The appearance of the current Naruto, Niko Mirror, boosted the morale of the Ninja Alliance on the battlefield.

Especially the people of the Japanese family, when they saw the Japanese mirror appeared, the morale was suddenly boosted, and the original confusion and panic in the eyes gradually dissipated.

But soon, people with white eyes discovered that something was wrong with the Japanese mirror.

After all, in the eyes of the eyes, the difference between ‘dirty body’ and the real living ninja, Chakra, is very obvious, and belongs to the category that can be distinguished with a little recognition.

"How ... how could this be?"

The excitement of 's face was instantly replaced by panic.

The appearance of the "dirty earth body" means that the Japanese mirror is not only dead, but also "reincarnated by the dirt". The impact of this news on the Japanese family is no less than that of Ning Ci's awakening and reincarnation.

After all, the Japanese mirror is the first member of the Japanese group to take the position of Naruto.

"The mirror is back?"

Zilai was also taken aback, and immediately frowned.

At this time, the deep-seated fairy on his shoulder said: "No, this feeling ... Is it" dirty soil "?"

Zhima Xianren nodded: "I can't be wrong, it's 'dirty soil'!"

"Dirty soil body? Isn't that mirror already dead!" Suddenly, Tsunade asked suspiciously: "But it seems that he was not reborn by the dirty organization, who killed him, and Did he 'reincarnate the dirt'? "

As soon as the words were asked, Tsuna was startled, and it seemed that he thought of a person, so he glanced at the self-initiated glance and said a name: "Dashe Wan?"

Another forest far away from the battlefield.

Shuishui, Itachi, Shinichi The three kaleidoscopes of the Uchiha family stood side by side on the branch of a large tree, and under the cover of the lush canopy, looked far away at the situation on the battlefield in the distance.

After seeing the Japanese mirror appeared, they all let out a sigh of relief and finally let go of a dangling heart.

After a while, they who had the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes discovered that the heliostat is a ‘dirty body’, and they were all surprised, even the ferret that was always indignant.

Whispered, "Where did the boss play?"

"How did that happen!"

Said, anxious to stop the water will leave and rush to the battlefield.

Was very quick and quickly stopped the water stop: "What are you doing?"

Of course, Zhishui said: "Seniors have such a situation, of course I am asking what happened!"

"You are such an idiot!" You said rudely, and immediately embraced your chest with both hands, the old **** was saying: "The boss is obviously overturned. Let's ask for a clear question now, wouldn't it be uncomfortable?"

Itachi was puzzled: "So what should we do?"

I thought about it for a while, and said, "You listen to me, we can do nothing, see nothing, just concentrate on waiting for the order!"


On the battlefield.

Seeing Nisshin's understatement solved the problem of Ningci's reincarnated eyes. Kakashi also breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the Nisshin with a complicated expression, and asked, "What happened to the mirror, how did you become the present?" This way? "

Hikage Mirror shook his head: "These will be explained later. I have some things that I need to use Naruto and Ningci now, so I took them away first."

"What are you going to do?" Kakashi then asked, "What about the battlefield over there? What about the village?"

"Do not worry!"

The Japanese mirror smiled slightly.

飒 ...

The words on the side of the Japanese mirror had just fallen, and another figure wearing the Naruto Yushen robe fell to the field.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that the person was actually a fourth-generation Naruto wave Feng Shui Gate that should have been sealed in the body of "Death God".

"Old ... teacher !?"

Kakashi was stunned. He never thought he would meet the teacher's fourth-generation Naruto at such a moment.

Was also surprised by Naruto. He stared at the four generations of Huo Ying in a daze, murmured in his mouth: "Father ..."

Four generations of Naruto greeted Naruto and Kakashi with a gentle smile: "Hard work for you!"

Then, the eyes of the four generations of Naruto fell on the body of the heliostat. It seems that he did not expect the heliostat to be a "dirty body". His expression was stagnant, and his expression became strange.

飒 ...

Hasn't waited for everyone to escape from the shock of the fourth generation of Naruto, and another figure fell into the field, saying majesticly: "Fourth generation, I didn't expect you to be faster than me!"

Kakashi's mouth that he didn't close before, this time it opened wider: "Second ... second generation adult?"

Obviously, this is a bit slower than the fourth generation. It is not someone else. It is the development of many techniques such as ‘Flying Thunder God’, ‘Foulness Reincarnation’ and the second generation Naruto.

And the eyes of the second generation of Huo Ying immediately fell on the heliostat wearing the Huo Ying's robe: "Five generations, you are also dead? Who is Nao Ying now in that village?"


This problem can stump Kakashi.

Now ...

Not long after, in the two sounds of breaking the wind, the first generation of Huo Ying and Da She Wan also fell into the field one after another.

Including the heliostat, four fire shadows appeared all at once, and they were all ‘dirty earth bodies’ reincarnated by ‘dirty earth’, which immediately made the situation on the battlefield chaotic.

Both the enemy and us obviously didn't anticipate this situation, so the battle situation fell into a very strange confrontation.

The first generation glanced at the mess, and the corpses ran across the field of battle, saying: "It seems the battle is very fierce!"

Dashe Wan stared at the heliostat, and asked in a casual tone: "Who did it?"

Sun Xiangjing smiled: "It was just an accident."


Dashe Wan frowned ~ ~ Hikari didn't explain, just asked: "Teacher, I'll trouble you here!"

Dashe Wan looked at the ‘Pain Six Paths’ and ‘Dirty Earth’ in the distance, and habitually stuck out his tongue and licked his lips: “Why should I help you, Naruto, clean up this mess?”

"Isn't the teacher used to clean up the mess?"

Sun smiled to the mirror.

No matter what the purpose is, since Dashou Pill is here, it must be involved in this battle, and it will definitely stand on the side of Konoha. After all, Dashou Pill cannot help Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao can't let Da She Wan pass. pill.

Following that, the Japanese mirror no longer ignored everyone, and directly communicated the giant reincarnation of the distant snow country, and sealed the ‘flying thunder spell’ that Kakashi left on Naruto and Ningci.

Bang Bang ...

Instantly, in two bursts of white smoke, Naruto and Ningci were psyched away.

Kakashi hadn't responded yet, and he had patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly: "The village will give it to you for the time being. If you can't do it, you will retreat. There is no need to die, just wait for me to come back!"


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