Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1169: Son of Osumaru

Inside the Naruto office.

Zi Lai also stared at Yueyue up and down and looked several times before asking with an incredible look: "He ... he is really the son of Osumaru?"


Hyundai nodded solemnly.

Tsunade looked weird: "Mirror, this joke is not funny at all."

Without further explanation, Sun Xiangjing asked in front of the crowd: "Who are you, Dashe Wan?"

Haoyue obediently replied: "Dashemaru is my father."

Hyuga mirror spread his hands toward the crowd.

Now, even three generations can't sit still. They got in front of Yueyue and observed for a long time before they said, "Yes, between the eyebrows, there really is a shadow of Dashe Wan when he was a kid."

The three generations have said so, and since they have nothing to say about Tsunade, but even so, they still ca n’t believe that people like Osumaru have a son, and how weird their expressions can be.

"Da Snake Pill should have been unsatisfactory these years. After defecting from the village, he joined the Xiao organization, and then defected from the Xiao organization. He was chased and killed by the Xiao organization three or four times, and has been living in the wolverines of Tibet. .. "

Sun Xiangjing talked about the tragic situation of Dashewan, describing Dashewan as a rebellious endless wandering in the realm of ninja, impoverished and impoverished.

That's a miserable!

After listening to the description of Hyuga, the three generations were silent, either from the point of view or from Tsunade.

Apparently, they believed what Hyuga was saying.

This is not that they have no discernment ability, but that Xiao organization has given them too much psychological pressure. If it was not God ’s organization to intervene, the five big Ninja villages would have been leveled up by the Xiao organization. The five big Ninja villages are still so, so they use I have saved people, and I feel that it is not easy for Dashe Wan, who was chased and killed by Xiao organization, to survive.

As a teacher and teammate of Oshimaru, their affection for Oshimaru is very sincere. If it were not for this relationship, Koba would not let Oshimaru take no action for so long.

Taking the crowd's reactions into account, Hyuga went on to say: "I have finally reached Dashe Wan through special channels recently, and told him the village's decision, but he seems to have some doubts."

Tsunade suddenly frowned: "The village agreed to blame the past. What more doubts does he have?"

"Maybe it's because they can't get the understanding of other people in the village, maybe it's because Xiao's pursuit of him will be implicated in the village, anyway, he's still a little determined." He paused, and pointed to Yue Yue. : "But Yueyue is his own flesh and blood. He really can't bear to take Yueyue with him and follow him to face Xiao organization's pursuit, so he asked me to bring him back to the village."

He also rubbed his head and said, "Since it is the son of Dashemaru, I, as an uncle, can't sit still and follow me after Lei Yue."

Sun Xiangjing shook his head: "In order to avoid the assault of Xiao organization, Dashemaru doesn't want Miyuki to be exposed as his son, so let Miyuki live in the village as an ordinary ninja."

Three generations took a cigarette and nodded.

Since being a consultant elder in the village, he is also one of the three leaves of Muye. His identity is too sensitive. If a young man suddenly appears around him, it is too eye-catching.

Hyuga mirror pretended to say casually: "Or let Miyue join Kakashi Band, anyway Kakashi watched, it should be fine."

Turning to bed Xiaochun immediately opposed: "I'm against, how can Daemaru's son work with Naruto? Don't forget that Daemaru has attacked Naruto!"

Rixiang Jing smiled: "Because of this, it should be arranged like this. With the addition of Yueyue, Dashe Wan casts a mouse bogey device, but dares not to nag people's ideas."

Kakashi, who has not been quiet, said, "In fact, you don't have to worry too much about the threat of Osumaru. Naruto and Sasuke are not children anymore."

He also echoed: "Yeah, even me, I'm not sure about winning those two boys now."

Mastering Naruto of the "Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode" and Sasuke with a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, both have film-level strength. The only thing that may be lacking is some actual combat experience, so even if it is self-contained, now I dare not say that they can be easily taken down.

The three generations thought about it, and felt that Naruto, who has far more strength than his peers, Sasuke was monitoring the nearest month, so it was a good idea to contain Dashe Wan, so he said, "That's it."

Seeing everyone agreed, Xiaochun had nodded after turning to bed.

After handing over the moon to Kakashi, Hikaru left the Naruto building, pondering: "I've done what the Seramaru wants me to do anyway. As for the means, with his pragmatic personality, I should not pay too much attention Well, after all, compared to that, Yueyue is indeed his son, and I didn't tell a lie! "

In this month, Hyuga is not ready to waste any more energy.

No matter what kind of ghost idea Daemaru is fighting, he doesn't care much, because Naruto and Sasuke have grown up ahead of him. In the future, they will only get stronger and stronger, and it will be amazing. Difficult to adapt.

So no matter what the idea of ​​Dashe Wan, it's too late now.

Of course, in order to avoid accidents, he will later use the name of the God Organization to send Sasuke a secret task to monitor Lei Yue, and as long as Sasuke is prepared, there are not many people who can conceal him at present.

Back at home, Hyuga mirror took out the scroll that recorded the "Soul of Transmigration" traded from Osumaru, and studied it carefully.

With his current strength, it is actually not difficult to learn the ‘Blood Reincarnation Technique’.

The real difficulty is that no matter how thorough he eats the theoretical knowledge, he still needs to actually operate it again to confirm whether he has really mastered it.

And the "Bad Earth Rebirth" is different from the ordinary one ~ ~ It can't be practiced by just finding a driving range.

"Who will practice it?"

With his chin supported, the sundial mirror was a little tangled.

For a moment, he didn't know if he should find a corpse casually to practice the ‘Bad Earth Rebirth’ or use this opportunity to ‘Bad Earth Rebirth’ some useful dead person.

After thinking about it for a while, he found that there didn't seem to be any dead, and it was worthwhile for him to specialize in "rebirth."

In addition, his practice of filthy soil reincarnation must be kept strictly confidential. If someone arbitrarily filthy soil reincarnate, then he still needs to destroy the dead body, or even obliterate the other person's spirit, which is very troublesome.


Just then, he turned his thoughts and suddenly remembered someone ...


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