Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1237: Weapon that destroys the surface

When the crimson beam of light straightened into the sky, a large cloud of dark clouds immediately piled up in the cloudless sky.

Bang ...

All of a sudden, a thunder that rang through the sky suddenly exploded in the rapidly spreading black clouds, and reflected a large red light, reflecting the deep black clouds into crimson red.

With the rapid spread of the dark clouds, the surrounding light immediately dimmed, as if from noon to dusk.

"This ... what is this ?!"

Looking at the circular giant tower in front of him, and the crimson beam of light that shot into the sky in the giant tower, Kakashi looked surprised.

As Muye's Huo Ying agent, he has seen countless big scenes, but this scene in front of him still surprised him fiercely.

Like Kakashi, the pocket is shocking.

Because of the close distance, he can easily perceive the surging Chakra in the round giant tower, and this size of Chakra has only been felt on the tail beast.

"This giant tower is a beast-level existence ..."

After confirming this, Pocket realized that the giant tower named "Spear of the Sky" was the real goal of Disonas.

However, because it is unclear what this "spear of the sky" is, what is the effect, so he hesitated for a while, I do not know whether to take decisive measures to kill Disonas, or to assist Disonas first, then Investigate slowly.

Compared to Kakashi and Toku, the four of Asmaban are a bit embarrassed.

Especially the three inexperienced Ninja Maru, Ino, and Ding Ji who have little experience, first encountered the "dirty earth" ninja who could not kill, but now seeing such a vision, it is really terrifying for the three of them.

Asma, who led the team, was even more shocked and suspicious. He thought that this mission was just to collect clues and catch the wanted criminals who robbed the corpses. He had never thought that such a thing would happen, so he blamed Kakashi. Shouted: "Kakashi, what now?"

Kakashi didn't answer, but just opened the eye of the writing wheel covered by the wooden leaf forehead and stared at the 'spear of the sky'.

Dissonas, who started the "Spear of the Sky", laughed for a while, then hurriedly opened the glass organ in front of him, dropped the ancient book in his hand, and then ran wildly towards the Spear of the Sky. ', Climbed up with both hands and feet.

Kakashi didn't hesitate to see him. Although he didn't know what the "Spear of the Sky" had, he was definitely right to stop Desonas, so he shot a detention at Desonas immediately. Sword '.

Uh ...

Amidst the screaming wind, this 'sword of bondage' inscribed with the 'flying thunder spell' shot unbiasedly towards Disonas who was climbing towards the top of the 'spear of sky'.

At the moment, Desonas seemed to be completely immersed in excitement. He didn't even notice the "sword of bondage" shot at him, and there was no movement to dodge.

But just as Kakashi's 'sword of bondage' was about to hit Disonas, a sound of a swift snake leaped into the air with the sound of 'Sa', and he took away the 'sword of bondage' that shot at Disonas ', And swallowed instantly.


Kakashi frowned.

"Sword of Fetter" was intercepted, which was not unexpected, but when he was about to perform the technique of "Flying Thunder God" flashing in the past and launched a second round of offensive, he was surprised to find that he had lost the poisoned snake into his belly. The perception of the 'sword of bondage'.

This undoubtedly shows that the body of the poisonous snake that swallowed the 'sword of bondage' possessed a special sealing ability.

The pocket that released the viper and saved Desonas's life said to Kakashi: "Agent, I can't let that guy die before getting the improved technique!"

At this time, under the impact of the red chakra beam, the clouds in the sky gathered more and more. If the clouds only covered the area of ​​the giant crater before, then now it covered the whole eye. The earth.

And as the cloud completely covered the sky, the only light source around was only the red-red Chakra light beam that ‘spear of sky’ shot towards Yunxiao.

Therefore, the crimson hue that the world and the earth turned into seemed to be stained with blood, and thunder and thunder continued, and red lightning flashed continuously in the clouds!

Suddenly, a flash of red lightning severely split from the cloud and fell into the giant pit.

Bang ...

In the loud noise, the earth trembled with it.

Looking forward to the past, everyone found a big hole with a depth of more than ten meters in the place where the thunder fell. The surrounding ground was all broken up, exuding a pungent, burning smell.


Everyone's heart sighed.

This exaggerated power is by no means an ordinary thunder in nature.

And before the crowds had eased, another magical red lightning fell from the cloud and smashed **** the cliff wall outside the giant pit, smashing a large cliff wall.




The speed of falling red lightning is getting faster and faster, and it is getting denser.

At first it was just one after another. Gradually, two of them fell simultaneously, and later, the red lightning that fell in the clouds one after another, endlessly, as if there were lightning all the time!

Under the constant bombardment of falling thunder, the surrounding buildings, trees, lakes, and even the ground were fragmented by the bombardment!

The faces of the people who were constantly illuminated by the red light were full of horror. The doomsday scene in front of them caught them by surprise and could not care to catch Dissonas, who was still climbing.

far away.

The heliostat standing on the cliff carefully evaluated the launching "Spear of the Sky" and muttered in his mouth: "Who made such a weapon?"

There is no doubt that UU reading has reached this point, and anyone can see that ‘Sky Spear’ is a powerful Chakra weapon.

It absorbs the natural energy in the earth's veins and transforms it into a red-red radial chakra. After activation, it will shoot out these chakras, allowing these chakras to create terrifying thunderclouds in the air, and then drop thunder The situation indiscriminately bombarded everything around.

The heliostat with its reincarnated eyes stared at his feet again, his face pale.

In the field of vision of his reincarnated eyes, there is still a continuous flow of natural energy deep in the earth toward the direction of the "spear of the sky", which shows that the "spear of the sky" is still absorbing the natural energy in the earth's veins.

In other words, as long as the natural energy in the earth's veins is not exhausted, the "spear of the sky" will continue to create a cloud of destruction that can drop red lightning, and as the cloud of destruction covers a larger and larger area, the destroyed area will also more and more.

If no one stops, the disaster is likely to affect the entire surface ...


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