Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1256: Gold mine

In the resurrection of the ten tails, when the war was approaching, the heliostat was calm, and his heart was actually a bit virtual.

This is mainly because there are too many things he needs to do, such as the development of new biological armor, the large-scale reconstruction of the air fortress, and the formation of the 'Grel Mineral Vessel' as an altar, etc. Not only is everything imminent , And they are all big projects that cost money.

Just thinking about it a little bit, his head would be blown up by the long bill.

This is also the reason why he detained the wanted criminal of Desonas. Otherwise, with a modified technique of "reincarnation", at this juncture, he really does not necessarily have the time to pay attention.

Now I have finally mastered 'Magnetic Escape', and fortunately, like his father's four generations of wind and shadow, he is the 'Magnetic Escape' ninja who controls Sands, which is undoubtedly the heliostat for the moment The joy of heaven!

The thought of having a lot of gold for squandering, the development of biological armor, the reconstruction of air fortresses, the creation of altars, etc. is not a big deal.

At this moment, when I heard the heliostat from my dream, I heard Xiang Phosphorus comforting me. "Don't be discouraged, even if you can only control the sands, then it is at least a" blood succession limit ", your father. Didn't it become the four generations of sand shadow? As long as it is well developed, it can always exert its power! "

I love Luo Lue slightly lowered "It can only be like this, what a pity!"

"These two idiots!" Slurred in the bottom of my heart, and the Japanese mirror immediately said to me, "You did a good job!"

I love Luo Wang to the heliostat and asked carefully, "Master, don't you care?"

The Japanese mirror immediately said, "How can I, of course I care!"

I love Luo's complexion. I just wanted to bow my head to apologize to Nisshin Jing. When I saw Nisshin Jing removed a scroll from the ninja bag, I asked, "Is this?"

The Japanese mirror was proud, and in the curiosity of Iro and Fragrant Phosphorus, he slowly opened the scroll in his hand. "This is the gold deposit that I accidentally discovered when I was at the site of the exploration ceremony in the country of the wind!"

In order to find a suitable place for the ceremony, the heliostat almost ran through the desert of the country of wind.

And because of the reincarnation of the ability to see through far beyond the white eyes, the harsh desert underground is a mysterious forbidden area full of unknowns for others, but it is unobstructed for him.

I love Luo and Xiangfei Qi looking at the open scroll in the hand of the heliostat, and found that a map was drawn in this scroll, and it was very fine.

The heliostat pointed at several areas with red circles drawn on the scroll map, and said seriously, "There are gold deposits in the underground of these deserts, and the reserves are very impressive, but the veins are doped with many impurities, the environment It's rather harsh and can't be put into manual large-scale mining, but now you have mastered the 'Magnetic Escape', or the 'Magnetic Escape' for Sands, and solved all the problems at once. "


I love Luo also very happy to hear it.

As far as he is concerned, as long as he can be useful for the heliostat, he will feel very satisfied and very at ease. In addition, the more sands collected, the stronger his “magnetic escape” ninja who manipulated the sands would be.

The heliostat handed the scroll solemnly into the hands of Iro, saying, "From now on, your only task is to mine these gold mines and collect as much sand as possible!"

After taking the scroll, I fell in love and asked, "Adult, at this critical moment, I am leaving you to collect sands alone. Is it really appropriate?"

The Japanese mirror knocked on the head of my Ai Luo. "Because it was a critical moment, I let you do this big thing! I will let the instructor accompany you. Whether my plan here is successful or not depends on you. The efficiency over there! "

I love Luo's expression, and quickly promised, "Please rest assured, I will not let you down!"

Nikko urged, "Go ahead and prepare, and set off immediately!"

I love Luo and the three generations of wind and shadow puppets have very strong flying capabilities, so in the case of knowing the specific location of the veins, the amount of Chakra of my love Luo column force should be able to provide gold support for the heliostat side .


I Ai Luo responded with a cry, and directly launched the ‘Secret Art’ to leave.

After the departure of Ai Luo, Sunward Mirror again told Xiang Phosphorus, "Xiang Phosphorus, you are now going to the No. 5 driving range to torture Desonas with illusion, after getting the improved technique, send the guy to the black market in exchange for bounty . "


Xiang Phosphorus responded, and immediately disappeared in front of Sunward Mirror.

The Japanese mirror in good mood turned and walked into the laboratory.

The first thing he returned to the laboratory was before the row of large nutrition troughs with six avatars.

After this period of meticulous repair, his damaged six avatars have almost recovered. Among them, Yang Dun avatars have the best recovery, and there are no visible signs of damage on the surface, while Shui Yun avatars, Tu Dun Doppelganger, Lei Dun doppelganger, these three doppelgangers also recovered well. Only Huo Dun and Feng Dun clones recovered slowly.

Huo Dun's avatar is slightly weaker in nature, and it is not surprising that recovery is slower.

Although the wind escape avatar is the best one among all avatars, it has been slow to recover because of the "blood disease", and there are still more conspicuous wounds on the body.

"It should be too late"

His eyes moved back and forth on the six large troughs, and the heliostat whispered.

In fact, even now, with the degree of recovery of these six avatars, it can be barely used for rituals, but some defects may appear during the fusion.

After checking the recovery status of the six avatars, the Japanese mirror immediately came to the cultivation room.

The cell fusion of biological armor, UU reading has been carried out in the cultivation room, and with the advancement of technology, heliostats are more and more handy in this regard, and now he has the Matriarch and Ziyuan Two seal masters, so he is quite confident in developing new biological armor.

Soon, the Japanese mirror started the design of the drawings, and the title was tentatively set as "Type 4 biological armor".

The main purpose of this 'type 4 biological armor' is to provide a large amount of chakras, but also to bear the damage of the host's loss of vitality.

To put it simply, it must have a certain function of bearing injury and replacing death!

To achieve this, it requires extremely advanced sealing technique and understanding of the body's meridians and the vital points of the body. It happens that these heliostats are available, and he is also a master of clones.

So the front-end technology of ‘Type 4 Biological Armor’ is not lacking in heliostats

The first offer is even more, double the monthly ticket during the period! Uh, I said today is my birthday. Will everyone vote more?


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