Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1128: New blood is eliminated

‘In the dim misty moonlight, in the magical purple flames swaying in the wind, wearing a black-bottom gold-rimmed cloak and wearing a flame-patterned mask, the 'Flame Demon' looks so unreal and unreal.

At this moment, the 'Flame Demon' itself seems to be a mystery, integrated with the illusion.

"Yes ... is illusion?"

Sasuke's pupils gradually dilated, and his eyes became dull.

But he was very clear that his brain was not invaded by an external Chakra, and everything he saw in his eyes should be true and correct, but the scene in front of him still made him fall into a fantasy.

Because this magnificent and illusory scene is too unreal, it is not like the scene that will happen in reality at all.

No doubt, the quiet night, the dim moonlight, these external environments can greatly liberate the emotional part of the mind, people often radiate thoughts in the night, and let the feelings spread with the thought.

The yin yin cha chala's high quality fire avatar has a mysterious temperament that is beyond words.

Coupled with the sun-mirror combined with its own Yinchacha, the kaleidoscope of chakras, and the 'Ziyan' developed by Chayan, it is a kind of spiritual power, Huoyu 'and' Yinyu 'have reached the ultimate monster flame.

Therefore, under the interaction of this unique environment, special temperament, and unique ninjutsu, although the sundial mirror itself does not perform any illusion, it naturally produces an illusion effect like illusion, letting it have a kaleidoscope writing wheel Sasuke's eyes are hard to distinguish between true and false, and can't help but be addicted to it.

I looked at him with a look of astonishment, Sasuke staying like a wooden chicken, and Sun Xiangjing was very satisfied, and secretly said, "Oh, was I really shocked by the power of my 'Zi Yan'?"

Obviously, the sunburst mirror of 'Purple Flame' has just been developed, and I have not realized that this brand-new flame, besides exaggerating the power to suppress the 'Skylight' Heiyan, also contains a magical spiritual power, capable of Amplify the mystery of this fiery avatar, and increase the effect of the illusion he released.

In the sea breeze, Hyuga mirror walked slowly to Sasuke's face and said coldly, "What's going on?"

Yu Sasuke relieved God: "Teacher, you ..."

Uh ...

He didn't wait for Sasuke to finish his words, and Sun Xiangjing kicked him and immediately taught: "Even when I'm tested, I can be dazed. I don't have such a stupid disciple."

There is no half-hearted tenderness, and the sun mirror under the mask still appears mysterious and cold.

"I lost."

Uncle Sasuke did not argue anything unexpectedly.

In the face of such a powerful and mysterious 'Blood Demon', he lost his heart with sincerity, because he could not find a way to defeat the 'Blood Devil', and his most powerful pupil technique was so pale in front of 'Blood Demon' Powerless.

The next day he stunned to the mirror, but he did not expect Sasuke to admit defeat so quickly, and said, "Uh, have I played too much and accidentally destroyed his self-confidence?"

Self-confidence is very important for a ninja. A ninja who is not confident enough about himself cannot grow into a top powerhouse.

Just when Hyuga was secretly reviewing and trying to remedy, Sasuke seemed completely unaffected by the defeat. He got up and reached in front of Hyuga, asking curiously, "Teacher, what kind of ninjutsu is this purple flame on you?" "

Seeing Sasuke's face not depressed, Hikaru sighed secretly and replied, "This is 'Yan'."

"Yan 遁?!" After a short while, Sasuke asked again, "Is it the blood following limit?"

Hyundai Mirror just nodded, but after thinking about it, I feel that the current Yanyan can no longer count as the blood succession limit, because it is the product of the complete integration of Yin Chacha, Huo Chacha, and Lei Chacha, among which Yin遁 Chakra is the soleplate, the proportion of fire 遁 Chakra is the highest, and Le Chachakra is supplemented.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to define ‘yan yan’ as ‘blood following elimination’.

So he said, "Today," Yan Yan "I cast is a kind of blood elimination."

Sasuke stunned for a while: "It turned out to be 'blood following elimination', no wonder I was able to suppress my 'Tian Zhao'!"

The writing round eye belongs to the 'blood following limit'. Therefore, the pupil technique of the kaleidoscope writing round eye is also mostly divided into the grade of 'blood following limit'. It was taken for granted that Sasuke's own "Tian Zhao" was suppressed after learning that the purple inflammation displayed by Nikko Mirror was stronger than the "Blood Following Limit".

"It's no wonder Brother Shui and Zhenyi are teaming up against each other. The teacher is probably the most powerful Uchiha now!"

While admiring her heart, Sasuke glanced at Hyuga mirror carefully again. He asked uneasily, "Teacher, do I have no chance now?"

The next day, Xiang Jing did not answer, but was silent.

The so-called 'test' this time is that on the one hand, the sun mirror is based on its own considerations. For example, the further development of 'Yan' requires the use of Fuyue's kaleidoscope to write chakras. Sasuke who wrote the kaleidoscope of round eyes is also a good candidate for training.

Another aspect is that he hopes that through the ‘test’, Sasuke will realize that the eternal kaleidoscope is hard to write, and let Sasuke converge slightly.

It seems that both of these goals have been achieved, and the development of his Yan Yan has been successfully completed. Sasuke does not seem as arrogant as when he just awakened the kaleidoscope to write chakras. They're all too well-behaved.

算 "Forget it, these details are not important!"

The next day Xiangxiang Jing quickly cast this doubt out of his mind.

The silence of Rixiang Jing made Sasuke even more uneasy. He couldn't explain why. He couldn't afford the courage to argue when facing Rixiang Jing.

After a long while, under Sasuke's earnest eyes, Hyuga's tone was cold: "I don't have time to spend with you here, clean it up, and perform fusion surgery immediately."


Sasuke was surprised.

He thought that the best result was that he would give him another chance. He never thought that he would prepare for the fusion operation directly. After a while, he was surprised and happy, and asked, "Teacher, I passed the test. Yet?"

The next day he glanced at Sasuke to the mirror: "What do you think?"

Suzusuke nodded for a moment, and her face suddenly disappeared, and she said lowly, "I'm sorry to disappoint you!"

The next day, Xiang Jing did not speak, and turned his head to the side.

After a brief packing, Sasuke came to Hyuga with a backpack: "Teacher, you can go!"


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