Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1145: I want to join the God Organization

The next day, Hyuga mirrored the Minamata again and came to Sasuke's living area, and asked, "Is everything packed?"

Sasuke carrying a backpack nodded first, then opened his mouth and seemed to want to ask something, but as soon as he reached the mouth, he pressed it again, and there was something in his eyes.

Hyuga immediately took out the gloves that had been promised to Sasuke, and threw them to Sasuke.

"Is this a gift from the teacher?"

Sasuke took the gloves in surprise.

Hyuga asked: "A pair of gloves, is it necessary to be so happy?"

Sasuke stroked the gloves without explaining anything. After a while, he slowly put on the gloves, and his expression dropped again, thinking secretly: "Why don't the teacher give me this by myself? It's because I'm not strong enough, so Are you reluctant to see me? "

Seeing Sasuke put on the gloves directly, the corners of the eyes under the sun mask mirror shuddered: "This kid is really smelly but not burned, and wearing gloves for no reason, it is not convenient to seal!"

Immediately, Hyuga was too lazy to think, and handed Sasuke a mask without any holes, urging: "Don't wear this, I will take you away now."

Sasuke absent-mindedly took the pair of sealless masks and groaned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Lord Lord Chuan, I ... I want to join the God Organization!"


Hyuga mirror froze.

Sasuke said: "I now have the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, should I be eligible to join the God organization?"

After looking at Sasuke up and down, Hyuga mirror asked with a smile: "Why do you suddenly want to join the God Organization? You seem to have always rejected us God Organization, right?"

"I ... if I want to get reincarnation in the future, I must be inseparable from your **** organization, so I think I might as well join you directly." After a pause, Sasuke seemed to think of another reason, and said hurriedly: "And I Joining you, our Uchiha family is also considered a part of the God organization, and the safety of the family will be guaranteed in the future. Well, I think so! "

Hyuga mirror heard some surprises, and said, "Well, can the integration of pupil strength also improve intelligence, why Sasuke seems to have become savvy, and everyone knows to draw allies, this is not like his character!"

However, since Sasuke offered to join the divine organization, of course, Sunward Mirror will not reject him. After all, Sunward Mirror has done so much for him in order to win over his important combat power that can reach six levels in the future.

After weighing a little, Hyuga took out a set of costumes from the ninja bag around the waist and handed it to Sasuke: "With your current strength, you are indeed eligible to join our **** organization, but If you want to become a full member, you must go through the internal assessment of the organization. "

Looking at the black-edged gold-rimmed cloak and flame-patterned mask of the **** organization ‘Flame’ that was handed over to Hyuga, Sasuke wondered: “How do you have a teacher ’s equipment?”


Hyundai mirror was speechless for a while.

Immediately, he took out the mask of the gale pattern and the mask of the thunder and lightning pattern from the ninja bag, perfunctoryly saying, "I'm in charge of logistics in the organization. These are spare equipment."

Sasuke looked relieved, and then looked carefully at the cloak and mask in his hand, and asked, "That's the case. Is my code in the organization the same as the teacher?"

Hyuga nodded his head: "Well, your code name is also" Yan Mo ", but you are not yet a formal member. When the organization has not assigned a task, you must not wear the" Yan Mo "equipment or represent the organization. action."

Sasuke collected the cape and mask and said, "I'm ready to take the test at any time!"

"At present, the organization does not require you to perform the assessment task. You should return to Muye and so on." After a pause, Hyuga mirror urged again: "I put on the mask I just gave you and leave."

Holding the previous mask without holes and covered with seal-style masks, Sasuke wondered: "I have already joined the organization, do I need to wear this mask?"

Hyuga said: "Don't forget, you are not a full member yet!"

At this critical moment, it is clear that Hyuga will not easily reveal the secrets of the air fortress, so regardless of Sasuke's failure to join the divine organization, he will strictly maintain the confidentiality of Sasuke.

And the pair of non-perforated masks handed over to Sasuke was carefully prepared by him yesterday. The seal method above can not only isolate the insights of Hitomi's blood, but also have a certain effect of disturbing perception. As long as Sasuke wears it, Even if Sasuke had the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, it was impossible to see the real situation inside the fortress through the mask.

Sasuke undoubtedly had him, and put on a holeless mask honestly, and then followed Hyuga mirror all the way out of the air fortress.

A long time later, Hyuga took Sasuke to an island hundreds of miles away from the fortress in the sky, and a fixed passenger ship route approached. He then returned to the holeless mask, fluttered, and disappeared. In front of Sasuke.

Watching the glaring ice-glass gradually drifting away from the air, Sasuke who fell on the island covered his eyes, and secretly said: "Finally succeeded, I finally have the eternal kaleidoscope writing eye of the blind!"

Immediately, he pressed his hand into the ninja bag around his waist and pondered: "I do n’t tell the family about my private participation in God ’s organization. After all, the father ’s kaleidoscope was written and removed by God ’s organization. Teacher He also defeated Brother Zhishui and Zhenyi. If they told the family that I had joined the God Organization, they would never understand me! "

"God's organization is too powerful ~ ~ I am a teacher alone, I am afraid that it will destroy our entire Uchiha clan, so for the family, I am right to do this." Turning his head to the direction of the village, Sasuke again Secretly determined: "Since my father and brother entrusted me with the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the security of that family should be shouldered by me in secret, this is my mission!"

At this moment, Sasuke joined the secret organization of God, and suddenly felt that he was bearing the fate of the entire family, and was the cornerstone of protecting the Uchiha family in the dark!

Sun side mirror.

After hurriedly returning to the fortress in the sky, Hyuga did not stay in the fortress in the sky, but instead put the spirit body directly into the fire claw clone, and then temporarily sealed the yin guru deity on the scroll, took it with him, and then quickly left. After reaching the fortress in the air, he secretly returned to the small island that left Sasuke ...


The second one is here. Continue to ask for recommendation tickets on Monday! There is a third more later!

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