Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1150: Amazing growth!

Feeling the coldness of the grasshopper sword passed from the throat, Dashe Wan knew that he had fallen under the eye of the writing wheel again.

He had played Uchiha to stop the water, Uchiha Shinichi, Uchiha Flame, Uchiha Itachi, and even the idea of ​​group possession, but without exception, all failed shamefully.

The name "Makiba Ninja" that he broke down in the battle of Ninja World was trampled by the writing eye again and again.

And this time, he lost to Uchiha Sasuke again!

"You kid ..."

Dashe Wan's eyes were condensed, and although he could not move because he was bound by illusion, the killing intention on his face continued to accumulate.

At the same time, he was surprised at the speed of progress.

You should know that Sasuke was a rookie that he could solve before the end of the half-year Sino-Ninja exam, and he was not a child worthy of his own shot.

I never thought that a Zhongnin exam would awaken Sasuke's kaleidoscope and write a round of eyes. One foot stepped into the film level, and he became a daunting existence.

Because of this, the cautious Dasumaru did not continue to allow Sasuke to grow, but deployed within a few months of Sasuke's Awakening Kaleidoscope writing round eye, and performed the hunt.

He thought that this time he made his own shots, and with the assistance of Jun Malu and their four people, he should have come to grips with Sasuke who had just awakened to write the kaleidoscope.

However, I did not expect that in just a few months, Sasuke, who awakened the kaleidoscope writing chakra, grew again. Not only did he have the eternal kaleidoscope writing chakra above the kaleidoscope writing chakra, but he also had a great grasp of the situation on the battlefield. improvement.

At this moment, Sasuke holding the sword against Dashe Wan's throat suddenly jumped to the side.

Rumble ...

The next moment, in the position he was just in, a pile of wooden sticks slammed from the ground with the sound of rumbling!

At the same time, Jun Maru, Bai, Yamato, and Chongwu successively flashed in front of Osumaru, guarding Osumaru who had hit illusion.

Holding the grasshopper sword grabbed from Dashewan, Sasuke swept Jun Malu, and Bai and said, "If you want to continue, I will stay with you to the end!"

At this time, Bai stepped forward to release the illusion for Dashe Wan, and Jun Malu looked at Dashe Wan, waiting for his order.

Although the snake snake that got rid of the illusion is very annoyed, but looking at the distance as if it is lively, I do n’t know when the **** organization 'Fire Demon' will be shot, and Sasuke, who is calm and calm, knows his hunting this time. If it fails, it will not only be meaningless to continue entanglement, but it will also cause unnecessary loss.

After weighing the pros and cons, he said in a somber tone: "Uchiha Sasuke, it seems that I look down on you!"

With that said, he lifted the psychic spirits of the filthy soil of the first and second generations, then gathered away the anger on his face, and picked up the corner of his mouth: "If you think you can kill me, you can try it!"


Sasuke snorted coldly.

Dashe Wan finally gave Sasuke a deep look, no longer entangled, turned around and took the four of them to leave.

Sasuke didn't go after him, but waited for Oshimaru and others to disappear into the field of vision, and immediately flew in front of Hyuga mirror, shouting eagerly: "Teacher, you have been following me!"

Hyuga faintly said, "It's a good performance."

Sasuke, who was praised, immediately frowned, and said proudly: "This is not the case with the big snake pill, one of the three forbearances, it's just a big name. It's really not great at all!"

Hyuga didn't answer.

Osumaru is obviously light-hearted this time. He should be thinking about directly occupying Sasuke's young body, so he did not come with Dou, otherwise, Sasuke will face Osumaru in ‘fairy mode’.

Coupled with his own appearance, he also restrained the four powerful vocal forbearance, which gave Sasuke a chance to win quickly.

And Dashe Wan didn't tell lies when she left.

Sasuke defeated Dashe Wan easily, but it is not so simple to kill Dashe Wan, because with the human body transformation of Dashe Wan, and the secret technique of "Dashe Wan flow substitute", Sasuke just chopped Dashe Wan It is also difficult to kill Dashe Wan in the skull. Even if the body of Dashe Wan is completely burned with 'Azhao', it may not be able to completely kill Dashe Wan.

Sasuke thought about it, and asked Hyuga mirror: "Teacher, were the two unbeatable monsters just now really the first and second generations of our Koba village?"


The sundial mirror nodded gently.

Sasuke was taken aback: "This ... how is this possible? Haven't the two adults died long ago?"

"The big snake pill uses a kind of forbidden technique called" Bad Earth Rebirth ", which explains the undead spirit's ability to pass from the underworld to the ninja world."

Sasuke was instantly furious: "Abominable, that **** dared to desecrate the souls of two Naruto adults!"

Unlike Sasuke, who was bitterly bitter and enmity in the original time and space, and only thought about revenge, because this time the Uchiha family was not destroyed, and the rebellion was suppressed by the hand of God's organization. The village and the Uchiha family did not turn their faces publicly, so Sasuke's sense of identification with the village is extremely high. When he thought of the rebellion of the big snake pill, the soul of the first generation and the undead of the second generation of Naruto, he instinctively became angry as the wooden leaf ninja.

After being angry for a while, Sasuke was a little puzzled again: "Teacher, if the two just now are really the first-generation and second-generation adults, how can they ..."

Hyuga mirror glanced at Sasuke: "Why do you want to say why they are so weak, and it was solved by your" Azure "?"

Sasuke nodded quickly.

Hyugamir slowly said, "It's just that Da She Wan has suppressed their consciousness for the sake of control, so that they are reduced to a walking dead that will only follow instructions. If Da She Wan completely releases control, their consciousness will return completely. You will be able to appreciate the strength of the "Ninja God" who calmed down the Warring States Period. "

The strength before the birth of the first generation ~ ~ was based on the Uchiha wave spot with the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel and the nine tails.

Therefore, if it is the best state of the filthy soil rebirth, the first generation is more than enough to deal with the current Sasuke, and coupled with a second generation that surpasses the ordinary film level, Sasuke is simply not enough.

Of course, it is impossible for Dashe Wan to achieve this point, because once the control is completely released, it will be difficult to say who the first and second generations will deal with first.

But then again, Sasuke's performance just made the Hyuga mirror a little eye-catching. The whole game responded cleanly and resolutely, showing his own advantages to the fullest. He also pierced the soft underbelly of Dashe Wan instantly. When Hyuga mirror came by himself, most of them could only do so.

"Is this talent? ..."


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