"I should have thought that Kay, his father, and Xiaoli in the future are not ninjas who focus on skills. In terms of the subtle control of Chakra, they are not even as good as many ordinary ninja-type ninjas, but they all have Being able to cultivate the 'eight-gate armor' to its peak shows that the 'eight-gate armor' does not require such delicate skills, what it really needs is day-to-day hard work and determination to go forward ... "

He suddenly realized that he wanted to understand the crux of the sun.

In fact, he has always known these reasons, but the previous smoothness made him a little impetuous, and he didn't settle down to analyze carefully, and moved the habit of scientific research to the practice of ‘Bamen Jiajia’.

However, 'Eight Door Armor' is the mystery of steel fist flow, and it doesn't need too many twists and turns.

You must know that Matte, Matteka, the father and son who practiced the "eight-door armor" to the highest level, but even the ordinary Ninjutsu show, they have a difficult crane tail, and Xiao Li, their successor, It is a ninjutsu idiot.

But this does not prevent them from practicing ‘Eight Doors’, so from this point alone, we can see that ‘Eight Doors’ is not about skill, but confidence, perseverance, and even determination!

"I never thought I would make this kind of low-level mistake ..."

Shaking his head, Hyuga mirror secretly reviewed.

He had corrected Ningji more than once because of this, but when it really fell on him, he also made almost the same mistakes as Ningci.

Then he sighed and yelled, "Is it because of the approaching ceremony?"

In the review, he found that he was really agitated and less calm in the past, and this was probably due to the approaching ceremony.

After all, for this ceremony leading to the peak, he took great pains to prepare for the next 13 to 14 years. Now it seems to be ready. Even with his mind, he will inevitably feel uneasy.

The emotions of anger, irritability, quick success and immediate benefit, in fact, are all caused by this trance.

"After all, I'm still afraid of failure!"

Hyuga clearly knows how eager he is for success and how fearful he is of failure, and he also finds that he is not as calm as he looks, he just keeps trying to cover up and does not want to show his worry about failure.

After lingering for a long time, Kayoshi smiled to the side and said, "Kay, thank you so much this time."

"Uh?" He froze, and Kay said, "I don't seem to be of any help!"

He patted Kai's shoulder, and Sun Xiangjing said, "No, you have done me a favor."

Kai's face was a little weird: "Kakashi also said that before, what's the matter with you?"

Sun Xiangjing smiled, didn't say much, then walked away from his body, and rushed to the secret driving range in the backyard of the ninja school.

After opening the enchantment around him, the sun-viewing mirror standing in the field stared into the sky with clear eyes: "Afraid and afraid, it is not a shame. The stairs to the top are so easy to climb. Fear only interferes with judgment and allows you to ignore the real danger, and only when you face up to your weakness can you keep your brain awake enough! "

After exhaling lightly, Hyuga mirror retracted his gaze.

Then, he took away the complicated thoughts one by one, completely emptied his thoughts, forgot about the utilitarian heart that shocked the 'shock door', forgot the irritability of previous failures, and even forgot the ritual that had been entangled in his heart, and devoted himself wholeheartedly. In the practice of 'Eight Doors' Armor'.

Uh ...

Soon, there were a few muffled sounds in the driving range, as if they were re-emphasizing the soul, and the accompanying wind howling!


In another driving range.

Naruto, who was fighting Ningji, Xiao Li, turned his head suddenly and looked into the distance.

Ning Ci, Xiao Li stopped and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

As soon as their words ended, they found the direction Naruto was looking at, a figure was walking slowly, and after a closer look, they were surprised to find that the caller went out without a word and traveled for more than two months. .

At this time, Sakura on the sidelines also noticed Sasuke coming and immediately greeted her with excitement: "Sasuke, you are finally back. Do you know how much everyone is worried about you? If you go out and travel, why do n’t you tell us? A cry? We are teammates in the same class! "

Several Naruto in the field also gathered.

When they approached, they found that Sasuke had changed dramatically from two months ago. Whether it was Chakra's feeling or temperament, it was very different from before.

Today's Sasuke, Chakra feels very cold.

This makes the original Sasuke like to be cool, even if it is not deliberately installed, it also looks very cold, exuding cold and sharp temperament all over his body.

In addition, they also found that Sasuke was dressed differently than before.

Although Sasuke used to be very particular about how to dress and dress, but that is the standard of the children of the giants. At the moment, Sasuke is wearing gloves and boots on his feet. His body is almost wrapped in clothing with his waist still inserted. With a long sword, it looked mysterious.

Sasuke glanced at a few people and finally set his sights on Naruto.

Naruto asked Sasuke's eyes, "Sasuke, where have you been traveling for the past two months?"

Sasuke did not answer Naruto's question, but instead asked, "Where's Teacher Kakashi?"

Naruto scratched his head: "Maybe it's somewhere in the driving range in the village. After you leave, Teacher Kakashi is practicing alone this time, and I don't know where he is now!"

Sakura thought about it and hurriedly replied: "I heard Master Tsunade said that Teacher Kakashi seems to be transplanting his eyes today, so he should be in the hospital now."

Sasuke nodded his head slightly, then turned around and walked towards Muye Hospital.

Ningji asked, "Sasuke, don't you train with us?"

Sasuke looked back at Ningji, then turned his eyes to Naruto, and said, "No."

Having said that, without waiting for Ningji, Naruto said nothing, he directly launched ‘Instantaneous Art ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and disappeared in front of everyone.

Holding Sakura every day and whispering, "Sakura, Sasuke seems to be handsome!"

Sakura looked at the place where Sasuke disappeared, and nodded again and again.

Xiao Li asked in wonder: "Did you feel that Sasuke has changed?"

Naruto said, "Well, his Chakra has become a lot stronger!"


Ning Ci sighed softly.

Compared with simple Naruto and Xiao Li, he can clearly feel the alienation in Sasuke's body and Sasuke's contempt for him. Sasuke, who regarded him as a strong enemy, is no longer there. Maybe Naruto is the only enemy left ...


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