Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1257: The birth of the ten-tailed man

Because of the development experience of the first three types, the development of this fourth type of biological armor can be said to be familiar to Japanese mirrors. Many technical difficulties do not cause trouble to him, and he has already had a draft for many links I have been busy with ritual-related matters, so I have delayed this matter.

Therefore, the design of the shape of the new biological armor, the design of the internal structure, and the design of the more detailed nerve veins, the heliostats were all in one go, and they were quickly completed.

Considering that the main function of this type of biological armor is to bear injuries, heliostats have designed a new design for the biological armor meridian system.

In the design of the heliostat, the biological armored meridian system will form a relatively closed loop. Once the host is violently chased or shaken by this chakra, this special loop system will actively absorb the chakra that has turned back. And isolated in biological armor to protect the meridian of the host from harm.

At the same time, benefit from technological breakthroughs in helioscope cell fusion and cell editing.

In terms of cell activity, the new type of biological armor will far outperform the old 'type 3 biological armor', and Chakra's supply can be greatly improved by 30%.


Not long after, the Japanese mirror was addicted to it. While designing, he unconsciously laughed out loud.

This sense of accomplishment through the breakthrough of shackles brought by technological upgrades made him very enjoyable. In such a short time, he even had the illusion that he was editing life and cameo.

Suddenly, he stopped the pen in his hand and said, "Maybe the ten tails were made by the Datongmu family."

Thinking of this, his brain was awake a lot.

Compared with the ten tails that can destroy the earth and destroy the entire planet's ecosystem, the biological armor he made and developed is not worth mentioning at all, and the two are not even comparable.

And Ten Tails is nothing more than a tool for the Datongmu family to ingest the planet's energy, and it is also a tool that has been developed thousands of years ago!

Converged with pride, converged with arrogance, the heliostat slightly relieved his breath, then calmed down and continued the design of the new biological armor


In the "Shenwei" space.

Desperately looking at the soil above Takao's head, his expression was a little complicated.

Different from the ignorant Bai Jue, the purpose of Hei Jue is always the same, so after Shiu's successful resurrection, he is difficult for himself for a while, but as his mood gradually recovers, he slowly realizes that Shiu's resurrection is only the first of his plan Just a step away.

Everything is because of the ninja world and "Yan Luo", a mysterious fairy who he can't guess the road at all.

At this moment, the soil standing on top of Shio's head slowly opened his eyes.

However, in the eye socket with soil at the moment, it is not the previous reincarnation eye, a kaleidoscope that writes the configuration of the reincarnation, but the eyes are intact reincarnation eyes.

Asking for helplessness, "What's wrong with the soil?"

He did not answer, but slowly raised his arms and began to seal.

With a look of disbelief, he realized what he was, and quickly flicked away, far away.


Almost at the same time with the seal of the earth, a shout that shocked the soul suddenly occurred in Shimo, who was still quiet before!

Afterwards, Ten Tail seemed to be resisting something, struggling to struggle. Ten huge tails waved indiscriminately, and in just a blink of an eye, the sand and rocks were all around.

Fortunately, here is the "Shenwei" space with soil. Even if the mountains shake and the sky falls apart, it will not affect the ninja world outside.

And in this splash of gravel and the sky of smoke, the absolute eyes were locked on the earth with the top of the ten tails, and his eyes were full of expressions of anxiety and expectation.

Suddenly, the fiery ten tails stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the body of Ten Tail quickly collapsed and shrank like a deflated ball.

Bai Jueqing said, "Hey, what's wrong with Shiao?"

Hei Jue's mouth twitched, and he smiled, "He succeeded in bringing the soil!"

At first glance, it seems that the body of the ten tails is collapsing rapidly, but if you focus your eyes on the soil on the top of the ten tails, you can find that the body of the ten tails is collapsing, but the ten tails are being taken. The soil absorbed a little bit.

Bai Jue reacted quickly and exclaimed, "What a strong Chakra!"

After adapting to the two reincarnation eyes, Chakra with his body was terrified, and at this moment he absorbed ten tails, and officially took the step of becoming a ten-strength man. Very powerful.

Compared with Bai Jue, who was completely caught in shock, the anxiety on Hei Jue's face was more intense.

The closer he is to success, the more serious his feelings of suffering will be. In addition, once the earth becomes the pillar of the ten-tailed man, it will likely become a strong "six-level" like the leader of the **** organization "Yan Luo".

As Shiao was absorbed by the soil, his resistance became weaker and weaker.

It has to be said that the method of the Datongmu family incorporating the ability to suppress the ten tails into their own blood is very clever.

Even with the eyes of reincarnation, at the level of power, it is actually far worse than ten tails, but his pair of reincarnation eyes suppressed the powerful ten tails, making Chakra countless times with earth. Ten-Tail can't resist, and can only be reluctantly sucked into the body with soil, to achieve the dream of the Ten-Tailed people with soil.

After a long time, there was no figure of Ten Tails in the dust.

Instead, there were one large and two small horns on the head, the shoulders were also protruding with spikes, and the body was covered with irregular scaly lines, and a row of six ink colors appeared on the chest. Gou Yu imprint.

"Successful ?!"

Bai Jue said with a trembling in his mouth, his body was even more frightened by the power at the moment with the soil, and trembling slightly.

Heijue said with a long sigh of relief, "It finally succeeded!"

At this moment, in the gentle footsteps, he brought the boundless Chakra out of the dust and appeared in the vision of Bai Jue and Hei Jue.

"I am a ten-tailed man now!"

With the announcement of the soil, UU reading ink-colored "Qiu Dao Yu" appeared one by one behind his back, and finally condensed as many as nine!

"Qiu Daoyu, six Dao grade !?"

Bai Jue exclaimed suddenly.

Hei Jue didn't actually have much surprise, but still cooperated with Bai Jue naturally, showing shock.

As soon as he brought the soil, he raised his hand, and a 'Qiu Daoyu' behind him immediately flew into his palm, turned into a black tin rod, and was held in his hand.

"Yes, from this moment on, I am also a six-level class!"

The second one is more. Yesterday I drank a little and my brain was a little dizzy and went to sleep directly. I am sorry for the late chapter! Still ask for a monthly pass during the double event!

In addition, I recommend a new book [Fantasy Bio-Earth Startup Company] by my friend, which is a relaxed and funny type.


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