Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1298: Do n’t just represent Uchiha!

"Handle it!"

After a random command, the Japanese mirror kept walking and walked out of the battlefield.


Lined up with four ‘flames’, slightly bowed.

They didn't question the order of the Japanese mirror at all, as if in the distance Uchiha Ban's almost soaring "Suzunuohu" did not exist.

And completely on the "Suzunou Hu", Uchiha spotted with surprise: "Isn't you even qualified to lose in a row?"

For a moment, he thought he had heard it wrong.

His life has not been smooth, there have been confusion, setbacks, and even more memorable defeats, but no matter how, no one has ever looked down upon him like that.

In his mind, the four words of his name "Uchiha spot" are enough to represent everything.

Even if it is the first generation of Naruto Sensujiro, who is known as the ‘God of Ninja’, even in the troubled world, when facing him, he must take a 100% spirit and take it seriously!

"Dare to be so arrogant in front of my Uchiha spot, five generations, you are the first!"

Immediately, Uchiha spot, who had recovered from the surprise, snorted coldly.

not far away.

Lying on the ground Four generations of Fengying looked at the scene in front of him, his face puzzled: "This ... what's going on?"

There are one member of the God Organization, all of them are unruly generations, so the ‘fire demon’ of the God Organization cannot follow the orders of the five generations of Naruto, and it is impossible to respect the five generations of Naruto.

This is incredible!

Three generations of Tu Ying seemed to think of something, and looked at the three generations of Huo Ying aside: "Damn, what is your relationship between Konoha and the God Organization? It's such a time, should we continue to hide it?"

God organization has repeatedly rescued Konoha, and only contacted Konoha. These abnormal behaviors have actually caused suspicion among three generations of earth shadows.

It was only that the organization of God was so strong that it had surpassed the five ninja villages, so he dispelled the doubt of Muye, and now this scene in front of him can't help but reawaken the doubt in his heart.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying, who was seriously wounded not far away, also looked at the third generation of Huo Ying. His face was both shocked by the scene before him, and annoyed by Konoha.

Obviously, no matter who it is, as long as I look at the obedience attitude of the **** organization ‘Fire Demon’ towards Muye's five generations of fire shadows, we can conclude that there must be a deep connection between the **** organization and Muye.

The three generations of Naruto who fell to the side, the surprise at the moment is not less than several others.

The heliostat, which had been in a state of loss of contact, suddenly appeared. This was a very strange thing, and now this scene appeared again, so he was shocked and suspicious.

But when he was about to ask, he took a closer look and discovered that the heliostat in the distance turned out to be a filthy body.


In an instant, his full of doubts suffocated back.

The appearance of the "dirty soil body" means that the five-generation Naruto, the long-lost contact of the Japanese mirror, is really dead, so now it is the consciousness of the Japanese mirror that controls the Japanese mirror, or is it the dirty mirror of the Japanese mirror. The reincarnated spellcaster, he simply cannot identify.

Almost at the same time, several other films have also discovered that the Japanese mirror is a filthy body.

The reason why I could n’t find it in the first place was mainly because the several shadows on the battlefield were all seriously injured at the moment, and even before the heliostat arrived, they even started to have a little blurred consciousness, so after some careful observation, They later realized that they discovered the fact that heliostats are 'dirty soil'.

"Five generations of Konoha, dead ?!"

'S complicated thoughts burst into the hearts of several people.

The gods' "fire demon" saluted Muye's five generations of Naruto, and Muye's five generations of Naruto were actually dead people who were "reincarnated" by people. The amount of information in this scene is so great that they are in a bad state. It was a little dazed, and it was hard to clear.

Feeling the gaze of everyone in the field, the heliostat didn't explain anything, let alone stay.

He came here in a hurry, mainly for the three tails in the body of Citrus Yakura. After all, the three tails are also a good Chakra source, and they are helpful for his ritual.

But now that Mio has been taken away by Xiao organization, he naturally has no need to stay here.

As for explaining to everyone, he neither interested nor cared.

If the next ritual fails, it is useless nonsense to explain it now. Once the ritual is successful, he is lucky enough to achieve the immortal ‘Blood and Snake Snake’, so it does n’t matter if the solution is not explained!

His destiny was always in his own hands.

No need for others to understand!

Does not need the approval of others!

Seeing Sunward Mirror ignored him directly, the proud Uchiha spotted angrily: "Huh, then let me take a look, do you have the qualification for arrogance in front of me!"

Let's just say, Uchiha's face was cold, and he immediately urged "Suzengenghu", and he slashed toward the heliostat.

At the moment when Uchiha Ban's long sword with the full body of "Suzunouhu" was cut off, one of the four "Devil Flames" immediately cast a dark green phantom in his body.

锵 ...

The phantom rapidly expanded, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a tall dark green 'Suzuo Nenghu'. Long sword that can't be cut off.

This dark green ‘Suzanenghu ~ ~ Although the‘ Suzunenghu ”without Uchiha spots is tall, there is no problem blocking it.

In this process, not only did the departing heliostat not look back, but even the pace of departure did not change, the figure gradually disappeared in the confrontation between "Suzuno Hu" and "Suzuno Hu" In the soot produced by the sky.


Uchiha spot's attention at this time was attracted by the dark green ‘Suzengenghu’ who blocked his offensive in front of him.

Launched the "Suzunouhu" Zhen Yi, pouted: "Hey, you guys don't just represent Uchiha!"

On the way, he heard Uzhibo's sentence, "The ants named Shadow, dissipate under the power of Uchiha."

Naruto is also a shadow!

Such words of hatred, he listened, he was terrified, if he had n’t spoken, he wanted to rush to fight with Uchiha.

If you don't fight, you can say that, in front of the boss, you have a correct attitude.

Uchiha's mouth twitched: "It's kind of interesting, but I didn't expect that besides that kid, there were people in the Uchiha family who awakened the kaleidoscope to write chakra!


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