Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1291: Stop it!

Ningci, Sasuke, Naruto and Akatsu organized a battle between them. In fact, the Japanese mirror was all seen in the eyes. The shadow avatar he left on the side of Konoha was already ready to go, and he could shoot at any time.

Only considering the "Six Dao Immortals" who resided in the ninja world in the form of spirit, he forced the impulse to shoot.

Even if Sasuke was about to be swallowed by the second-generation earth shadow "Dun Dun", the Nine Tails in Naruto's body would also be stripped by "Hungry Ghost Dao", and he didn't show up.

What he waited for was "Six Dao Xianren".

Today's Sasuke, Naruto has laid a solid foundation for him. Compared with them in the fourth Ninja World War in the original space and time, apart from being a few years younger and younger, they lack the experience of war and hard work. In fact, the time and space have not been lost.

Especially for Sasuke, after experiencing the nourishment of the "Grel Mineral Vessel" and the first generation of cells, the "Senro Vientiane Power" in the body is already very impressive. Even if there is no external help, Japanese Xiangjing thinks that Sasuke may be 30 years old. Before awakening reincarnation eyes.

Therefore, as long as the "Liu Dao Xianren" is willing to give power, either Sasuke or Naruto can properly enter the "Liu Dao level" in an instant, completing the power jump that ordinary ninjas can never complete!

As long as Sasuke, Naruto has now become the "Six Dao level", which has unimaginable help for the situation on the battlefield or the ceremony of the Japanese mirror.

However, the Japanese mirror is still miscalculated, and the "Liu Dao Xian Ren" is still more calm than him.

Seems to have made up his mind. As long as Sasuke, Naruto's pair of Indra and Asura's reincarnated body don't die, he, the Lao Tzu, will hold his face.

Anyway, the 'Liu Dao Xianren' has the ability to recover from death, and it is much more flexible than the heliostat in the timing of his shot.

The ritual of Nikko Mirror still needs Naruto ’s help. Obviously, it is impossible to fight the bottom line with 'Liu Dao Xianren', so after roughly testing out the intention of 'Liu Dao Xianren', Ri Xiang Jing gave up his intention to dig 'Liu Dao Xianren' wool and was decisive. Appeared.

"Is the old man determined to eat me, and want to push this mess-up work of the ninja world into me?"

Hidden his lips to the mirror and slandered in the bottom of his heart.

The ninja world has become like this now. The reason is that the black ruins left by Hui Yeji and the consequences of the indulgence of his two sons by the "Six Daoxianren".

I will not mention the matter of Heiju for the time being. After all, this is Hui Yeji ’s backhand. The 'Liu Dao Xianren' has already annihilated his parents. He sealed his mother for the spirits of Ninja, so this pot cannot be buckled on his head, but his two This son has been reincarnated, and it has been entangled for thousands of years, and it has turned the world of ninjuku upside down. This is his responsibility as a father.

Hiroko Mirror actually does n’t mind helping to clean up the mess, but ‘Liu Dao Xianren’ is so sloppy that he does n’t even give any benefits, which is very excessive.

Even if it is the organization of Hiroki Hiroshima, the fire shadow of the Japanese mirror is not the same as the money!

At this time, Naruto who saw the Japanese mirror appeared relieved, and said quickly: "Teacher, Ning Ci has been attacked by natural energy!"

And like Kakashi, he found that the Japanese mirror was Sasuke of ‘dirty earth’, and he quickly protected Naruto and Ningji, saying, “Naruto, be careful, Lord Naruto is dead!”

The appearance of 'dirty earth body' means that the heliostat in front of him is actually a dead person, and is probably still a dead person controlled by someone with ulterior motives.

Seeing Sasuke being so vigilant, Nikko nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, it seems that the loss I just made is not in vain!"

Sasuke suddenly blushed and said nothing.

Naruto quickly explained: "Sasuke, don't worry, the teacher actually died long ago!"


Sasuke and Kaka looked at each other.

"Idiot, did you say that teacher?"

After teaching Naruto, the heliostat immediately lifted up, attracted Ning Ci from the ground to his hand, and then used the ability of the giant reincarnated eye to absorb part of the natural energy of Ning Ci's body into his own body.

After sharing the excess natural energy, the petrification of Ning Ci's body immediately began to subside.

Seeing the Japanese mirror helps Ningji to eliminate the invasion of natural energy, and Sasuke and Kakashi confirm that the Japanese mirror should not be reincarnated by the Xiao organization.

"Teacher, I ..."

Although the invasion of natural energy was eliminated, the rebirth of the reincarnated eyes is still there, so Ning Ci still can't say a complete word in pain.

Sasuke frowned, wondering: "Ning Ci's reincarnated eyes seem to be having problems!"

As a top-notch Hitomi blood successor ninja, Sasuke can clearly see that the reincarnated eye in Ning Ci's orbit is in an inexplicable mania or excitement.

This kind of situation has been experienced when the pupil power is exhausted, but generally encountered this kind of thing, his writing wheel eyes will automatically go to sleep, instead of maintaining the manic state like Ning Ci.

Kakashi also nodded.

, Who had transplanted a kaleidoscope to write chakra, also experienced this state, so he is not new to Ning Ci ’s current situation, but he does not understand why Ning Ci ’s symptoms are so serious.

"The reincarnated eyes must be too strong!"

In anxiety, Kakashi quickly reached a conclusion.

Naruto nervously asked the Japanese mirror: "Teacher, do you have any way to help Ningci? You must have a way?"

Kakashi and Sasuke immediately looked at the heliostat, and there was anticipation on their faces.

The heliostat didn't say much ~ ~ Instead, he lifted Ning Ci's hand to cover his eyes and looked at the pair of jewel-like reincarnation eyes in Ning Ci's orbit. Angrily said: "Don't make trouble!"

As soon as the words fell, the bright light in the reincarnated eyes instantly dissipated and returned to pure white eyes. The restless Chakra also calmed down in an instant.

Ningci collapsed in relief, "Thank you teacher."

"Don't ... don't make trouble !?"

Whether it is Sasuke, Naruto, or the more experienced Kakashi, it is all surprised at the moment.

They thought that the Japanese mirror would use the seal technique, or some other means. After all, the Japanese mirror and the Ningji are all from the Japanese family. There should be some family secrets, but they never thought that the Japanese mirror just said "Don't make trouble."

What ’s even more inexplicable is that the heliostat only said, “Do n’t make trouble,” and easily calmed Ning Ci ’s reincarnation of Chakra ’s exasperating eyes, so that the reincarnation in the mania instantly restored calm and fell into Sleeping.

"Is the word" Don't make trouble "a kind of spell that can affect the reincarnated eyes? It's just that the spell is too weird!"

Kakashi began to carefully analyze this possibility ...


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