As an ambitionist in the ninja world, Disonas naturally knows who is the first strongest person in the current ninja world, so after seeing the ghost mask on the attacker's face, he stopped thinking after a buzz , The brain fell into a down state.


Not far away, Kakashi, Asma, and a few people were all taken aback, and immediately their expressions were different.

Kakashi, Asmaban, and a group of Konoha ninjas discovered that the leader of the **** organization ‘Yan Luo’ came, they were all relieved and their tense nerves were relieved.

In their view, no matter how much trouble, as long as this fairy appears, that matter can be properly resolved.

The pocket on the other side was shocked and full of confusion.

"Strange, why is there a smell of" dirty earth "on Yan Luo's body?"

Obviously, the ability to master the "Xianshu" is far superior to ordinary people, and he noticed the abnormality of the heliostat at the first time. One of the most familiar.

However, considering the identity of 'Yan Luo', he did not act rashly.

After a brief shock, Disonas, who was screwed up by the Japanese mirror, eased his mind and remembered that he had gained the power of the "spear of the sky", so the expression on his face immediately changed from fear to sorrow, Shouted: "You are dead!"

Drink it, Dissonas broke out of Chakra without any care.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the crimson "Spear of the Sky" Chakra spewed out of Desonas' body, forming a huge wave of air and sweeping around.

"Hahaha, did you see that? Even a fairy like you is not my opponent now!"

With a giggling laugh, Desonas squeezed the arm of the heliostat twisting his neck with both hands, trying to pinch the arm of the heliostat directly.


With a slight hum, the heliostat immediately used the power of the giant reincarnated eye to pump out Chakra inside Desonas.

call out...

Suddenly, the burly Disonas resembled a deflated ball. As Chakra was pumped out by the heliostat, he shrank instantly and changed back to the appearance of the old man.

"How ... how could this be ?!"

Disonas froze directly, his eyes full of confusion.

He painstakingly planned for so long, and finally succeeded, thinking that he could be invincible in the world of ninja, but he never thought that he could not stop the blow of ‘Yan Luo’, as if his plan for so long was just a joke.

"He is not a fake, but a real Yan!"

After seeing the sun mirror immediately sucking up the huge chakra on Desonas, he looked astonished.

After discovering the smell of 'dirty earth body' on the Japanese mirror, he once thought that the 'Yan Luo' organized by the **** in front of him was pretended to be 'dirty earth body' by others, but now he has dispelled this idea and the whole person becomes Rules, respectfully.

On the other side, Kakashi said quickly: "Your Excellency, please don't kill him first. He may now be the only one who knows how to close the" Spear of the Sky "!"

After hearing Kakashi's words, Desonas seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and said again and again: "Yes, yes, you can't kill me. If you kill me, Ninja will be buried with me!"

"Is it..."

The heliostat chuckled a little, then reached into Desonas 'body and directly took out Desonas' memory light sphere, reading it at will.

Seeing that his memory had been directly captured by the Japanese mirror, DeSonaston was shocked that he was speechless, and he asked with a trembling question: "You ... you ... what did you do?" what?!"

The pocket was also taken aback, this method he had never heard of.

Kakashi and Asmaban are the same. This is the first time they can recall memories at random. Their faces flashed with a little fear.

After reading for a while, the face of the heliostat gradually faded.

Ninety percent of the content in this Desonas's memory is killing. If Da She Wan is just cold-blooded, in order to disregard the life of anyone, then this guy is a natural killer.

Not only that, this guy obviously did not turn off the "Sky Spear", but unexpectedly destroyed the only glass organ that could control the "Sky Spear", and also declared that he could control the "Sky Spear", I want to coerce others to submit to him.

He Xiangjing didn't know how to describe these kinds of behaviors. He used madman to describe him. He never felt that he was an insult to the word madman.

"He couldn't close the" Spear of Sky "at all."

The heliostat said coldly while dropping Disonas to the ground.


Including the pocket, everyone present was taken aback, and then all looked at Desonas inconceivably. It seemed impossible to understand why Desonas had to destroy the only glass that could control the "Spear of the Sky" organ.

Seeing that the trick had been seen, Disonas simply broke the jar and laughed wildly: "Want me to die? Hahaha, you all have to be buried with me, let's die together!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Kakashi quickly stepped forward and asked the Japanese mirror: "Your Excellency Yan Luo, what shall we do now?"

The heliostat didn't say much, and her hands were directly sealed: "psychic!"

Bang ...

Suddenly, there was a burst of white smoke in front of the Japanese mirror.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are gathered, and even Disonas is no exception. He is curious what ‘Yan Luo’, the strongest fairy in the ninja world, has psyched out to deal with the immediate crisis.

However, after Bai Yan had dispersed, what was revealed to everyone was actually a member of the God Organization wearing a black-edged gilt cape and a mask like ‘Yan Luo’.

It's just that the mask worn by the member of this **** organization is not the masks known by Kakashi and others, but a mask painted with the sun pattern.

"A new member of the God Organization?"

Kakashi and Asma glanced at each other, and they both saw thick doubts in each other's eyes.

They have all seen the ‘Chuanzhu’, ‘Fire Demon’, ‘Wind Bell’, and ‘Gidang’ within the God Organization, but this is the first time a member wearing a sun mask has seen it.

At this moment, I walked up and walked up and greeted politely: "Your Excellency Yang Shen!"

Kakashi and Asma suddenly became nervous ~ ~ I obviously knew the new member of this **** organization, and the code name of this new member actually contained a word "God", which is obviously different. ordinary!

At this time, the Japanese mirror told the "Yang Shen": "Seal this tower!"

Disonas laughed when he heard the words: "It is useless to have one more person. Now no one can turn off the" Spear of the Sky ". Let's wait for death together, hahaha!"

However, waiting for Dissonas' laughter to end, a golden ring was emitted from the hands of 'Yangshen', and the 'spear of the sky' was trapped from top to bottom, followed by the 'spear of the sky' The crimson chakra beam that was ejected disappeared, and the sunlight re-penetrated the clouds and shone on the earth.

At this time, the "Yang Shen" carrying a small bag glanced at Desonas with a head, and said contemptuously: "Idiot!"


The second is to offer it. After 12 o'clock, it is a double monthly pass event. I hope everyone will support it! There will be updates later!


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