Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1297: I don't even have the qualification to lose in my hand

Call ...

A gust of wind blew through, while rolling up the bursts of flying sand, it also raised the Naruto Yushen robe on the figure that fell from the sky, blowing high, hunting and hunting!

Whether it's the ugly face of Uchiha on 'Suzuka Nenghu', the shadows on the ground, or the survivors scattered all over the battlefield, the eyes of this moment all turned to that Together.

And the first thing that caught their eyes was undoubtedly the Naruto Yushen robe with the words ‘Five Generations of Naruto’ flying in the night breeze!

There is no doubt that it was not the others who hurried to it, it was the heliostat that was galloping all the way from Takiru Village.

"Mirror ...?"

The three generations of Naruto who fell to the ground suddenly looked back, and the glory of hope came out of their eyes.

Can see the soaring ‘Suzengenghu’ who is not far away from Uchiha Spot, and the hope in his eyes quickly dimmed.

The same is true of several other shadows. When the first reinforcements arrived, there was a subconscious rush of hope in my heart. But when I thought of the reality, the hope that finally rushed away quickly disappeared.

Three generations of earth shadow shouted weakly: "Five generations of Muye, take advantage of the strength, hurry and escape! The other party is Uchiha spot, don't die in vain!"

The Uchiha spot on the "Suzunenghu" had noticed the state of the heliostat's "dirty earth body", and scornfully smiled: "Is the five generations of Konoha also dead, is Huoying really better than one!"

Finally, the long sword held high no longer hesitated, and slashed toward the battlefield.

Looking at the distance lying on the ground, the life and death of which is unknown, there is no citrus yakura in the body, the tail beast Chakra fluctuates, the sun mirror is cold, and then slowly raises his hand, facing the Uchiha spot's `` Suzengenghu '' Shouted: "Rotating Ruyi!"

A terrifying repulsive force was suddenly generated, like an invisible big hand, slammed on the huge `` Suzunenghu '' of Uchiha spot and repelled it severely!

Rumbling ...

The huge god-like "Suzunenghu" was repelled, and a stagger fell heavily on the ground, sending out a roaring roar!


The heliostat slightly twisted his eyebrows and gave a soft sigh.

In the "Whirling Ruyi" just now, he not only used his own pupils, but also used the power of giant reincarnated eyes. He thought that he could completely repel Uchiha's "Suzunenghu", but he didn't expect to just retreat , So a little unexpected.

And more unexpectedly, apparently the dumbfounded filmmakers in the field.

They thought they were fleeing from the catastrophe. They never thought that the heliostat just raised his hand at will, and repulsed the "Suzengenghu" that is as powerful as the gods.

Don't talk about them, even the Uchiha spot in "Suzunouhu" was surprised, and his eyes were stunned.

"It seems that this offering is out of use ..."

The Sun Mirror murmured at this moment.

This ‘dirty earth’ has been used continuously for a month or two, and there has been almost no dormancy during use, so the sacrifice has been decayed under the erosion day after day.

And this is probably the main reason why the "Roll of Ruyi" he just put on was unsatisfactory.

However, the size of Uchiha Spot's "Suzunouhu" really made the heliostat a little uncomfortable, especially at close range, this exaggerated sense of oppression, even he could hardly ignore it.

"Is there a" Suke of Susuke "in the pupil surgery of Uchiha spot kaleidoscope writing round eyes ?!"

In an instant, an idea flashed through the heliostat's brain.

The full body of "Suzanenghu", he has seen a lot, not to mention that the "Suzunenghu" which was launched by Sasuke before is a complete body with back wings.

During the control of the fire escape, he also launched many times of the full body "Suzengenghu", and also dealt with the complete body "Suzengenghu" of Tuanzang.

There are so many full-body 'Suzansenghu', this full-body 'Suzengenghu' without Uchiha spots is huge.

If this is the reason for the reincarnation of Indra in Otaki, Sasuke's "Suzunenghu" should not be so much smaller than Uchiha's "Suzunenghu", after all, Sasuke is also the reincarnation of Indra. Also has a pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes!

Therefore, there is only a reasonable explanation for this situation.

That's the two kaleidoscope pupils of Uchiha's binocular eyes, one in nine out of ten is the pupil technique that can increase the power of ‘Suzunouhu’, the ‘suzuki men’!

Ignored the repelled Uchiha spot, and the four shadows around him, and the Japanese mirror came straight to the side of the citrus Yakura.

A glance at him carefully, he found that the three tails in the body of Clementine Yakura were gone, and the man of Clementine Yakura was dying, and was about to die.

"One step late ..."

After a sigh, the heliostat took out a storage reel from the waist pocket of the ninja, and then took out the latest version of the "four-type biological armor" sealed in it.

This 'four-type biological armor' is specially designed for incense phosphors by heliostats. The main purpose of its design is to provide the host with an extra large amount of vitality to ensure that the host will not die due to the exhaustion of vitality when it is dressed.

Because the cost is too high, the original plan was to develop only one.

However, because I Aro mastered the 'magnetic escape' and dug a lot of gold mines, the funds at the hand of the Japanese mirror were suddenly sufficient, so he was cautious and developed a few more, and took one of them. By the side, I didn't expect to come in handy at this time ~ ~ At this time, the repelled Uchiha spot urged 'Suzengenghu' to stand up again, staring coldly at the heliostat, saying : "Five generations in the village, sign up!"

After wearing the 'four-type creature armor' for the dying orange yakura, the heliostat slowly turned around and walked out of the field.

Uchiha Ban coldly hummed: "Why, do you want to escape?"

Hai Xiangjing stopped, slightly turned his head, and said lightly: "You are in such a state that you have no qualification for losing in a row."

哰 尰 啰 ...

The sound of the Japanese mirror has just dropped, and there are four more figures, which landed from the sky to the field.

Without exception, all four of them were wearing black-rimmed gilt capes and flame pattern masks.

"Flame !?"

"Why ... why are there four?"

"God organization finally shot!"

Several shadows in the field exclaimed.

And the sun took a step towards the mirror, walked through the four ‘Fire Demons’ lined up, and under the respectful salute of the ‘Fire Demons’, they casually commanded: “Handle it!


Second offer, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!

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