Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1124: 1 must be disappointed

Huh ...

The salty sea breeze blew the beach and swayed the black flames scattered on the beach, while the sunbrow mirror standing on the beach frowned and seemed to be thinking about something.

"What went wrong?"

A moment later, Hyuga murmured to himself.

According to his past experience of developing the "Blood Succession Boundary", Chakras with different attributes can be merged with each other, the only difference is the difficulty of fusion and the proportion of fusion.

I can be specific to the development of Yan Yan, these experiences suddenly become less applicable.

When Xiangyang mirror merged the Yinyan Chakra of her ‘Yan 遁’ with ‘Tian Zhao’ on the same day, no matter how he changed the fusion ratio of the two sides, the main subject after the fusion was ‘Tian Zhao’.

However, this kaleidoscope writes round eyes, he just borrowed temporarily.

In the end, this pair of kaleidoscope writing chakras was still transplanted to Sasuke to fuse the eternal kaleidoscope writing chakras, so he must develop a new type of fire salamander that uses 'Yan' as the main body and can be used normally after leaving the kaleidoscope writing chakras, and It is not an upgraded version of the power of 'Skyshine'.

Only in this way can I really increase the strength of this fire avatar.

After all, in the final 'blood following fusion ritual', in order to minimize the mutual exclusion of the seven bodies during fusion, no extra organs can be transplanted, whether it is in the **** or the six members, so fire The avatar can only be ritualized with the original white eyes, and any intensity that is given to the maggot avatar through organ transplantation is meaningless.

At this time, Hyuga mirror looked at his arm and stepped barefoot on the beach.

By performing the "Hundred Heroes" after unraveling the "Yin Seal", the burn on his body has recovered almost. Except for some redness and swelling, there are no scars left.

切 "Yeah, it's really embarrassing to burn yourself!"

The next day he sipped to the mirror.

Because whether it is 'Tianzhao' Hei Yan or 'Yan Yan' Jin Yan, it is the top fire in the Ninja world. Once out of control, even the reaction of the sun mirror will inevitably hurt.

Of course, this is also the experienced Sunrex Mirror. If you change someone else, you will be buried in flames, and even the funeral expenses will be saved.

After Wu Ping regained his anxiety, Sun Xiangjing converged his thoughts, and once again devoted himself to the upgrade and development of 'Yan Yu'.

Chakra fusion, cast, failure ...

Fine-tune the proportions, chakra fusion, cast, fail again ...

Observation and analysis, fine-tuning the proportions again, chakra fusion, operation, failure ...

Failure continued, and even the toughness of Hyuga mirror gradually became agitated.

This is not because of anything else, but because every attempt to write the kaleidoscope in his eyes is a loss. In the case of delay in development, the frustration will be more than any previous One trial is much more serious. After all, there are unlimited trial and error opportunities, which are different from limited trial and error opportunities.

After a while, Sun Xiangjing found that his emotions were getting more and more anxious, and his heart seemed to be flaming with a fire, making him unable to calm down even if he adjusted.

After a little thought, he put on his shoes and gloves and walked towards the other end of the island.

The small island where he is now is also thousands of kilometers away from the nearest coast. Before he landed on the island, there was no trace of human existence at all. It belongs to a deserted island in the true sense, so he took it here. It was set up as a temporary driving range, and Sasuke was also placed on the island, but he was on the island side and Sasuke was on the other side of the island.

Seeing that Hyuga came over, Sasuke, who was working hard, greeted him quickly, and said respectfully, "Teacher!"

The next day he gave Sasuke a glance at the mirror, his tone was cold: "Begin the test now!"

"right now!?"

Suzusuke stunned for a moment. He thought that he had a few days of practice time, but he did not expect that Sun Xiangjing would put forward a test request so soon.

However, he would not be afraid of the test, and nodded heavily: "Well, I will work hard this time!"

After a while.

The next day, he kicked Sasuke out of the mirror, and said lightly, "Is this still the case?"

Sasuke, who fell on the ground, coughed, and bowed his head with guilt.

This confrontation is the same as before. Regardless of combat experience or tactical choices, the young Sasuke is far inferior to the sophisticated sundial mirror.

However, because he knew that Hyuga was not malicious to himself, Sasuke did not use the kaleidoscope to write chakras in spite of his nausea and swollen face, and Sasuke did not write chakras with a kaleidoscope. Of course, he would not consume kaleidoscope to write chakras My pupil strength is gone.

The next day asked the mirror: "Do you know what it means to write chakras in the eternal kaleidoscope?"

Sasuke nodded: "It means eternal pupil strength."

The next day he smirked at the mirror: "Only these?"

Sasuke is a little confused.

"Hum, it also means the hope that you and the Uchiha family have placed on you!" After a pause, Hyuga continued, "It means the sacrifice of your father and the humility of your brother."

Listening to Hyuga, the complexion of Sasuke's complexion is blue and swollen.

The next day, Xiang Jingjing hugged his hands with his chest: "But it seems that the hopes of your Uchiha clan are about to fall through, and you cannot afford such a responsibility at all!"

Suzusuke stood up and stood up, stubbornly pounced on Hyuga.

Uh ...

I was kicking again ~ ~ Nissuka Mirror mercilessly flew Sasuke out again, and then said coldly: "I have no interest in admiring your wolf howl, that's all for today!"

He said, Sun Xiangjing turned around and left.

Looking at the back of Hyuga mirror, Sasuke thought, "The expression under the teacher's mask must be disappointed! Damn, why am I so weak, why!"

He Zuosuke felt extremely uncomfortable at the moment. He felt that when Sunxiang Mirror left, he must have been disappointed with himself.

不 "No, I can't live up to the sacrifice of my father and brother. I must defeat the teacher so that the teacher will never be disappointed again!"

After Nao decided his mind, Sasuke simply dealt with the injuries on his body, and immediately put into a new round of practice.

The other end of the island.

After returning to the driving range again, while Hyuga was moving his body, he whispered in secret: "It's really cool, okay, continue to develop 'Yan'!"

After 泄 exhausted a saintly fire on Sasuke, Hyuga mirror also quickly re-invested in the development of 'Yan Yu'. Before long, the swaying black inflammation appeared on the beach again ...


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