Sasuke walking on the deserted island, naturally did not know that he was being followed by Oshimaru. At this time, he was training with sweat and rain, and his face was extremely serious.

After a long time, the sun tilted west, and the light on the island dimmed.

I stopped practicing, Sasuke wiped the sweat on his face, looked at the other end of the island, and murmured, "It's been three days. Why didn't the teacher come to test me?"

This small island is not that big, he can clearly feel the chakra fluctuations of the sun mirror on the other side of the island, knowing that the sun mirror has been on the island these days, so there are some strange reasons why the sun mirror does not look like these days Come and test him every day.

Since He set the rules to Hyuga, he warned him that he would not be allowed to leave the side where he was, so even if he was curious, he could only press him down.

As night fell, Sasuke set up a bonfire on the beach, eating food prepared for him by Sun Xiangjing while thinking about his mind.

At this time, a gentle footstep came from a distance.

Suzusuke's face suddenly greeted him, and he hurriedly greeted him, asking to Hyuga who walked slowly from the night, "Teacher, are you going to test me?"

The next day nodded to the mirror: "Yes."

"That's great!" Smiled, Sasuke continued, "I'm ready for you, I'll wait for you!"

The next day, he looked at Sasuke seriously.

This practice for almost a week has made Sasuke's childishness fade away. On the surface, the impetuousness of the past is no longer visible, and even the inherent arrogance has converged a lot.

But the sharp edge still exists. From the eyes, we can see that the boy in front of him is still the Uchiha Sasuke.

After I was silent for a while, Hyuga mirror said lightly, "This is the last time!"


He Zuosuke was shocked. He thought that such a day would continue for a long time, but he did not expect to receive the ultimatum of the last test of Hyuga.

All kinds of emotions, such as horrified, rushed into his heart.

The next day, Xiangyang Jing didn't pay attention to Sasuke's response, and said in a cold tone: "This time you can use any means, including all pupils of your kaleidoscope to write chakras."

Anyway, after integrating the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, pupil power will automatically recover, so there is no need to save in this battle.


Looking at the figure wrapped in the cloak and the mask in front of him, Sasuke dare not argue. Although not long, he has become accustomed to obeying the mysterious and powerful 'Flame Devil' arrangement.

Soon after, Sasuke opened the kaleidoscope to write the round eyes, scarlet eyes appeared with the pattern of six-pointed stars, and shone with a strange brilliance.

知道 He knows the strength of Hyuga, and he knows that even if he goes all out, the odds are extremely low, so he has no nonsense, no intention of temptation, he jumped directly into the air, and launched ‘suzano no naru’.

Howl ...

In a short time, the purple "Suzano Nobo" was projected out of Sasuke's body, and then quickly became large, directly crossing the skeleton form, and becoming a half-length armor.

Uh ...

几乎 Almost at the moment when Susano Noh appeared, his "Suzuno Nowa" arrow with the black flame of "Azure" came out, and flew towards the sun mirror on the beach.

At the same time, he held the wrist of his right hand with his left hand and launched the 'Thousand Bird Stream'. A huge electric light was emitted from the palm of his hand, hit the beach, and quickly spread on the beach, forming a lightning bolt. Electric blanket.

All of a sudden, the purple 'suzano' and the shining electric light completely dissipated the darkness on the island and reflected the beach under the night.

The next day he grinned at the corner of the mouth of the mirror, and immediately launched the "Suzano Noh" and urged his "Suzano Noh" to protect his body.

Boom ...

In a burst of squeal, Hyuga's red 'Suzano Noju' was repulsed several steps, but he barely blocked the arrows shot by Sasuke 'Suzano No' and spread from the ground. Coming lightning.

However, Sasuke Nozomi ’s ‘Azure’ black flame on Sasuke Nobu ’s arrows spread to the sun ’s mirror ’s Nobuwa ’s Susano Nobu with the arrows, and it blazed.

At this moment, Sasuke fell from the air and looked at Hyuga mirror with a look of vigilance.

放在 If you put it in the past and see that his ‘sky photo’ is burned on the opponent ’s body, he will surely feel proud that the overall situation is set and the victory belongs to him.

But now he does not show a proud look, because he clearly faces the top organization such as the "God Demon", and his "Tian Zhao" may be difficult to succeed, but he still has some expectations in his heart. Because this is already the strongest means he can use!

On the side of the sun mirror, looking at the melancholy of his' Susano Noh's body all over the blink of an eye, he was convinced that Sasuke not only used 'Tianzhao', he must also use the 'emphasis' to control the change of' Tianzhao 'form Fate '.

With the rapid spread of the "Tian Zhao" melanitis, he felt that his pupil strength was rapidly being consumed. If he did not take measures in a timely manner, his "Suzano Nerhu" might be stuck under the burning of "Tian Zhao" Before long, he raised his arm and hit a ring finger.


Suddenly, in a crisp ringing finger, a fascinating purple flame suddenly appeared, immediately covering the red "Suzano Nosu" of Hyuga, and repelling Sasuke's "Tianzhao" black inflammation in the outer circle. .


Sasuke was stunned ~ ~ He thought that the Sunward Mirror would use clever methods such as ‘sealing’ to resolve his ‘Skylight’, but did not expect that the Sunward Mirror would choose to attack the fire with fire!

He even surprised him that his "Tianzhao" was in a disadvantage in the confrontation between fire and fire.

"What flame is this?"

It was almost instantaneous that Sasuke's attention was attracted by the demon purple inflammation that suppressed the ‘Azure’ black inflammation.

You must know that ‘Tian Zhao’ black flame is currently the most powerful flame recognized in the ninja world, so he simply cannot imagine any flame that can suppress ‘Tian Zhao’ black flame.

For just a moment, Sasuke's "Tianzhao" Heiyan scattered all over the place was devoured by Demon Ziyan a little bit, and with the "Tianzhao" Heiyan being engulfed a little, the demon that swayed in the wind Ziyan also became more and more beautiful.

At this moment, surrounded by demon's purple inflammation, Sun Xiangjing walked slowly towards Sasuke, like a **** who stepped on the fire.

And looking at the strange purple inflammation in front of him, and wearing a black robe and a flame-patterned mask in purple inflammation, his body was full of mysterious 'Inflammation Demon'. Sasuke suddenly lost his mind, and kept murmuring in his mouth: " teacher..."


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