Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1151: Old grudges

The rapid growth of Sasuke's strength, although there is a component of the control of the sun mirror, but the decisive factor in it is Sasuke's own potential and talent.

If you want to change another ordinary Uchiha, no matter how hard you try, Hyuga will not achieve Sasuke's current achievements.

And it was confirmed that the two people who had been psychedelically from the big snake pill just came from the first generation of the wooden leaves. After the second generation of Naruto, Sasuke remembered the second generation of Naruto's evaluation of himself.

Immediately, he asked with a puzzled expression: "Teacher, why does the second generation of Naruto say that my Chakra is evil? I can feel that he has a clear hostility towards me, but I have never met him before Yeah! "

Hyuga mirror groaned a little, and decided to tell Sasuke the truth: "The reason why the second generation of Naruto targeted you is related to the departure of Uchiha's spot."

Then, he changed Uchiha's spot because of his disagreement with the early generations. The betrayal village and the renegade left Koba alone, and after a few years, he controlled the nine-tailed attack on Koba, and the old thing of starting a decisive battle in the Valley of Termination, briefly Tell it again.

When he heard Hyuga ’s introduction of Uchiha's strength, Sasuke suddenly exclaimed: "What !? Uchiha has already had the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and also controls the nine tails? Then ... what about him? Isn't the world invincible? "

Sasuke used his own person to feel that in a time when there was neither a 'God Organization' nor a 'Dawn Organization', the Uchiha Spots with the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel and the Nine-Tailed Waves should be unmatched.

Hyuga mirrored calmly: "Without the first generation, Uchiha's spot at that time would indeed be called invincible."

Sasuke was shocked: "The original Naruto Lord was so powerful? Can he defeat Uchiha's spot with the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and the nine tail ?!"

"Well, that end of the Battle of the Valley was ended with the death of Uchiha's spot." After a pause, Hyuga went on to say, "But the first generation of Naruto suffered some injuries in that battle. He died after a few years, so the second-generation Naruto has a very big prejudice against the Uchiha family and a deep fear. "

Sasuke then said with relief: "It turned out that there was still such a grudge. No wonder the Uchiha spot is rarely mentioned in the clan."

To this day, Xiang Jing will no longer talk deeply.

The reason why he mentioned these old things with Sasuke was mainly that he did not want Sasuke to have resistance or hostility to the village because of the second-generation Naruto's prejudice.

After all, Sasuke is young and vigorous at this time, and has just won the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. His strength is steadily beyond the ordinary film level. In addition, the Uchiha family is easy to go to extremes, so for some potential hidden dangers, The sun mirror must not be taken lightly, otherwise, if the hard-cultivated strength was taken away by the enemy, it would be ridiculous.

Leaving aside what he just said, Sasuke asked Curiously to Hyuga: "Teacher, have you been following me all the way?"

As he asked, his eyes were still glancing at the hands of Hyuga from time to time. When he noticed that Hyuga had no new gloves on his hands, he glanced subconsciously at the pair that he had given him. There was a flash of joy in his eyes when he took the leather gloves on his hands.

Hyuga didn't answer Sasuke's question, his body fluttered, and he flew away in the direction of Koba.

Seeing the day toward the mirror towards the village, Sasuke stunned and quickly chased up.

"Are you going to the village too?"

"Did you know that I have successfully incorporated my father's kaleidoscope writing eye, and have the eternal kaleidoscope writing eye! I feel my pupil strength has improved a lot. If you test me again, I will not let you down of..."

"By the way, before joining the moon, I also joined the divine organization. Now, like you, the code name is 'Flame Demon', and I have the same cape and mask as you ..."

Behind Hyuga, Sasuke kept talking.

It seemed that it was difficult to find an object that could be talked about, and wanted to shed the boringness and boredom of the fusion of pupil power for more than two months, pouring out a brain.

Sun Xiangjing didn't make any noise, and ignored Sasuke's confession. After Sasuke was a little quieter, he asked coldly, "Nothing can be reported to Muye."

Sasuke took a moment to respond before he responded: "Do you mean things about Osumaru and Otomura?"

Had it not been for seeing Jun Maru with his own eyes, the Bai people were standing respectfully behind Dashemaru, and he would not have imagined that Yin Rencun, an iron ally who had signed an alliance agreement with Muye, would have the controller of his back as a wood Ye Renren's Great Snake Pill.

Hyuga nodded his head: "Well, there are other arrangements for the organization of Osumaru and Okinawa Village. Don't get involved."

He was ready to collect the Dashemaru forces after the ceremony was successful, so at this time he didn't want to have extravagant branches.

After all, if you let the five big forbearance villages know that there is a big snake pill behind the sound of forbearance village, it will likely cause many disputes, and this is a completely unnecessary variable for him who is currently seeking stability.


Sasuke agreed without hesitation.

Anyway, in his opinion, the village's strong man is like a cloud, and he also cooperates with God's organization. Dashewan, his own defeat, can't find any waves at all.

Both of them are extremely fast, and the shuttle between the forests is like a ghost. Often, it only takes a few rises and falls to cross a large forest, so it takes a few days, but the two arrived outside Muye Village before night.

Looking at the outer wall of the wooden leaves not far away, Sasuke asked, "Teacher, what's the matter with you when you come to the village, can I help you?"

Sun Xiangjing said, "I don't need you to worry about my business. You have been away from home for a long time. Go home."

Sasuke did miss her family ~ ~ and nodded: "Well, if you have any needs, you can come to our Uchiha family directly to find me!"

Sun Xiangjing stopped talking, and his body fluttered over the village's outer wall, disappearing into the village of Muye under the night.

Staring at the figure that Hyuga mirror left, Sasuke secretly shouted: "The teacher should come to the village to talk about cooperation with the Five Generations this time, and I hope nothing unexpected happens."

Immediately, Sasuke shook his head and smiled again: "With the strength of the teacher, why don't I need to worry about it, I'll go home first! Tell my father, mother, and brother them the good news that I successfully integrated the eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes!"

Having made up his mind, Sasuke, holding a grasshopper sword, also launched the ‘Instantaneous Technique’ and sneaked into the village.

He didn't know now that he had been allowed by the village this time out, so he was worried about the village's investigation, so he sneaked all the way, deliberately avoided the ninja patrolled by the village, and secretly returned to the Uchiha clan ...


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