Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1157: Sticking point

He Xiangjing didn't know that after he left, everyone in the conference room was studying and analyzing him from clues, but even if he knew, he didn't care.

Anyway, his firefly clone was cloned by himself. No one knows the root. It is basically impossible to find clues through conventional methods.

After leaving the Naruto building, he kept walking and dived out of the village. After confirming that there were no people around in a secluded forest outside the village, he changed back to the Yin Yin deity, and then quietly sneaked into the village again.

In the early morning of the next day, he had already accepted the memory of the shadow avatar. As usual, he went to the Naruto building to make an appearance, and then came to a driving range in the village, and found Naruto who was guiding there, Ningji, Xiaoli A few Kay.


Seeing that Hyuga came over, Naruto, Ningji quickly greeted him, and saluted him respectfully.


Hyuga mirror smiled and nodded.

Through the memories of the recovered shadow avatar, he knew that these two months because Kakashi was practicing by himself and Sasuke had gone out, so Naruto and Sakura had followed Ningji's class and received Kai's guidance.

It happens that Naruto who has mastered the "Nine-tailed Chakra Mode" has been comprehensively improved in terms of strength, speed, and perception. It is time to polish the body, so the two months of physical training seems very boring, but The improvement of Naruto's strength is very significant.

It can be said that it has consolidated Naruto's foundation in physical surgery and laid a stronger foundation for his future development.

With the stimulation of Naruto, Ningji and Xiaoli's practice efficiency has also improved a lot. From their mental appearance, we can see that they have not been lazy in these two months.

Just by comparison with Naruto, the progress of the two of them is not on the stage.

As far as Hyuga knows, today's Naruto can easily suppress Ningji's cooperation with Xiaoli. If Naruto goes all out, Ningji and Xiaoli are likely to be knocked down instantly.

But this is a matter of course.

Naruto in the "Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode" is a real movie-level powerhouse. Sasuke, who writes the kaleidoscope, is not his opponent, let alone Ning Ci and Xiao Li.

In fact, as long as they don't compare with Naruto and Sasuke, then Ning Ci and Xiao Li are still very good.

The two of them, who are only fourteen years old, now almost have the ability to be particularly tolerant. With the outbreak of 'Eight Doors', their strength can even be more tolerant.

At this age, this is already a remarkable achievement.

After briefly asking the Naruto, after Ning Ci's progress in practice, Nichigami sent them away, then came to Kay, called Kay aside, and opened the door to explain his intention.

After listening, Kay was a little puzzled: "You are like this, Kakashi is also like this, what is wrong with you two, why are you so anxious to practice‘ Eight Doors ’?”

Hyuga asked: "Kakashi has also looked for you?"

Kay nodded: "Well, he asked me a while ago about how to hit the seventh 'Shock Door'."

Hyuga mirror whispered in secret: "Kakashi is also attacking the" shock door "? It seems that things with soil are not exciting for him!"

Undoubtedly, with the constitution of Kakashi Africa's large tube wood, the first six gates can be completed in such a short period of time, and the last 'shock gate' before the 'dead gate' is officially shocked. Things, gave him the motivation to desperate.

Seeing Hyuga mirror groaning, Kay asked, "What happened?"

Hyuga mirror smiled: "Relax, it's not a big deal."

The identity of the band is still confidential, and the village does not want to announce to the public that the masked person in the Xiao organization was a wooden leaf ninja, so even Kay is blinded.

Unlike Kakashi, he hits the 'shock gate' for the upcoming 'blood following fusion ceremony', so there is no need to talk to Kai Yanming.

Soon, the two came to another driving range.

Kaili said on the scene: "I do n’t know what to do. I ’d better show you directly. You have white eyes and have already cultivated to the sixth door," Jingmen ". You should be able to understand it at a glance. "

"it is good!"

Sun Hyuga retreated two steps and opened his eyes.


With a surge of air waves, Kay immediately launched the ‘Eight Doors’ and opened the door by door, from the first door ’Open Door to the seventh Door’ Shock Door!

The glance of Hyuga mirror.

Kai opened the door quickly and smoothly. Even the seventh door, 'Shocking Door', seemed to open instantly, almost without any hindrance.

At the same time, he found little change in Chakra flow in Kay.

From the opening of the first door to the end of the opening of the seventh door, Chakra's flow was normal and direct, which also accorded with the characteristics of the ‘Eight Door Armor’ steel fist flow.

"Well, is there really no hidden skill? Then why can't I open the 'Shock Door'?"

Suddenly, Sun Xiangjing was suspicious of sinus clusters.

After a while, Kai lifted the 'Eight Gates Armor'. After all, even for him, it was difficult to maintain the seven doors open for a long time. This was because he stood still and did not launch an attack. Otherwise, he really wanted to open the seven doors. And used in battle, after that his body will inevitably fall into extreme weakness, and may even be seriously injured.

After exhaling, Kay asked, "Mirror, do you understand?"

Sunview mirror frowned: "You are in the state of shocking 'Shock Gate', which is almost exactly the same as described on the mystery scroll, but I cannot open the shock door according to the description on the scroll."

Kay wondered, "How can this be?"

"The amount of chakras when I try is not less than what you just did. You can open the 'shock door', and logically I should be able to open it."

Kay recalled, saying, "Kakashi's situation seems to be the same as you."

"Oh?" He paused and asked Hyuga mirror: "So what does he think?"

Kay replied: "He analyzed it for a long time and then told me that there might be something wrong with his mentality ~ ~ He was too impatient."

"Mindset !?"

Hyuga mirror for a moment, then suddenly realized.

He always knew that when practicing ‘Eight Doors’, his mentality was very important, but because the previous practice was very smooth, he gradually ignored this.

Now Kay reminds him that he immediately understands his crux.

If Kakashika is too irritable when he is in the "Shock Gate", then he is stuck in the "Shock Gate", which is undoubtedly his mentality when he hits the "Shock Gate".

He regarded the ‘eight-gate armor’ as a part of the ritual. He lacked the determination and determination in the heart, so every time he stepped in the door, he would fail ...


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