Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1146: Block the road

The reason why Hyuga mirror hastily returned to leave Sasuke's island is because he was not assured that Sasuke was wandering in the Ninja world. Although Sasuke's strength is not weak, he really has to meet Xiao organization or Otsuki It's just as difficult to protect yourself.

Secondly, he also needs to go back to the village.

After the location of the ceremony was decided, all that was left was to spend money.

However, Hyundai has no money on hand. When Xiao Xiao launched his last attack, he just spent all the money he could spend just in case, so now he must raise another fund for The enchantment layout around the ceremony.

As for the source of this money, he has already considered it.

Last time he resolved the attack of Xiao organization, the five big forbearance villages have agreed to pay a commission to the **** organization, plus the village's unauthorized disguise of the **** organization, the two sums should be enough to cover all the expenses required for the ceremony .

He temporarily changed the fire clam avatar, too.

After all, it would be too expensive to ask such a thing as "Yan Luo", who is mistakenly regarded as a fairy by the masses.

In the incident where Yun Yin walked the young field, Chuanzhu had a bit of a holiday with Mu Ye and Yun Yin. 'Fengling' missed his eyes in front of Red, and 'Zizang' was inconvenient to explain 'Dust' to Yan Yin The source of 'Kirin' is also related to the relationship between the God organization and Wu Yin.

In addition, when the previous day Xiangxiang Jing actively sought the village to discuss cooperation, he used the identity of 'Yanmo'. The last time Itachi played double reed with Nichixiang's village, also used the name of 'Yanmo', so he It is most appropriate to come to the village for money.

In addition to discussing the account, Sun Xiangjing returned to the village for another purpose, and that was to ask Kai how to open the eighth door of the Eight Doors.

He thinks that Kay should already be able to open the seventh door.

Because according to Kay's life trajectory in the original time and space, Kay already has the ability to open the eighth 'dead gate' at any time in the fourth Ninja War two or three years later.

This undoubtedly indicates that Kay had been proficient in the seventh 'Shock Gate' for a long time before the Fourth Ninja War, otherwise he would not be able to open the eighth 'Dead Gate' so smoothly.

And Sunxiang Mirror is not arrogant, nor does he have a competitor to compare with others. In his opinion, he should openly ask people for advice.

After a long time, Hyuga re-entered the island and secretly monitored Sasuke who had returned to the country of fire by boat.

After several days, Sasuke landed smoothly and returned to the land of fire.

However, as soon as Sasuke stepped into the country of fire, he was stopped in the woods by a group unexpectedly expected by Hyuga.

In the forest.

Sasuke looked indifferently at Osumaru who was blocking his way, and Jun Malu, Bai, Chongwu, and Yamato, who stood behind Osumaru, said indifferently, "Kunmaru, you are a big snake. It's no wonder that Maru's men have troubled me repeatedly. "

Sasuke is not stupid. He saw the four people of Yinni standing respectfully behind Dashemaru, and immediately wondered why Yinni was targeting himself during the Zhongni exam. He also guessed that the person behind the voice of Yinni was probably the leaves. One of the three forbearances is Oshimaru.

It is not difficult to speculate, because Dashemaru had sneaked into Uchiha's mansion and was a young child, so he knew very well about Dashamaru's puppet towards himself.

Looking at the indifferent expression, it seems that Sasuke who did not put himself and others in his eyes much, Dashe Wan slowly pulled out a long sword, put out his tongue and licked his lips, and grinned with his unique voice: " It is indeed the genius of the Uchiha family. When he met me, he didn't panic. "

Sasuke took one hand on his hips and gave a dismissive glance at Dashe Wan: "Dashe Wan, you'd better not mess with me, I might not control the power and accidentally kill you."

Hidden behind Sasuke's Hyuga mirror, who was not far away, couldn't help but laugh out loud and said in disbelief, "As soon as I say, Sasuke is old, that's what it is."

When Okumaru became famous as Kobe Sannin, Sasuke had not yet given birth.

But now when Sasuke confronts a strong man like Dashe Wan, he has put on an attitude that he is too lazy to talk about it, let alone Da Snake Pill, even the onlookers such as Nikko Mirror cannot see it.

Sure enough, as soon as Sasuke's words fell, the faces of the four people of Yin Ren standing behind Da Snake Pill showed their anger.


Ogimaru gave a sneer, but instead of staying on Sasuke's body, he moved to the place where Himagaru hid in the distance.

Seeing Dashemaru found herself, Hyuga no longer hid, and Dala appeared directly on the branch of a large tree, and she paid attention to the confrontation between Dashemaru and Sasuke.

Sasuke was pleased to see Hikaru who appeared to control the flames as he appeared.

Ogimaru licked his tongue and said, "The flame demon? It seems that your **** organization is also following Uchiha Sasuke!"

The sun mirror didn't snor, but leaned silently on the trunk to observe the field.

On the surface, it is currently difficult for him to determine whether Dashe Wan is using the body of a pharmacist or any other body. In any case, the Chakra reaction in Dashe Wan is very violent in his eyes, which shows that this body There is a sufficient amount of chakras.

Another thing that attracted Hyuga is the long sword held in Oshimaru's hand.

If he is not mistaken, this simple and exquisite long sword should be the grasshopper sword that Sasuke used in the original space, and watching Dashemaru took the grasshopper sword to find Sasuke who has the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye Suddenly, a ridiculous feeling developed in his mind: "Is this a door-to-door sword?"

Later, Hyuga mirror moved his gaze to the white body behind Osumaru.

Judging from the current reaction of Dashemaru, it can be clearly inferred that after Bai returned to Yinren Village, he did not report to Dashemaru that he was the leader of the divine organization 'Yan Luo'.

Of course, Bai's doing this is probably not protecting the sun mirror ~ ~ but protecting Dashe Wan.

Perhaps Bai Qing clearly believed that Dashe Wan likes to die. Once he knows that his disciple is the leader of the divine organization, he is likely to make certain dangerous actions. So in order to protect Dashe Wan, Bai chose to hide it.

The appearance of the sun-dial mirror apparently disrupted the deployment of Osumaru.

He groaned a little, and immediately commanded the four people who stood behind Yin Ren, "You go and hold Yan Yan, I will solve Uchiha Sasuke myself!"

The four members of Yin Ren responded quickly, then flickered, and surrounded the sun mirror that stood on the branch.

Osumaru then focused his attention on Sasuke, and laughed: "Let me see now, how much is Uchiha's genius?"


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