Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1303: Natural perception

唰 ...

Almost at the moment when the twisted vortex appeared, a chain with a purple halo was ejected from the vortex, and in a burst of wind, the seven-tailed man Livfu sitting on the clay bird was instantly entangled, pulling her from the clay bird Pulled down.


Was abruptly changed, and several others on the clay bird were taken aback.

Not to mention Dedara and Darui at this time, even the Japanese-eyed German with white eyes was completely caught off guard, because the sights of the people who were already in the high altitude were all placed on the surrounding ground, and I did not expect Will be attacked from a higher place.

However, Dedara's reaction was very rapid, almost at the moment when Fu was torn away by the chain, he urged Clay Bird to turn around and catch up.

Darui, who was slated to be the fifth generation of Raikage, immediately finished the seal, and shouted: "Lei Dun, black spots are poor!"

Suddenly, a black lightning like a cheetah shot out!

Boom ...

Because the situation was urgent, Darui could not care about aiming, so his ‘black spot difference’ quickly caught up with the purple halo chain that pulled away Fu, and hit him with Fu.

However, under the attack of Darui's "Black Lightning Thunder Dune", the chain that entangled Fu was almost unscathed. Instead, Fu was hit by the black electricity and his hair shuddered.

Seeing that Fu was about to be dragged into the twisted vortex by the chain, with a ‘snap’, Dedara immediately folded his hands together, and then suddenly released the ‘primitive stripping technique’.

In an instant, the beam of ‘dust away’ flashed past, not only cutting off the chain dragging Fu, but also nearly cutting off half of Fu ’s head.

Call ...

Clay birds followed, catching the puff that fell from midair, and then accelerated violently, struggling away from the twisted vortex hanging above the sky.

The rescued Fu quickly looked back at the twisted vortex hanging in the sky and asked with a look of surprise: "That's not ..."

Don't wait for Fu to finish talking, Darui nodded with a sullen face: "Well, it's Xiao Organization!"

Didara murmured: "Hikari Dema, please quickly see if there are any marks left on her body!"

Suddenly frightened to Japan, and quickly observed Fu immediately, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the other party left no mark."


Fu also sighed with relief.

Didara didn't take it easy, but instead frowned, and some suspicious fox looked at Fu: "Strange, how did the organization find us?"

Didallah is somewhat unreliable at first glance, but in fact it is a very keen person.

He knew very well that at the speed of his own clay flying bird, even if the base was just discovered, the other party would not be able to track them with such precision unless the other party had a way to roughly lock their position.

唰 ...

At this time, the twisted vortex appeared again, stopping in front of the clay bird.

"So fast!?"

Didala's pupil shrank suddenly.

If he ca n’t get rid of the twisting vortex even with the speed of his clay bird, it means that escape is meaningless, and he can only stop and fight desperately.

However, this time, the twisted vortex came out of the figure, suspended in the air quietly, and then raised his hand to the clay bird.

In an instant, everyone on the clay bird felt a violent suction, and even the people with the clay bird lost control, and they irresistibly flew to the figure that came out of the vortex.

This suction came too suddenly and too violently. Rao is a master like Dedara and Darui, and he is completely chaotic. He can't even control his body shape, let alone counterattack.

However, Dedara was Dedara after all, he was hard to avoid, he grinned and smiled: "Then let you see my ultimate art!"

Finally, he tore away his robe, revealing the mouth that he had transformed, and then put the explosive clay into his mouth.

Then accompanied by a few chews on the mouth of his chest, the chakra fluctuations in his body immediately rose, and even the figure also expanded a lot.


The figure in the distance seemed to perceive something, snorted softly, then shook his hand, shot a black stick, and penetrated Dydara's left chest impartially.

Suddenly, Chakra in Dedara was completely disorganized, and his swollen body shrank like a deflated ball.

Just in this moment, Fu was drawn to the figure.

Only then did she find that the other person reached into her palm, and there was a scarlet writing wheel eye, but before she responded, she was caught in the face with one hand, and disappeared together with the figure in the distortion In the vortex, the whole process does not even reach a second ...


Inside the divine space.

After throwing the unconscious Fu on the ground, he immediately carried out the reincarnation of the eye pupil, and extended the chain of purple halo from the body again, dragged the seven tails of Fu body out, and earned his own in vivo.

And as Nanao entered the body, the soiled body swelled irregularly, as if something wanted to break free from his body.

This process lasted for about two or three minutes, and then the body with soil gradually recovered and returned to normal.

"Call ..."

After exhaling lightly, the corner of the mouth with soil rose slightly.

On the battlefield outside Konoha, he almost got the whole nine tails. Although he later gave up his efforts due to the outbreak of Ningji ~ ~, he still harvested a huge amount of nine-tailed chakras. The state of human columnar force has also been greatly stabilized.

Now he got the three tails in the citrus yakura and the seven tails in the fu, respectively, and the unstable state has been fundamentally reversed.

At this time, he could clearly feel that Shio's body was recovering quickly. Now even if he does nothing, his state and strength will be further improved.

And as long as Shio fully recovers, then he can not only completely get rid of the unstable state, but even go further and open the legendary eye of the moon!

"It's only one tail and nine tails away!"

Secretly uttered, and then soiled and sensed again.

He can accurately lock the position of the three tails and the seven tails, which is derived from his natural ability to perceive the tail beasts of the ten tails. As long as the tail beasts do not die or are completely sealed, he can understand the tail through this perception. The position of the beast.

After a while, however, he frowned slightly.

Because he found that whether it was the Jiuweiren Zhuli Naru who had just seen outside of Konoha, or the one that could be felt vaguely before, all of them lost their traces at this moment, as if they were isolated by something ...


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