Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1243: Earth Vessel Energy Converter

In the huge pit.

The crimson chakra beam shot inside the "Spear of the Sky" is still going straight to the sky!

In the rapidly expanding cloud clusters, crimson lightning continued to fall, bombarding everything on the ground, even mountains, lakes, and seas.

"This thing must be stopped!"

Kakashi's expression at this time was very dignified.

The newly-written writing wheel eye, although not the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye with the soil before, can also provide insight into Chakra's flowing Sange jade writing wheel eye.

So he knew the horror of the "spear of the sky" better than Asma.

Asma on the side was helpless. He and his class were entangled by the densely filthy Ninjas from the psychic Desonas.

Although the strength of these filthy ninjas is not strong, they win in a large number and can continue to recover, so he can't pull out to deal with Disonas.

Seeing that Desonas was about to climb to the top of the tower, Kakashi said to the pharmacist's pocket that stopped him: "Are you ruining the ninja world?"

Douwen Yan's face was uncertain.

The current situation is clearly beyond his expectations, making it difficult for him to make a decision at a time. If Dissonas continues to play around, it may cause great trouble. But before the improvement of the surgical method, he can not let Di Sonus died in the hands of the Konoha Ninja.

"Hahaha ..."

At this moment, the unrestrained laughter of Disonas came from the top of the tower of "Spear of the Sky".

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were attracted by this burst of laughter, and they looked up.

"Kuniaki's ninjas, or Dashewan's running dogs, you are all used by me, hahaha ..." After a pause, Desonas opened his arms: "I will be the master of this world, And you can only watch! "

As soon as the words fell, Disonas, with open arms, was planted into the 'Spear of the Sky' in the eyes of everyone's surprise, into the soaring red chakra light column.

Asma exclaimed: "Is he crazy?"

Kakashi was also puzzled. He never expected that Desonas' purpose of climbing the "Spear of the Sky" was to jump into the "Spear of the Sky". It seemed like suicide.

And the pocket that understood Disonas's nature was the first to reflect it.

He knew that with Desonas being selfish and arrogant and crazy, he would never be able to seek death for no reason. With the words of Desonas just now, he suddenly understood that the "spear of the sky" should be returned What other effects exist.

Uh ...

His body swayed, and he rushed to the glass organ and ancient books that Disonas had dropped before. In his opinion, the answer to the question could only be found from these two items.

This move of the pocket immediately reminded Kakashi and Asma, so the two of them also struggled towards the glass organ and ancient books.

So, the three of them were fighting around the glass organ and ancient books.

far away.

After discovering that Disonas actively jumped into the crimson chakra beam of the sky spear, he was ready to shoot the heliostat with a stagnant body and observed with interest.

Soon, he found that Desonas was not bombarded by the crimson chakra light column in the "spear of the sky". Instead, the chakra reaction in the body of dissonas bathed in the crimson chakra light column It was climbing rapidly.


The Japanese mirror gave a sigh.

In just a few moments, in his reincarnated vision, the amount of Chakra in Desonas has already been nearly seven or eight times, and it continues to grow.

"Can the Ninja absorb the Chakra out of this thing?"

Seeing this scene, even a well-informed person like the Japanese mirror was taken aback.

He apparently did not expect that this 'spear of the sky', which appeared to be a weapon, could directly strengthen the ninja shot by his chakra light column, instilling chakra into the body of the ninja.

"Using this kind of thing purely as a weapon, it's really a shame!"

In just a moment, the Japanese mirror realized the value of this "spear of the sky".

Functionally speaking, it is indeed a kind of weapon that extracts the energy of the earth veins and then converts it into Chakra, but in the eyes of the heliostat, it is more a earth energy converter than a weapon. appropriate.

To a certain extent, this ‘spear of the sky’ is a treasure of the same level as the ‘dragon vein’ and the ‘greyre vein’ that can also absorb the energy of the earth veins.

It ’s just that ‘Sky Spear’ does n’t have the ability to store Chakra like ‘Dragon ’s Vessel’ and ‘Grel Mineral Vein’. Once activated, it can only transform the earth ’s energy while spraying the transformed Chakra out.

Perhaps it is because of this defect that the "spear of the sky" was simply regarded as a weapon by people.

Uh ...

Not long after, Dissonas, who had been completely strengthened by the "Spear of the Sky," flickered and reappeared at the top of the round tower of the "Spear of the Sky": "Hahaha, this world belongs to me now!"

Kakashi, Asma, who are competing for the glass organ that can control the "spear of the sky", took a few of them back, and then looked at Dissonas in amazement.

At this time, Desonas was full of Chakra because of his body, and the whole body swelled. It looked very burly, and even familiar with his pocket, he almost didn't recognize him.

After discovering that several people were fighting for the glass organ of the "Spear of the Sky", Disonas smirked and jumped forward. With the impact of falling from high altitude, he punched a punch on the glass organ.

Click ...

With a crisp sound, the only glass organ that can control the "Spear of the Sky" shattered!

In shock, he looked at Disonas: "Are you crazy?"

Disonas laughed in the sky: "No one except me can close the" Spear of the Sky ". You guys either choose to be destroyed by the" Spear of the Sky ", or just submit to me!"


Asma's face was blue.

Kakashi asked coldly: "Now only you can turn off this 'spear of the sky'?"

Disonas, surrounded by a terrifying Chakra, said with satisfaction: "Yes, only I can control it now, so make a choice, the agent of Huoying, and the running dog of the big snake ball, you are Choose to surrender to me, or choose to be destroyed by me ... "

Bang ...

Before Dissonas finished his speech, a figure came down from the sky ~ ~ With a thunderbolt, he was kicked out of the clamor.

Bang ...

Dissonas, who was kicked out, fell **** the ground and hit a big pit.

"Damn ... Damn!"

The dizzy dissonant crawled out of the pit, dangling his head, trying to find the enemy who attacked himself,

But before he could see the situation around him, he was lifted up by twisting his neck.

"Dare to attack me, you die ..."

Halfway through the talk, Disonas, who was lifted up by his neck, saw the ghost mask on the attacker's face, and was suddenly dumb ...


The first one is offered on the 28th, that is, starting from tomorrow, there is a double monthly ticket activity at the beginning, and one vote is equal to two, so I will add more tonight, and I will trouble you to vote for me tomorrow Now!


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