Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1152: Must find a way to stop him!

These two months of Sasuke's beatings and crimes were obviously not in vain.

After a few days of training with Sunview Mirror, his abilities have been greatly improved in all aspects, even perception and stealth. With the cover of deep night, he has hidden all the patrols in the village, and the village is heavily guarded. The defense seemed to be empty in front of him, allowing him to sneak back to the Uchiha clan quietly.

Returning to the patriarch's mansion, Sasuke could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart and rushed straight to the parents' home in the backyard: "Father, mother, I am back!"

When Uchiha Mikoto heard the sound, she immediately greeted her. After seeing Sasuke, she did not ask about the eternal kaleidoscope to write the chakras. Instead, she carefully looked up and down and said with a smile, "Grow tall."

The room.

Uchiha Fuyue was sitting cross-legged with his arms crossed on his chest. Although his face was still the same serious expression, his attitude of listening to his ears completely exposed his mood at the moment.

Itachi at home also heard the sound of rushing over, watching a sharp, sharp Sasuke, he smiled slightly.

Soon, the family returned to the house.

Sasuke salutes respectfully to the rich man sitting above him, saying, "Father, I have successfully integrated your kaleidoscope writing eye, and got the legendary eternal kaleidoscope writing eye. It's up! "

After speaking, Sasuke raised his head and opened the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel in his eyes.

Staring at the complex pattern of the six-pointed star and the three-bladed shuriken on Sasuke's eye, the mother Meiqin said, "Is this the eternal kaleidoscope?

Itachi also carefully observed Sasuke's new and eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes, and said with emotion: "What a powerful pupil!"

There is no doubt that with the ferret's perception ability, you can feel how powerful the pupils of Sasuke's pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheels do not need to fight.

Sasuke laughed: "It took more than two months to integrate this pair of writing chakras!"

Meiqin breathed a long sigh of relief: "God's organization really did."

Prior to this, Meiqin was still a bit worried, fearing that God's organization would make an appointment. Now Sasuke returned with the eternal kaleidoscope to write the chakras, and all her worries naturally disappeared.

Fu Yue, with a stern face, also showed a reassuring expression at this moment.

Seeing Fuyue's eyes closed, Sasuke said with some guilt: "Father, I have merged your writing wheel eye, and you have lost the light forever, I ..."

Before Sasuke finished speaking, Fu Yue slowly opened her eyes, revealing the scarlet eyes inside.

Sasuke was taken aback: "Father, are you ...?!"

Fu Yue stared at the eternal kaleidoscope in Sasuke's eyes, writing chakras, as if admiring his own eyes, with a little pride in his face.

Itachi on the side explained, "During the time you left, your father has undergone a transplant operation and transplanted a pair of pendant eyes with three hooks, so you don't need to have any mental burden at all."

In the night of Uchiha's rebellion, Shizumi and Shinichi eliminated the radicals in the clan, and got a lot of trigrams.

Now that the situation has stabilized, the radicals of the Uchiha family have been completely wiped out, and Fuyue has given up the idea of ​​competing for the position of Naruto, so after reporting to the advisory elders group, Tsunade personally transplanted the pair of writing chakras for Fuyue .

Of course, considering that he has presided over the rebellion and that the patriarch's position has been passed to Itachi, the rich man who has regained the light still maintains a state of retreat.


Sasuke finally let go of the stone in his heart.

Before that, although he was very excited to get the eternal kaleidoscope to write the chakras, he felt deep guilt in his heart and felt that the power he had gained was at the cost of his father's blindness.

Now that his father had regained his light, the guilt in his heart gradually dissipated.

Uh ...

Just then, with the sound of two empty sounds, Zhishui and Zhen came together, rushing into the house and shouting: "Itachi, 'Flame Demon' appeared in the village!"


Itachi staggered slightly.

Of the four 'Flames' in the organization, three are here. The 'Flames' referred to by Zhishui and Zhenyi is undoubtedly Uchiha.

Sasuke looked, and asked hurriedly, "Where is she?"

Like Itachi, Sasuke also immediately judged the stop of the water. Who is the 'Yanmo' in the real sip, because he returned to the village with 'Yanmo'.

"Sasuke, did you succeed?"

Stop the water, Shinichi noticed the eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes in Sasuke's eyes.

Because the pattern of writing the eye of the kaleidoscope of the eternal kaleidoscope is much more complicated than the writing of the eye of the kaleidoscope of the ordinary kaleidoscope, and the two of them are clearly aware of the pattern of writing the eye of the kaleidoscope, so they only immediately glanced at the moment and determined , Is no longer the pair of ordinary kaleidoscopes written before.

Sasuke just nodded arbitrarily, admitting to stop the water, Shinichi guessed, and then brought the topic back to 'Yan Mo' and asked, "What happened to Yen Mo, where is she?"

Seeing Sasuke so concerned about the whereabouts of the 'Flame Demon', Itachi and Shisui, one or three of them looked at each other, and there was a hint of anxiety in their eyes.

Apparently, they thought that Sasuke still hated God's organization as before!

In addition, today's Sasuke already has the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the pupil strength has skyrocketed, and his strength has risen sharply. Now even a few of them are not sure whether they can suppress Sasuke before they fight. Bo Yan started to work, it may cause a lot of trouble.

With the insight that now has the eternal kaleidoscope of writing round eyes, Sasuke naturally also noticed the weird, stop the water, and the exchange of the eyes of the three people, suddenly secretly said: "Well, brother, stop the water brother, really one brother. Want to hit the teacher? "

As soon as this idea flashed through ~ ~ Sasuke was shocked, and he secretly analyzed: "Yeah, the teacher participated in the last attack on the family, and also defeated Zhishui and Zhenyi. With brothers' pride, how could they be completely indifferent to this! "

Thinking of the grievances between the teacher and Uchiha's family, especially the last time the teacher defeated Zhishui, it is true that Sasuke is more resolute in his own judgment.

Considering that the elder brother Itachi has now awakened the kaleidoscope writing chakra, and he himself has the legendary eternal kaleidoscope writing chakra, the Uchiha family has already had an amazing pair of eternal eyes plus three double kaleidoscopes. The strength comparison is Four to one, no matter how you calculate the battle, the odds are extremely high!

"You must find a way to stop him!"

"You must find a way to stop them!"

Then, the two sides looked at each other, and each other secretly made up their minds ...


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