. He has seen that Sunxiang Mirror is not malicious to himself, at least not in the bright place. Although he is cold and even alienated, he is really teaching himself.

And he could feel the other party seemed absent-minded, as if thinking of something else.

After I was quiet for a while, Sasuke showed another expression of utter silence.

The next day he glanced at Sasuke to the mirror: "What do you want to ask?"

After sorting out his thoughts, Sasuke asked curiously: "Teacher, when you just performed magic on me, why did you only interfere with me and did not completely let me fall into illusion? According to common sense, in that case, I was completely caught in illusion. Is China the safest response? "

The next day, the mirror face turned black: "Think!"

Sasuke said, "I haven't figured it out for a long time. Why do you choose this more adventurous way?"

The next day, Xiang Xiangjing said lightly, "Is my goal achieved?"


Sasuke looked ashamed.

If he discriminated carefully just now, in fact, he could tell that he did not have illusions, but because he felt that the other party had defeated Zhishui and Zhenyi, the illusions must be far better than himself who was not good at illusions, so he made a mistake.

"The role of illusion is to interfere with the enemy. As long as it can do this, it is enough to achieve tactical goals. Why do you have to completely let the opponent fall into the illusion?" He paused and said, "The means is the means, the purpose is the purpose, Do n’t be confused, I do it just because I'm sure it will work for you! "

This isn't the case of Huxiang Xiang in Hu Yan. He knows that his fire avatar has gradually changed its temperament due to the increasing strength of Yin Chacha and the successful cultivation of the "Yin Seal", which is very suitable for performing illusion. I chose to use Sasuke to disturb Sasuke, trying to interfere with Sasuke's judgment.

He just didn't even think he would be so good.

Obviously, in the previous battle with Itachi, Sasuke had a shameless face because of an illusion of Itachi, and his heart had some shadows on the illusion, so he had just overreacted.

Listening to the explanation of Hyuga, Sasuke nodded, seemingly understandable. He now realized that illusion was his own shortcoming.

The next day Xiangxiang Mirror retracted his gaze and said flatly, "It is obviously Uchiha who has a kaleidoscope to write chakras, but the illusion is so unbearable. It is really incompetent!"

Susuke suddenly blushed.

After a while, despite his shame, Sasuke couldn't help but observe the sunken mirror that seemed to be full of secrets all over his body. When he saw that his body was wrapped so tightly that he didn't even expose a finger, he Suddenly a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

It is important to know that both hands are very important to the ninja.

Because the sensitivity of both hands is directly related to the accuracy of the ninja throwing and the speed of the end of the jutsu, so normal ninjas rarely wear gloves. Even if they wear gloves, they are mostly the kind of gloves that show their fingers, or simply Wrapping up straps, if not a body-type ninja with a hard fist, would rarely wear leather gloves like a sun-reflector.

When his eyes moved down, Sasuke focused his eyes on the long boots worn on the sun-legged temples, which is also very rare in the country of fire with a mild climate.

"Even if the place we are going to is cold, we don't need such a dress near the village? What must she wear to hide something like this? Is it related to her body?"

The more tadpoles conceal, the more they want to find out, and that's how human curiosity is.

In the face of the mysterious **** organization 'Flame Demon', Sasuke's curiosity was hooked to the top.

After a long while, he finally couldn't hold back and asked the doubts in his heart: "Teacher, why do you wear such gloves? This has a great impact on the seal?"

The next day, Xiang Jing was a little annoyed, and glanced at Sasuke coldly, and said secretly, "What's wrong with this boy? I usually don't have much to say, why are you asking now?"

Seeing that Hyuga mirror didn't answer, Sasuke went on to say: "I know that the standard equipment in your **** organization is only capes and masks, gloves and boots are not among them, so ..."

He didn't wait for Sasuke to finish his words, and Hyuga stopped and asked, "You seem to be curious about me."

Sasuke did not deny, looking straight at Hyuga nodded.

The next day, Xiang Jing said coldly, "Win me. If you want to know anything, I'll tell you. If you can't win me, shut up!"

Sasuke was silent for a while ~ ~ Then he said firmly: "I will definitely defeat you!"

The next day, Xiang Jing stopped paying attention to Sasuke and flew towards the coastline east of the country of fire. He took a sip in his heart: "Cut, it really was noticed by Sasuke!"

The next day to the mirror obviously underestimated Sasuke's keenness.

In fact, his current outfit is really not that he intended to be mysterious or something else, but that he accidentally played off during the development of Yan Yan and burned his body a lot, so he had to wear it. I put on gloves and put on long boots.

For such a thing, it is naturally impossible for him to tell Sasuke.

At the same time, because of the unsuccessful development of 'Yan Zhe', he has been thinking about developing 'Yan Zhe' along the way, so he seems a little absent-minded.

Suddenly looking at the figure that Hyuga mirror left, Sasuke carrying a backpack quickly chased up.

For him, the divine organization 'Inflammation' is a person he has never dealt with since he was a child. He is mysterious, powerful, and cold. He is also the same family who has kaleidoscope to write round eyes. The demon's not only produced a worship of the strong, but also gave birth to a curious inquiry into its secret ...

Uh .........

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