Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1273: Figure walking out of the fog

Just as the 40,000 Ninja Allied Forces led by the Five Shadows, while encountering Uchiha Spots in the Desert of the Windy Kingdom, groups of Baijue troops suddenly appeared outside Muye Village.

Located in the headquarters in Muye Village.

"Report, the seventh class of the perception class found hostility, the number is more than four thousand!"

"Report, the third class of the perception class found the enemy situation, the number is more than three thousand!"

"Report, Class 10 of Perception Class"

Soon, the warning signal of the perception class was transmitted to the headquarters as snow flakes.

"Thirty thousand?"

Nara Lukyu, the general staff of the Ninja Alliance, just counted the total number of enemies that appeared outside the village of Muye.

Chiyin ’s mother-in-law, Sain's advisor, said, “We are lucky!”


Nara Luku nodded somberly.

Transferring tens of thousands of ninja troops from the land of wind to the country of fire thousands of miles away, Xiao organized this tactic that completely exceeded the common sense of ninja wars, and immediately stunned everyone.

As a liaison officer of Wuyin, she gritted her teeth. "How could they do such a thing?"

In the ninja world where the single "space ninjutsu" is extremely rare, this group of "space ninjutsu" shifts thousands of miles, it seems incredible to Qing!

Nara Lukyu quickly adjusted his emotions. "It is no longer meaningful to entangle this point now. We must immediately deploy to defend Muye Village!"

After all, Nara Lukyu said to Haiyi Yamanaka, who is wearing an ultra-long-distance communication device on his side, "Haiyi, notify Wuying, and please return quickly!"

Yamanaka Naka no nonsense, when the news about the situation was sent to the Ninja Alliance in the country of the wind.

After conveying the urgent military situation to the front, Nara Luku said to the crowd in the command, "The other party intentionally avoided our main force of the coalition, indicating that they also have no certainty of winning. Therefore, everyone does not have to panic, as long as we insist on the main force to give back , There will be a turning point in the battle! "

Chiyo mother-in-law nodded.

If the main force of Xiao organization is here, it proves that the main force of the coalition forces is empty, so they only need to stick to Muye Village and wait for the main force of the coalition forces to return.

Nara Lukyu continued, "And we are not unprepared!"

Outside Muye Village.

Whew wow

In the screams of the wind, a large number of ninjas with different costumes jumped out of Muye Village and began emergency defenses in the dense forest outside Muye Village.

Among them are the ninjas with wooden leaves, the ninjas with sand hidden, the rock hidden, the cloud hidden, the fog hidden, and even the grass ninja, Taki ninja, yin ninja, and even the iron country samurai wearing iron armor.

Obviously, Muye Village, where the coalition headquarters is located, is not without defense. Even if Wuying has led the army to attack, there is still a considerable number of Ninja troops stationed in Muye Village.

The commander of this ninja army is not someone else, but it is the self-compliance and gang hand in the "Muye Sanren".

In addition to the two of them, Samurai leader Samurai of the Iron Kingdom, Huangtu, the squad leader of Yannin in Yanyin, the head of Ninja in Tunayen village, the elder of the village of Caininlong, and the horoscope of the Japanese sect, the female sect Masters such as Zhiyou Zhiwei are among them.

Frontline temporary headquarters.

Zilai also said to the crowd, "Everyone should know the current situation, as long as we hold our ground and drag the main force led by Wuying back, we don't need to fight with the enemy!"

Long Lan of Cao Ni Village has some doubts: "The other party has 30,000 Ninja troops, and we have only about 6,000 troops. Can we hold on?"

Tsunade immediately said, "You do n’t need to worry, the intelligence class has long discovered that all the Ninja forces organized by Xiao are composed of Baijuan avatars, and they have a single ability. It ’s easy to deal with them only by finding the right way!"

On behalf of Nagajuro, Wuyin quickly echoed, "Well, with the exception of a few special types, most of the White Doppelgangers have only the strength of Zhongren. Lei Dun, Huo Dun, and even physical surgery can cause effective damage to them. ! "

Taki Ninmura's head for nin raised his eyebrows. "Even if it's 30,000 in the end, it's not easy to deal with! Besides, there are a lot of masters in the organization, and their leader may be in this ninja army."

Zilai also took over the words "Relax, if Nagato is really in this Ninja Army, we will be responsible for Konoha!"

The warrior leader Mifune who has never spoken shook his head. "It's all this time, what else do we have to distinguish between each other. If the enemy leader really appears, we can only have a ray of vitality by working together!"

The sun almost nodded. "Yes, if we lose this battle, the order of the entire ninja world will be subverted, so we must work together!"

After appeasing the representatives of the various forces, Tsuneo pulled the Zizi aside and asked in a low voice, "Did you find the mirror?"

"There is no news from Kakashi, I suspect the mirror may have been"

Zilai also shook his head, his expression bitter.

When he thought about it, the situation had deteriorated to such a point that the five generations of Naruto Mirror had not rushed back to the village. That was probably an accident, and the biggest possibility was that they encountered the Xiao organization.

Tsunade stunned for a while, "Not at all, that kid is so shrewd, he shouldn't have been killed so unclearly!"

Zilai also said, "Did you forget the three generations of Shaying Fengying? But the other party claims to be the strongest Fengying, is it also missing unclearly?"

Tsunade sighed, "Hey, yes, even the guy like Hanzo can die quietly."

Thinking of Hanzo, thinking of three generations of wind and shadow, I originally thought that the Japanese mirror should not be an accident. At this moment, it is not so firm. After all, in the current wave of ninja world, even the shadow is difficult to guarantee its own safety What's more, Ri Xiangjing, the weakest Naruto of all dynasties.

The panicked Ninja Allied Forces glanced around and lowered the volume. "Anyway, the news of the missing mirror must not be leaked at this time, otherwise, I worry that morale will be affected!"

Tsunade whispered, "Hey, it seems to be foggy!"

Zilai also found a thin mist around him, his face suddenly sinking.

It is noon at this moment. In places like Muye, it is impossible to produce mist naturally at this time, so without thinking about it, you know that this mist is definitely the product of ninjutsu.


Suddenly, a dark tribe arrived in front of the two, and reported "Master Zilai, Master Tsunade, the enemy appeared!"

Zilai and Gangshou glanced at each other, and then they swayed to the forefront. After hearing the news, representatives of other forces arrived here one by one.

Compared with just now, the mist in the forest is now more intense.

And in this mist, a figure came out slowly.

"Two or two generations !?"

After seeing the figure coming out of the fog, Yan Yin's loess exclaimed.

Because this person is not someone else, but their late second-generation earth shadow of Yanyin, that is, his father's three-generation earth shadow Onoki teacher, developed the "dust-free" nothing!

Immediately afterwards, several figures emerged from the mist.

Every time a figure came out, the Ninja Allied Forces would make a corresponding exclamation, because in addition to the first second-generation earth shadow, the next few came out, respectively, the second-generation water shadow ghost lantern magic moon of Wuyin, The three generations of Shaying who disappeared, and the three generations of Raikage who created the legend of the ninja world with one enemy.


From the beginning, it suddenly became apparent that the reason why these deceased shadows will appear here, the only reasonable explanation, is only the "soul reincarnation technique" that can blur the boundary between life and death.

At the same time, he also understood that the main culprit in the stolen incidents in the tombs of the major ninja villages was not Dashe Wan, but Xiao Organization!

Yan Yin's always steady loess touched the cold sweat from his forehead

Sandy's Maki swallowed hard

Yunyin's Samy, Atzie's brother looked at each other

Wu Yin's Nagajuro trembles even the hand holding the knife

"This is bad!"

Looking at the left and right Ninja coalitions, Tsunato secretly murmured.

The appearance of the four shadows has greatly hit the morale of the Ninja Alliance. After all, these four are legendary, and their strength even surpasses the current strong shadow.

Just then, there was another sound of footsteps in the mist.

The terrified crowd quickly looked around and saw that a ninja with a breathing mask slowly came out of the mist.


Many young ninjas in the Ninja Alliance were relieved.

It can be seen from the Yuyin village guard on the head of the ninja wearing a breathing mask, that the other party is a ninja in the Yuyin village, and for the young ninja in the Ninja coalition, this small ninja village in Yuyin village is nothing terrible of.

However, Zilai and Gangshou took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Hazen!"

Needless to say, this ninja who finally came out of the mist, officially has the name of ‘Half-God’, and personally gave it to Zilai, Da She Wan, and Yuyin Village, whose title is ‘San Nien’.

The warrior leader San Chuan on the side, clenched the handle of his waist, "I didn't expect it to be him!"

The young ninjas may not know the horror of Hanzo ~ ~ But Zilai, Tsunade, and Sanchuan are very clear. It can be said that because of the existence of Hanzo, the five big ninja villages were hidden from the rain at the same time. The village produced great fear.

It is also because of the existence of Hanzo that the country of rain, which is in the gap between several big countries, can maintain its independence.

In the early stage of the organization, it took advantage of the detached independence of the country of rain and the deterrent power of Hanzo, and secretly developed in the country of rain to survive the most vulnerable period.

Immediately afterwards, the white avatars also showed up in the mist. These white avatars were stacked one after another, almost full of forest, and confronted with the Ninja Alliance.

At this time, Hanzo moved towards the Ninja Coalition. "Ziya, Gangte, we will meet again!"

With the operation of Hanzang, the second generation of earth shadow, the second generation of water shadow, the third generation of wind shadow, and the third generation of lightning shadow have also started to move towards the ninja coalition.

The second is to offer, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!


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