Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1290: 6 The old man is more tolerant than me!

Kakashi used to use the technique of "Flying Thunder God" to transfer human columnar force. He even carried Naruto directly from the Kingdom of Earth to the Kingdom of Fire.

Therefore, he has both experience and preparation for the transfer of column force.

This is the case with Ke Rao. His transfer of "Flying Thunder" still failed, and he also suffered a certain amount of power from space.

"A few of you ..."

Kakashi was surprised and depressed again.

The failure of "Flying Thunder" only shows one problem, that is, the actual Chakra amount of the three little guys of Ning Ci, Sasuke, and Naruto far exceeded his expectations and exceeded his "Flying Thunder". The upper limit of the shuttle space that can be carried.

Naruto turned his head blankly: "Mr. Kakashi, how did you vomit blood?"

Sasuke was also puzzled: "Are you all right?"


Facing Naruto's concerned eyes and Sasuke's doubtful eyes, Kakashi was choked out of words.

Obviously, he did not know that whether it was Naruto, Sasuke, or Ningji, after the cultivation of the Japanese mirror, it was very different from the previous one.

Naruto got the full nine tails, and Chakra's volume doubled more than before.

Sasuke transplanted the first-generation cells, completed the initial yin and yang unity, and produced ‘the power of the sensation of all things’ in the body.

Ningji is not to mention, not to mention the huge chakra of the dragon-tailed beast-level, the reincarnation of the "six-level" of the Japanese mirror is terrifying.

In the face of such a large variable, Kakashi flashed to the waist, it is inevitable.

At this time, the five people in the "Pain Six Dao" in the distance, and the Hanzang reincarnated by the "dirty soil", the second generation water shadow, the second generation soil shadow and other "dirty soil bodies" lined up slowly towards this side. Approaching.


Kakashi's face stiffened, and he secretly complained in the bottom of his heart.

Naruto is solving the trouble of natural energy invasion for Ningji, and he can't separate them. Now he and Sasuke are the only ones who can meet the enemy, and the other is a total of ten people, and without exception, they are all shadow-level strongmen. , Only he and Sasuke couldn't cope with it at all.

Thought, Kakashi quickly asked: "Naruto, how long will it take you over there?"

Naruto shook his head: "I don't know!"

"I'll block them!" Sasuke Qiang stood up and urged: "Naruto, hurry up!"

After the contest just now, Sasuke knew that it was only his own words, not to mention to pick up the strong enemies that were approaching in front of him, even if it was just to protect himself, it was difficult.

But he knew Naruto, Ningji could not fight now, and Kakashi was also injured. His condition was still intact, so he was the only one left.

Huhu ...

The wind blew, and it brought a smoke!

The five 'Pain Six Paths' and the five 'dirty soil bodies' fanned out, and the pace was getting faster and faster, approaching quickly.

Looking at the approaching strong enemy, Sasuke, who was standing in front of the crowd, swallowed nervously, Naruto sweating, while Ning Ci lying on the ground wanted to support the body, but the rebirth of the reincarnated eyes. The double blow of natural energy attack made him unable to support. Several attempts had failed, and he could only lie down on the ground.

"Damn it!"

Kakashi was extremely upset and blamed himself.

When he wants to come, Yining Ci, Sasuke, Naruto's potential, as long as there is enough time, in the future, there is hope to become a strong player beyond the previous generations of Naruto, if such a good seedling died here, then he An agent of Naruto is the criminal of Konoha.

"No, even if it is dead, you must ensure their safety, at least ... at least Ningji's safety!"

Kakashi made up his mind secretly, even if he sacrificed himself, he would try his best to protect Ning Ci, Sasuke, and Naruto, and if he couldn't take care of it, he would definitely guarantee Ning Ci's safety, because the reincarnation eyes are too Precious, must not fall into the hands of Xiao organization.

In an instant, the ‘Pain Six Paths’ and the ‘Dirty Soil’ approached them, either Sasuke or Kakashi, and they could even see the cold killing in their eyes!

"I fight with you!"

Under pressure, Sasuke couldn't help but snorted.

Kakashi also squeezed the suffering in his hand and was ready for a desperate battle.

飒 ...

At this moment, a figure wearing the Naruto Yushen robe descended from the sky and landed in the field.

"Master Naruto?"

"Mirror !?"

Sasuke and Kakashi exclaimed together.

There is no doubt that it is not the others who come from the sky, it is the heliostat wearing five generations of Naruto Imperial God's robe.

The nearest three generations of Thunder Shadows flicked and flew directly towards the heliostat. Several other "dirty bodies" also followed, attacking the heliostat, an uninvited guest.


After a chuckle, the Japanese mirror resisted the three-generation Leiying from one hand, and used the power of the giant reincarnated eye to instantly evacuate Chakra on the third-generation Leiying, forcibly lifting the three generations of Leiying ’s Lei Dun "Chakra Mode", and then pressed with one hand on the "dirty earth" of the three generations of Raikage, and cast the "Four Elephant Seal".

Seeing the Japanese mirror not only instantly destroyed the three generations of Ray Shadow, but also took the advantage of applying the seal technique. The closer to Hanzo, the second generation of soil shadow suddenly speeded up and rushed up.

The corner of the mouth of the Japanese mirror was opened, and the three generations of Lei Ying were released, and they greeted Hanzang and the second generation of soil shadows directly.


Fucked in the mid-air Hanzang and the second generation of Tu Ying were suddenly surprised, UU reading books www.uukanshu. Only then did Com realize that he seemed to be in the middle, and the opponent's goal was not three generations of Raider at all, but the two of them.

After realizing this, Hanzo cut his poisonous gallbladder directly in the air.

The venom in his venom gallbladder is very toxic. Even if he is infected by this venom, he will lose his ability to act instantly and fall into paralysis completely, so he wants to use this trick to die with the Japanese mirror.

Boom ...

However, the Japanese mirror did not give Hanzang the opportunity to spread venom, and used "Rolling Ruyi" to refrain from Hanzang and those venoms in the direction of "Hungry Ghost Dao" Chirabi, and then instantaneously broke through the defense of the second generation of soil shadows. , Captured the second generation of Tu Ying, and imposed the 'Four Elephant Seals'.

After solving the second-generation earth shadow, the most threatening, the Japanese mirror flashed back and returned to Ning Ci.

"Mirror, you ...!?"

Seeing that the heliostat is also in the state of ‘dirty earth’, Kakashi was speechless for a moment, and thousands of questions were blocked in his mouth.

Hikari Mirror swept Sasuke who had just been in distress, Naruto glanced and said, "Cut, Liu Dao, the old man can bear more than me!"


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