Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1170: Blur the line between life and death

Walking slowly in the dark passage, Zhen had some doubts on his face. He didn't understand why Hyuga mirror called him here late at night.

After a while, Shinichi, who had passed through the zigzag passageway, finally came to the brightly lit hall, and he was greeted by the sun mirror that was studying at the table, and a freezer in the center of the hall.

Immediately stared.

He was very familiar with this freezer, because it contained nothing else, but the body of his girlfriend Uchiha Yuibo who wanted to be resurrected.

At this time, Hyuga mirror looked up and glanced at some sacred truth: "Here it is!"

Zhen Yi looked puzzled: "Boss, are you ...?"

Sunward Mirror slowly closed the scroll of the filth soil rebirth, got up and went to the freezer, and said, "Remember our first transaction?"

Really nodded: "Well, I have been working for your boss for fifteen years, and you helped me to revive the yuie."

Sun Xiangjing said with emotion: "Counting the days, there is not much time left for the fifteen year period."

Naruto and Sasuke were two or three-year-olds when they really defected. At a blink of an eye, Naruto and Sasuke are now 13 or 14 years old, and more than ten years have passed.

Shinichi also walked to the freezer, looking at his girlfriend under the glass cover of the freezer, and said, "How time flies!"

By now, he is no longer entangled with the fifteen-year deadline. Even if the time limit is exceeded, he will not try to force the Sunward Mirror, because he believes that the Sunward Mirror will never forget his promise to him.

Hyuga mirror said at this time: "At present I have no way to resurrect her perfectly, but I have recently mastered a technique that can revive her spirit ..."

Speaking of Hyuga, he explained the situation of the filthy soil rebirth in detail with Shinichi.

I heard the words for a moment and fell into a tangled state.

Obviously, ‘Bad Earth Rebirth’ is not a real resurrection, it ’s at best a ‘recruitment’, so Zhenyi is both agitated and full of doubts.

"I just offer advice. It's up to you!"

Hyuga didn't urge, and when she finished speaking, she stepped aside and let Zhenyi think about it.

Shinichi asked: "Boss, is this the only way?"

Hyuga shook his head: "No, this is only a temporary solution, and I will revive her completely afterwards."

Really relieved, she asked again: "Will this affect her complete resurrection?"

"will not!"

Because Uchiha ’s corpse is well-preserved and can be used directly as a sacrifice, Hyuga ’s plan is to use Uchiha ’s corpse as a filth, to allow Uchiha ’s corpse to return to herself. In the body.

Moreover, this does not affect the resurrection of the ‘reincarnate innate technique’ in the future. The Uchi wave spots that were transformed into the filthy soil in the original space are directly resurrected through the ‘reincarnate innate technique’.

Of course, the premise is that the accuracy of the filthy soil reincarnation must be high enough, and the spirit body can be psychically complete.

Zhenyi didn't think about it for a long time, and nodded quickly: "Boss, please!"

With the permission of Shinichi, Hyuga did not make nonsense, and directly prepared the ritual of the "Soul of Transmigration".

Because it was his first attempt, he took every step and every detail meticulously. It took him half an hour to complete the initial preparations for the ceremony.

Later, he instructed Shinichi to take Uchiha's corpse out of the freezer and place it in the center of the ritual filled with various psychic techniques.

After completing all the preparations before the operation, Sun Xiangjing closed her eyes, and then slowly opened, revealing the reincarnation eyes of Canruo in the eyes.

Either the second generation, or Dashe Wan, their development and research on the "resurrection of dirty soil", in fact, are still only at this stage of application, and deeper things, such as the "mud soil" involved in the operation , "Spiritual" and other core elements, these two developers are actually half-knowledge.

This is not a strange thing, because the process of developing a secret or forbidden technique is often full of accidents.

Therefore, the developer's success has more or less luck, so even the developer of the operation may misjudge or not understand the potential and deep principles of the operation.

This is the way of the second generation of the "Bad Earth Rebirth", and the same is true of the "Ghost Buddhism" developed by Beruhu. What developers don't understand.

By the same token, even if the cloning technology of the Sunward Mirror is very mature, he can't explain why there is such a talented miracle like Feng Feng's clone, and there is no way to copy it.

So even if you have completely eaten all the content on the Scroll of Despicable Earth Rebirth, the sun mirror must not be taken lightly.

At the same time, he also needs to take this rare opportunity to feel the connection between the underworld and the ninja world, and understand how the filthy soil rebirth blurs the boundary between life and death.

Even the sun turned into reincarnated eyes, and Shinichi got nervous: "Boss, is that okay?"

Hyundai Mirror didn't answer, but just waved his hand, motioned for Shinji to step back, and then printed in sequence according to the requirements on the scroll, and then slammed to the ground and pressed: "Bad soil rebirth!"




All of a sudden, there was a gust of wind in the underground laboratory, and then, a howling sound that seemed to come from the ghost, came from the mouth of Yu Zhibo's body.

Seeing this weird scene, Zhen's pupils shrank, and he opened his kaleidoscope writing wheel subconsciously.

The sun-reflector also opened her eyes wide, and the reincarnation eyes in the eye sockets bloomed brilliantly.

At this time, countless runes of paper came to Ninja from another world ~ ~ not only appeared out of thin air, but also swarmed around the body of Uchiha Yui.

The corpse of Yu Zhibo's robes wrapped in rune paper immediately struggling violently, and then all this gradually returned to calmness, and the expression gradually changed from the initial stagnation to alive.

Soon, Uchiha was horrified and stared at Hyuga: "What is this? Who are you ?!"

Hyuga mirror stared calmly at Uchiha's filthy soil, tentatively asking, "Uchiha's robe?"

"Yes ... it's me ..."

Uchiha ’s filthy body nodded, and her eyes changed from panic to suspicion, because after slowing down, she noticed that it was the naruto robe that was worn on the body of the sun.

And Yu Guang, who was in the corner of Hyuga mirror, found that the truth that had receded into the corner was crying like an idiot at the moment ....


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