Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1274: We are all Naruto from beginning to end!


The sound of explosions in the forest was one after another, and in the eyes, fierce battles broke out almost everywhere on the front line of several kilometers!

And in the misty, mist-filled forest, a dark purple poisonous mist is spreading rapidly. Wherever the poisonous mist has reached, the ninjas of the Ninja Alliance have almost no escape, all fell to the ground and struggled painfully stand up.


The Zizi, who was also attacked by the poisonous mist, because it was fast enough, reluctantly withdrew from the range covered by the poisonous mist, but because of a small amount of the poisonous mist, he still coughed violently after landing.


At this time, Tsunade rushed to Zilai, and threw an antidote to Zilai. "Although it is not a targeted antidote, it should be somewhat effective."

It's no nonsense to come here either, and quickly drank the poison.

After breathing for a while, he also observed the battlefield.

The battlefield was chaotic at this time, and the array, formation, etc. on the side of the Ninja Alliance were all destroyed by the mist covering the field of vision and the widespread spread of poisonous mist.

The "Semi-God" Hanzang psychic fish that spewed out poisonous poison is simply a star killer on the battlefield, not to mention the ordinary ninja, even from the self, Tsunato, a strong man with shadow-level strength, It also has to avoid its sharp edge.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light flashed by in the distance, piercing the mist and penetrating the entire battlefield.

Zilai and Gangshou looked at it subconsciously, and found that after the column of Yingying light dissipated, only a gully with incredibly regular sections was left.

The trenches that originally existed at the end of the gully, and the seven or eight ninjas in the trenches, as if evaporated, disappeared completely silently.

"Dust escape!"

Zilai also looked at him at the same time as Tsunamate.

From the beginning of the war, the Ninja Allied Forces were in a passive position. Hanzang, the second generation of earth shadows, the second generation of water shadows, the third generation of wind shadows, and the third generation of lightning shadows were all exceptions.

In particular, the "Hazen" poisonous mist can easily destroy the formation of the Ninja Alliance, allowing the second-generation Tu Ying and other powerful people to unscrupulously kill on the battlefield.

"Damn!" His face sank, and Zilai also said, "We must solve Hanzo first, otherwise, we won't be able to support it for long!"

Tsunade said, "The news came from the headquarters that the thousands of generations of Sayin are already urgently preparing antidote!"

As a puppet master, Chiyo's mother-in-law is a master of poison, and she has had many encounters with Hanzang before, so she has cracked the poison mist of Shanjiaoyu.

It was just not expected that this time of the ninja war will encounter Han Zang, a dead deceased person, so he did not prepare an antidote in advance and could only make it temporarily.


The ground suddenly cracked a big pit, and the semi-Tibetan psychic beast, Jiaoyu, jumped out of the pit, spurting a poisonous mist toward Zilai and Gangshou.


Zilai and Gangshou quickly jumped back.

At this moment, a figure of the Ninja Alliance made a retreat, and rushed directly to the dark purple poisonous mist.

Tsuneo in the retreat quickly shouted "Don't go!"

It was the leader of the Iron Kingdom warrior Mitsuo who was rushing to the poison mist. He kept walking and rushed into the poison mist without shouting back. He shouted, "Han Zang will come down to deal with it. Let the two support others!"

There was a time between Sanchuan and Hanzo.

At that time, San ship was defeated by Hanzo, and the poison was almost killed. Hanzo missed his bravery and gave him the antidote to kill the jalapeno fish toxin. Therefore, he is the only one who is immune to the poison mist from the Ninja Alliance. I volunteered to challenge Hanzang's reasons.

Although I do n’t understand why Mifune dared to rush into the poisonous mist, Zilai and Tsunato knew the strength of this iron warrior leader. Although the opponent is not a ninja, he must not be underestimated.

When Zheng Zilai and Tsunato were preparing to support other battlefields, a sudden flash of light struck them.

The electro-optical surge was not a kind of ninjutsu, but the three generations of Thunder Shadow that opened the "Lei Dun Chakra Mode", which was caught off guard. Zilai and Gangshou could only choose to resist hard.

Bang bang

The two sides staggered and burst out two low muffled noises!

"Good strength!"

After landing, Tsunade covered his swollen arm.

She had a strange punch just now, and she possessed strange powers.


The lavatory on the side also spurted blood out directly.

Unlike Tsuna, whose arm is red and swollen, he did not enter the "Fairy Mode" and could not withstand the raids of the three generations of Raikage under the "Lei Dun Chakra Mode".

At this time, there was another sound of ‘reading and learning’ around.

I glanced at it since I came, and I found out that when I did n’t know, it was covered with black iron sand. I shouted to Tsunade, "Be careful, the three generations of Fengying are also nearby!"

Tsunade nodded sullenly.

Three generations of Fengying came out from behind a big tree at this time and said indifferently, "Don't be distracted by other battlefields, you still care more about your situation!"

Zilai certainly understands that being distracted on the battlefield is a very dangerous thing, but the Ninja Alliance has insufficient combat power and the entire front is in jeopardy. As a commander, he would not be distracted.

The three generations of Rai Ying on the other side said majesticly, "We are immortal now, you have to be careful!"

"Damn it!" After a soft sip, Tsunade said, "Why hasn't Shishui and Zhenyi been here yet!"

Zilai also said, "Hold on again, I have sent someone to rush!"


Muye Village.

After receiving the urgent news from the front line, Asma and Silent immediately rushed to the police force building in Uchiha.

As soon as they entered the building, they found that a large number of Uchiha elites gathered here, and they were all fully armed, and there were even several chakra cats with very strong fluctuations.

Asma and Mute suddenly startled.

The grievances and grievances of Uchiha and Naruto can't be finished even in the last hour, so at this time Uchiha gathered forces and acted indifferently, making them instinctively uneasy.

But because of the critical situation ~ ~ They had no choice but to stick their heads and walked towards the office of the captain of the police force under the watchful eye of an elite Uchiha.

After walking into the office, Asma and Silent discovered that not only the captain of Zhishui, the police force, but also Itachi, the patriarch of Uchiha, and Zhenyi, the kaleidoscope of Uchiha, were in the office.

After taking a deep breath, Asma asked, "Stop the water, the command has issued a support order, why don't you Uchiha police forces act!"

Silent also said, "Stop the water, Itachi, no matter what contradiction between your Uchiha and our Naruto series, now is not the time to care about these!"

Really chuckled with his hands on his chest and leaned against the corner of the wall, "I'm afraid you misunderstood, we are from the beginning to the end!"


Asma looked at each other silently

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