Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1236: A huge pit that changes the environment

Walking on a wilderness, the look of the heliostat is extremely dignified.

At this time, his vision was full of endless Gobi, there was not even a touch of emerald green in his eyes, and the desolate and yellow ground was even covered with cracks.


The Japanese mirror whispered softly.

It stands to reason that it is still in the territory of the country of fire, and it is not too far from the sea. The climate environment can never be so extremely dry, just like the depth of the desert of the country of wind, which is obviously contrary to common sense.

"This abnormal environment must be related to the huge pit in front!"

His figure swayed, and the heliostat accelerated his pace.

Soon after, he arrived at the destination of this trip, outside a village named ‘Jukeng’.

This ‘giant pit’ stands true to its name, standing on the outer cliff wall, it can be clearly seen that the entire giant pit is actually a huge and regular circular depression 100 meters deep into the ground.

The environment inside the giant pit is very different from the outside world.

The whole pit is green, even from a distance, you can feel the vitality inside, and there is even a sparkling lake.

"Sure enough!" After a pause, the heliostat sniffed again, with emotion: "Even the air is fragrant ..."

After seeing the giant pit with his own eyes, he can be certain that something in this giant pit must be absorbing the energy from the nearby earth veins, and gather all the vitality around him into the giant pit.

It is for this reason that the tens of miles outside the giant pit are all grass-free Gobi, desolate like the desert of the country of the wind, but the giant pit is full of vitality, green grass, even the air is moist and fragrant.

After drawing this judgment, he had a bit of expectation at the bottom of his heart.

Because they can absorb the energy of the earth veins, they are all high-quality Chakra sources, and the **** tree of the Datongmu family need not mention it. It is a super weapon that can drain the energy of the entire planet and exterminate the entire ecosystem. Although they are not as domineering as the God Tree, the 'Grel Mineral Veins' are also high-quality chakra sources of the tail beast level.

As for the scene in front of you, whatever the inside of the giant pit can affect the surrounding environment to such a point, this point alone will not be much worse than the "Dragon Vessel" and "Grel Veer Vein".

"Has the village been attacked?"

Then, Japanese mirror noticed that the village inside the giant pit seemed to be attacked, and the building was damaged, and from the traces, it should have been caused recently.

After opening the reincarnation eyes, the heliostat standing on the outer cliff wall observed the village in the middle of the giant pit from a distance, and found many Chakra fluctuations. It seems that there are still people fighting in the ruined village.

Inside the giant pit.

Clang ...

In a crisp metal clash, the two figures staggered past.

One of the figures glanced a short distance away, and then smiled playfully: "Agent, you should have more important things to deal with than chasing me!"

Kakashi said coldly: "The pharmacist's pocket, just grab your hand and you can't escape!"

There is no doubt that the two of them are not the others, it is the assistant pharmacist pockets of Kakashi and Da She Wan who are acting as Naruto.

He smiled lightly: "Small people like me were actually hunted down by the acting lord personally. It's really scared! But is it really okay over there?"

Kakashi's face sank, and he glanced at the corner of his eye not far away.

Over there, the wanted criminal Desonas is playing with a glass organ with a glowing glow, and seems to want to open something, while Asmaban, who is going to stop it, is stopped by a group of 'nasty reincarnation' ninjas Off the road.

Looking back, Kakashi asked, "What the **** are you doing?"

She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer this question for you. Although I don't want to admit it, I seem to have been tricked by the guy of Desonas!"

Kakashi's eyes were stern: "Did the large snake body in the ninja world have been robbed in large numbers recently, did the big snake pill instruct you to do it!"

He laughed and said: "We just do some experiments."

Seeing the pocket admitted, Kakashi suddenly said angrily: "Even the bodies of the shadows of the first generations of the Ninja villages are not let go, how can you fool the past by doing a test, you better return those bodies immediately, otherwise we leaves You can no longer open one eye to Da She Wan as before! "

"Shadow's body ..."

Hearing his words.

He did dig many cemeteries recently, but most of them are unowned cemeteries, such as the simple cemetery near the ruins of the Ninja World War battlefield, and some small cemeteries outside the Ninja Village, but they did not reach out to the Five Ninja Villages The cemeteries of the first generation shadows of various villages have not been robbed.

"Apart from us, there are people stealing corpses, and they are still the corpses of movie-level strongmen?"

Suddenly, a doubt flooded his pocket.

Kakashi went on to say: "This is our last warning! It is also the last chance for you and Da She Wan to look back. Stop being obsessed!"

He smiled and said, "Agent, I will tell you the words to Master Da She Wan without a word!"

Ding ... ding ... dong ...

Just then, there was a ethereal melody not far away.

Kakashi and Dou immediately looked around and found that the melody was uploaded from the glassy organ that Dissonas was playing with, and that organ seemed to be activated, and a brilliant brilliance shined on it!


Disonas, who stood beside the organ, laughed loudly.

Asma, who was entangled with ninjas who were reincarnated in the dirt, shouted: "Asshole, what the **** are you doing!"

Disonas grinned: "It's still too difficult for you stupid idiots to understand my lofty ideals! But it doesn't matter, you will soon be able to witness what a real miracle is, start it, God Spear! "

Looking at the nearly crazy Desonas not far away, listening to the strange melody in the ethereal ears, Kakashi suddenly had an ominous hunch in his heart.

Rumble ...

At this time ~ ~ The giant pit trembles, it seems that the earthquake is general.

Immediately afterwards, a huge cylinder suddenly protruded from the center of the giant pit. The structure on the cylinder was continuously deformed and reorganized. In a blink of an eye, the cylinder became higher and higher, even exceeding the depth of the giant pit. A huge circular tower hundreds of meters high inserted into the sky.

The center of the round giant tower is hollow. If you fly into the sky, you will find that the round giant tower is like a huge barrel facing the sky.

"Sky spear !?"

Both Kakashi and Pocket were shocked by the sight in front of them.

But before everyone could relax, a violent red light erupted in the circular giant tower, and then rushed to the sky, reflecting the whole sky into a red ...


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