Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1159: Porting and challenges

Wood Leaf Hospital.

Having prepared all the surgical instruments, Tsunade said to Kakashi lying on the operating table: "This is just a minor operation, you don't have to be too nervous."

Kakashi nodded.

With the reconciliation of the Naruto Department and the Uchiha clan, the two sides gradually began to cooperate.

Prior to Fuyue's transplantation of writing round eyes, Tsunade personally manipulated it. In order to thank Tsunade, he knew that Kakashi was seeking to restore the left eye of Fuyue. On behalf of the Uchiha family, he presented a three hook jade writing round eye .

This is also the origin of today's transplant operation.

Tsunade originally planned to cultivate a left eye and transplant it for Kakashi, but ordinary eyes are obviously not comparable to the three-handed jade writing round eyes.

Kakashi, who is already accustomed to writing chakras in a kaleidoscope, bears nothing for writing a three-hook jade to write chakras, so there is no need to consider, Kakashi accepted the goodwill of the Uchiha family.

Because he knew very well that the lack of an eye placed too much restriction on his strength.

His main methods of attack now are 'Rachel', 'Flying Thundercraft', and 'Eight Door Armor', and these need to be combined with superb insight to show their true power, so a three-hook jade writes For him, the wheel eye is a treasure that can really enhance his great strength in an instant.

And in order to prevent his close friend from taking soil, he must have stronger strength, because he has a hunch, the next time I meet again, I am afraid that is the real decisive battle!

After a while, Tsunade said, "Okay, the operation is done."

As expected, the operation went smoothly.

After the development of medical ninjutsu, the transplant operation became very simple. In the harsh environment on the battlefield, Nohara Hara helped Kakashi successfully transplant the eyelet, let alone stand in medical ninjutsu. Tsunade on top.

Kakashi sat up from the operating table and began to get used to the eyelet she just got.

On the side of the hand, Tsunade organized the surgical instruments and instructed: "You are not the first time to transplant your eyes. I do n’t have much nonsense about those things that need attention, but you have to remember that even if you have a long period of time, The experience of adapting to writing eye-wheels must be sufficiently alert to the use of writing eye-wheels! "

Kakashi shouted, "I understand."

After pondering for a while, Tsunade also said, "You are not a member of Uchiha's family, nor the physique of our Chishou tribe. It is difficult to maximize the power of the writing eye, so I suggest that you try to cultivate the" yin seal " . "

Kakashi was a little surprised: "What, practice the" yin seal "?!"

Tsunade glanced at Kakashi: "Why, hasn't Jing mentioned it to you?"

Kakashi shook her head.

"The mirror guy really kept his mouth shut as I asked, which was a bit unexpected to me!" After a smirk, Tsunade explained: "The mirror has improved the" yin seal "and created a male ninja. You can also practice the version. You can try to train that version of the "yin seal". "

Kakashi asked, "Does it work?"

Gang pointed his finger at him: "You don't need to doubt this point. The" yin seal "can improve the practitioner's physique comprehensively. It's more than just storing Chakra. It ’s me, the mirror, and the **** organization 'Flame ', Have cultivated the' yin seal ', and the effect should be clear to you. "

Kakashi thought for a while, then nodded.

Now as long as he can improve his strength, he is willing to give it a try no matter what he tries, because he no longer wants to feel the sense of weakness that can't be stopped and nothing can be changed.

As soon as he stepped out of the gate of Muye Hospital, Kakashi met Sasuke who came over.

Last night, Kakashi knew that Sasuke had returned to the village, so I was not too surprised, but I took a serious look at Sasuke and said casually, "Here you are."

Sasuke glanced at the blindfold on Kakashi's left eye: "Mr. Kakashi, I want to challenge you."

Sasuke, who returned to the village, thought about it overnight, and finally decided to start the challenge from Kakashi first.

He knows Naruto ’s strength, knowing that Naruto did not use his full strength in previous battles, so even now he has the eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes, and he has not completely defeated Naruto ’s grasp.

Kakashi, who was a little surprised, said, "Just right, I also want to find someone to test the effect of the newly transplanted eye."

"Transplant the writing eye?"

Sasuke frowned slightly.

He knew that Kakashi would transplant an eye today, and he just sensed that there was a chakra fluctuation under the blindfold of Kakashi's left eye, but he did not expect that Kakashi transplanted the writing wheel of the Uchiha family.

Kakashi explained, "Well, it's a three-hook jade pendant that your father gave me."

As soon as he heard it from his father, Sasuke no longer struggled and said, "Let's go."

After a while, the two came to a remote driving range.

Kakashi opened his blindfold, revealing the scarlet three-hook jade writing wheel eye, and then said, "Sasuke, I can feel that Chakra on your body has become a lot stronger. It seems that this time you go out, you grow A lot. "

Sasuke supported the hilt on his waist and said lightly, "Mr. Kakashi, you'd better go all out, otherwise you might lose a lot!"

Listening to Sasuke's confident words, Kakashi froze, and then cursed with a smile: "You little devil!"

Before the words fell, he disappeared ‘唰’ in one place. Then, countless sharp sounds like thousands of birds screaming, echoed over the driving range.

Sasuke picked out the corner of his mouth, and his shape disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, there were numerous afterimages in the entire driving range, as well as the continuous flashing arc, accompanied by the sound of metal impacts and the whistling of the wind from time to time!

Kakashi and Sasuke are undoubtedly a type of ninja, UU reading books www. uukanshu. com has an innate talent by nature, and can naturally combine body and ninjutsu to perform a smooth and aggressive offensive.

Both teachers and apprentices, as well as geniuses, simply skipped the process of mutual temptation and took it seriously from the beginning.

After a fierce battle, Kakashi secretly panicked.

He knew that Sasuke was strong, but he never expected that Sasuke would be so strong after going out for a lap. Even kaleidoscope writing rounds was useless, and he could resist his offensive.

Similarly, Sasuke was surprised.

He thought that with his current strength, even if he didn't write the eye-eye pupil of the kaleidoscope, he should be able to defeat the Kakashi level ninja. After doing it, he found that Kakashi was far more difficult than he thought. And he knows that Kakashi has many backhands that are useless ...


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