Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1144: She already knows

Bang ...

The huge air wave swept across the entire driving range in an instant. Not only did I love Luo ’s ‘Shou Crane Shield’ being instantaneously blasted, but even the reinforced floor in the driving range was lifted into pieces.

With just a glance, there was a mess in the eyes!

Sasuke's living area.

"what happened?!"

With a violent shaking, lying on the bed, waiting for Sasuke, who was born of the eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes, sat up suddenly, his face full of suspicion.

The living area where he is located is separated from the driving range where the sun mirror is located. There are more than a dozen seals in the middle to isolate it. However, this is the case. The shock wave caused by the sun mirror in the driving range. Still spread to his living area.

Within the driving range.

"Whew ..."

Hyuga was breathing heavily.

Realizing that he was wrong, he had stopped his figure and lifted the 'eight-door armor'.

In the last round of the outbreak just now, he still failed to open the seventh door, "Scared Door", and I don't know why. When he got to the door, he was always a little worse.

If he continues to explode, he will not only be unable to bear his body, but the driving range will not be able to withstand it, so he will stop rationally.

Let the ‘three-type biological armor’ on his body supplement Chakra for himself, while Hyuga looks at the messy driving range in front of him, and analyzes the cause of the failure in his heart.

"What went wrong?"

‘Eight Doors’ Armour is the mystery of steel fist flow. It stands to reason that there should be no overly delicate techniques, and he has studied the mysterious scrolls of ‘Eight Doors’ Armor ”many times, and there is no relevant content in this regard.

"Is it simply not enough foundation?"

For a moment, the sun-dial mirror was not sure.

At this moment, Xiang phosphorus standing on the sideline suddenly shouted, "Master, Uchiha Sasuke left his activity area without permission!"


Sun Hyuga mirror frowned.

Xiang Phosphorus perceives it a little bit, and then says, "And ... and the breath on him is suddenly much colder, his Chakra gives me a very ominous feeling!"

"It seems that the fusion of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has been completed."

He was so determined in his heart that he flew into the shape and disappeared into the driving range.

At the same time, Sasuke, who had removed his eye bandages, was walking through a passage in the air fortress.

Touching the stone bricks on the wall, he looked suspicious: "This building seems larger than I expected, is it a castle on the moon? What happened to the shock just now?"

Uh ...

Suddenly, a figure stopped in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke paused: "Master Chuan?"

Obviously, this figure that captured Sasuke was not someone else. It was the sun mirror that temporarily replaced the Minamata avatar. At this time, he looked at Sasuke's eyes and said coldly, "Who allows you to leave the activity area without permission!"

Sasuke explained: "I felt a trembling just now, thinking what happened to you, plus my eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has been completed, so it came out!"

Having said that, Sasuke opened his eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel.

In a moment, the dark-colored eyes in his eye sockets instantly became scarlet, and in the center of the scarlet, a complex pattern intertwined with a six-pointed star and a three-edged shuriken.

Staring at the eternal kaleidoscope writing chakra in Sasuke's orbit, he looked at it carefully and found that the patterns of the writing chakra of the eternal kaleidoscope were similar to those of Sasuke in the original time and space, but there were some slight differences.

"Using his father's kaleidoscope to write round eyes to blend eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes really didn't matter much ..."

After making a secret noise, Hyuga told Sasuke: "The shock just now was caused by a member of our organization accidentally practicing physical exercises in the driving range. You don't need to pay much attention."

Sasuke asked eagerly, "Is it a teacher?"

"No, Uchiha flames are out to perform tasks, not at the base." He shook his head, and Hyuga went on to say, "Go back to your living area first, I want to check your writing wheel eye in detail."

Sasuke nodded a bit disappointed, then glanced at the direction the shaking just came, and secretly stunned: "The shaking just now is so fierce that it was only caused by body surgery. What a terrifying body surgery! It seems that apart from teachers, there are really many strong people in God's organization! "

After returning to the living area with Sasuke in charge, Hyuga mirrored Sasuke's freshman's eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes, and asked, "What kind of pupil?"

After a little hesitation, Sasuke replied, "It's still‘ Azure ’and‘ Aborigine ’.”

The sun mirror nodded.

This was in his expectation. After all, Sasuke was not a illusion-type Uchiha. The probability of the newly born eternal kaleidoscope to write the round eye to inherit his father's illusion pupil is very small.

Sasuke asked at this time: "By the way, didn't you tell me before that the eternal kaleidoscope writing recurrent eye can continue to evolve into reincarnation eye? I now have the eternal kaleidoscope writing recurrent eye, so you can evolve the method of recurrent eye Tell me? "

Sun Xiangjing said: "Every power is obtained at a price. Now is not the time to talk about reincarnation. You should first familiarize yourself with these eternal kaleidoscopes. The eternal kaleidoscope writes the power of the recurrent eye and can use the pupil power after fusion freely. Then let's talk about the matter of recurrent eye! "

Sasuke thought about it for a while, and nodded softly, "Well, you're right."

When he wanted to come, even a ninja as powerful as teacher Yu Zhibo Yan hadn't touched the reincarnation eye. It is too soon to ask for his reincarnation eye to own the eternal kaleidoscope.

Hyundai Mirror also completed Sasuke's body inspection at this time: "Your body is fine, the new eternal kaleidoscope writing ring eye is all normal, you can return to the wooden leaves."

Sasuke asked quickly: "His Lord Chuan, UU reading Can I see my teacher before returning to the village?"

Hyuga is a little curious: "Why do you see her?"

Sasuke said with a little embarrassment: "I just want to tell the teacher myself that I succeeded. I already have a strong pupil over the kaleidoscope!"

Hyuga mirrored his face silently: "That's it?"

He found that Sasuke was really weird. When he was driving Huoya's avatar, he obviously did not have any sympathy, and the boy was swollen and swollen. He looked at it like a sandbag, but he didn't know what was going on. plus.

Sasuke nodded in anticipation.

Hyuga casually said, "Oh, she already knows."


The first one is here. I beg for a recommendation ticket on Monday, please!

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