Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1171: Reincarnation eye placement

"This stupid ..."

After declaring the true sentence at the bottom of his heart, Sun Xiangjing looked at the filthy soil of Yu Zhibo's clothing in front of him.

From the appearance, Uchiha ’s filthy soil does not change much from the previous corpse, which opens the sun-turned mirror of the reincarnation eye to be sure.

However, in the process of "Bad Earth Rebirth", he keenly discovered that when the spirit body of Yu Zhibo's clothing was brought in by the psychic from the underworld and put into the corpse, those rune papers surrounding the corpse were eroding the Yu Zhibo knot as a sacrifice. Corpse.

In other words, the sacrifices will be eroded from the underworld during the entire process of operation.

"No wonder the scroll emphasizes that the worst is the need to refine the body of a ninja who is able to refine Chakra as a sacrifice. It turned out to be for this reason. Damn, why didn't the Osumaru guy write it clearly!"

Hyuga mirror sank.

Although at present he can't say what kind of effect this erosion from the underworld will have on his body, but after discovering this, he obviously didn't dare to use his Yin Yin deity as a sacrifice for the filthy earth rebirth.

At the same time, he soon realized that it might not be Dashewan deliberately pitting him, but Dashewan himself did not notice this.

Because not everyone is like him, who has a rebirth eye that can see any changes in the slightest place, and even him, he just looked at it just now.

After pressing this point for a while, Nichigami introduced the situation to the unintelligible Uchiha Yui, and at the same time introduced the situation to evaluate the spirituality of Uchiha Yui's filthy body.

"Am I resurrected ?!"

After listening to Hyuga mirror, Uchiha ’s filthy soil looked at her hands covered with cracks like paper, and her face was incredible.

He Xiangjing explained: "It's not really a resurrection, it's just a forbidden trick."

Uchiha Yui immediately became vigilant: "You ... Are you Hyuga ?! Why are you doing this? And ... why are you wearing a naruto?"

When Uchiha Yui died, Hyuga was only a teenager, and now he is in his twenties, so Uchiha Yui didn't immediately recognize him.

Hyuga pointed at Shinichi who was still in the corner, and said lightly: "If you want to know what the purpose of this is, you can ask the idiot! By the way, I am now the fifth generation of Naruto in the village!"

"True one !?"

Along the direction of the fingers of Hyuga mirror, Uchiha Yui finally found Shinichi in a corner.

Zhen Yi slowly raised his right hand and waved toward Yu Zhibo Yui.

Hyuga didn't bother Shinichi and the little couple reunited, leaving the underground laboratory consciously.

How to set up Uchiha ’s filthy soil was explained to Shinichi by Hyuga.

Shinichi also agreed to leave Uchiha ’s filthy soil temporarily in the underground laboratory. After all, the matter of resurrection from death should not be exposed at this time.

At least, before Hyuga ’s achievement of the ‘Blood Snaps’ and the real resurrection of Uchiha ’s clothes, Uchiha ’s clothes ’filthy soil must be hidden.

This is not what Heixiang Jing is afraid of, but he doesn't want to cause unexpected changes due to these details, which will affect his "blood following snare plan".

As long as he does not give orders to Uchiha ’s filthy soil body, Uchiha ’s filthy soil body is free, even no different from living people.

Because according to the communication with Yu Zhibo ’s filthy soil, just now, Hyundai Mirror thinks that the wisdom of Yu Zhibo ’s filthy soil is still very high. Memory, logical thinking, response, etc. are not different from ordinary people This shows that the accuracy of his "Born Soil Rebirth" is very high, and the spirit body of Yu Zhibo's clothing from the underworld psychic is relatively complete.

Back at home, Hyuga started to record the first test record of the filthy soil reincarnation.

After recording the entire operation and the problems found during the operation, the suspicions raised by him were recorded in one to five ten, and he put down his pen and fell into thought.

Judging from the current situation, the erosion of sacrifices by the underworld is real.

However, whether in the original time or in this time and space, the follow-up effects caused by this erosion have not appeared. After being resurrected, Uchiha's wave spot also successfully became a ten-tailed human pillar force, entering the sixth stage. .

However, the example of the spot does not completely reassure Sun Xiangjing, because what he is pursuing is not the sixth level, but the almost immortal 'blood following snare'.

So without knowing the consequences, he could not allow his **** deity to suffer any unknown damage.

"It looks like we have to prepare another offering ..."

Hyuga mirror completely dispelled the idea of ​​letting his Yin Yin deity be a sacrifice of filthy soil.

Immediately after, he considered the placement of his reincarnated eyes after death.

With the rebirth eye, although he could suppress the 'bird in the cage' for a period of time, he could not completely eradicate the 'bird in the cage', so when he hit the 'blood following snare', he resolved the 'bird in the cage' recorded on his spirit body. It is also one of the reasons why he insists on impacting the 'blood following snare'.

But things are changing now, his first ritual will inevitably end in failure, and once he dies, his 'bird in the cage' may destroy the reincarnated eyes in his eyes.

So he must remove his reincarnation eye safely before he will die.

In order for the second ritual after the death and resurrection to be carried out smoothly, he must also keep his reincarnation eyes in the best state. This requires someone to use his white eyes to check and support him in the period after his death. His reincarnation eye keeps his reincarnation eye nourished by white-eyed chakras and maintains peak activity.

In the current Ninja world ~ ~ There are not many ninjas who meet the requirements of raising his reincarnation eyes, but there are even fewer worthy of his trust. After thinking about it, he only thinks about Nikko Suzuki and Nichiji Two people.

As for the others, either there is no white-eyed chakra, or it is not reliable enough.

In comparison, Bell is actually the most reliable, but Bell's talent is slightly better than the sun mirror before the injection of the gene solution. At present, it is only worthy to master the 'yin seal', so the reincarnation eye is a burden on her. It's too heavy for her to bear.

And Ning Ci, although slightly worse than the bell, is also reliable enough.

In addition, Ning Ci's talents are among the best in the current family of Hyundai, and under the guidance of the Sun Mirror, he has grasped the 'yin seal' early. Whether in talent or physique, he is much stronger than the sun mirror before the injection of gene fluid. Too much, logically speaking, it is qualified to bear the rebirth eye ...


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