Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1304: The expected showdown

"Strange ..."

Whispered with a twisted eyebrow.

At this time, he half-struck his body from the ground, glanced at the plume where the vitality was exhausted on the ground, and looked at him with joy: "Has Nanao also succeeded, great!"

Because of the soil, I ignored it and looked down at what I was thinking.

Asked: "What's wrong?"

Shook his head with soil: "I don't know why, I can't perceive one or nine tails."

The face looked down: "It must have been organized by God!"

Does not require too complicated reasoning to draw such a judgment.

Because they had also dealt with the Jiuwei Renzhu before, and after the appearance of the 'dirty soil' heliostat, the Jiuwei Renzhuli and the awakening reincarnated Nisshin Ningji disappeared together.

It can be seen that the heliostat of the 'dirty earth body' should be controlled by the **** organization, and the transfer of the Jiuwei people's column strength and the awakening of the reincarnated eye from the battlefield is definitely the hand of the **** organization.

The reason is very simple. If the five great ninja villages can isolate the perception of soil, the soil will not get three tails and seven tails as smoothly as now.

"Well, that's probably the case!" After a pause, he took the soil and asked, "Is there anything going on in the God Organization?"

The absolute answer: "Except for the four" flame demon ", other members of the **** organization did not show up, and judging from the" Suzuno Hu ", three of the four" flame demon "appeared Konoha Uchiha's family, so it is likely that Kono has joined forces with God Organization. "

Said with a deep voice: "The others in the organization of God are irrelevant, what I care about is" Yan Luo "!"

Shook his head absolutely: "There is no news of" Yan Luo "yet, but judging from the fact that the **** organization sent people to take the Jiuwei people to their strength, they should have guessed our true purpose of setting off the fourth ninja war."

There is no doubt that the true purpose of Xiao organization ’s launch of this fourth ninja war is to disturb the situation, to attract the attention of the **** organization and the five major ninja villages, so that they can attack the pillars of the people and supplement the ten tails. Tail beast.

As for the fact that Bai Jue's avatar declared war on the Five Great Ninja Villages at the Five Shadows Congress, the mention of wiping out the Five Great Ninja Villages, seizing the hegemony of the Ninja Realm, etc. are all excuses for bluffing.

The expression of the earth was clear, and his face was full of stern: "Since this is the case, then I can only confront the organization of God!"

Asked with great interest: "Are you sure about" Yan Luo "?"

"I did not have much confidence before, but now I have three tails. After the seven tails, the ten tails in my body have been stabilized. I can feel my power is improving every moment!"

The land is full of confidence.

Because of the lack of too many tail beasts, his ten-tailed man's posture is extremely unstable. This is also because he has been hiding his head and cautiously.

Now that after obtaining a large number of nine-tailed chakras and complementing the three-tailed and seven-tailed beasts, the ten tails in his body have become more and more complete.

Once a critical point is reached, even if he does nothing afterwards, Ten Tail will gradually return to its peak state, which is like the tail beast is killed and will be resurrected after a period of time. It is unique to the tail beast. Resilience.

'S eyes flashed, and Xiao Yingying said: "It seems that our' Moon Eye Project 'is going to succeed."

Took a glance at the soil, and then withdrew his gaze. After half a beep, he said abruptly: "The mirror idiot, died so inexplicably ..."

Jumei smiled and smiled: "I don't know whether I died in the hands of the God Organization or in the hands of other people. Hey, the fire shadow of Muye is really a high-risk occupation!"

The soil is slightly lonely: "I was still looking forward to what kind of reaction this Naruto would know after knowing my true identity. I didn't expect that I wouldn't do it, he would die."

The Japanese Mirror, who had severely crushed him on the graduation exam at Ninja School, and eventually counterattacked as the tail of the crane to become the contemporaries of the five generations of Naruto Muye, which is already one of the few in the ninja world except Kakashi. An old man who can make him care.

After all, his original dream was to become Naruto.

The Japanese mirror not only crushed him on the graduation exam, let him carry the stigma of the first crane at the same period, but also beat him in the dream of Huoying, so after successfully promoting the "six-level", he I have been looking forward to the final showdown with Nikko Mirror.

Then, while admiring the astonishment and astonishment of the Japanese mirror, he ended this old era with his own hands, and let the light of the “eye of the moon” illuminate this desperate ninja world!


唰 ...

A body flashed, and the heliostat fell into the forest, and he lifted the Japanese demon who fell on the ground and passed out unconscious.

After waking up to the Japanese-style room, the Japanese-style mirror asked, "What about Fu?"

"Master Naruto!" Japanese Xiang Dejian first froze for a moment, then said anxiously: "It's Xiao organization, they robbed Fu!"

There was not much waves on the face of Nikko, so he asked calmly, "When is it?"

He Xiangyu quickly evacuated them and how they were attacked during the evacuation, and told him the original mirror.

"Did you bring the soil ..." The Japanese mirror murmured, then swept around, and said to the Japanese deputy: "Didara and Darui are nearby, and there are signs of life, you go to rescue them. ! "

Not to mention, the Japanese mirror didn't delay, but his figure flashed and disappeared.

Sanao and Nanao were taken away by Xiao Organization ~ ~ Even beyond the expectations of the Japanese mirror, he was also expected.

In fact, the Japanese mirror is still in the state of 'dirty soil', and did not complete the preparation for the ceremony, and Xiao organization successfully resurrected this period of time. No matter the organization of the gods or the five great forbearance villages, in fact, in the confrontation with the organization of Xiao, they have already been at a disadvantage in an all-round way, but this is the organization that did not realize it.

It can be said that during this period of time, Xiao organization is invincible, as long as they dare to work, destroy the five ninja villages, collect tail beasts, etc., it is a breeze.

Therefore, just like Xiao Organization, the fourth ninja war was provoked, and the war attracted the attention of the God Organization and the five major ninja villages, and secretly collected tail beasts. The heliostat also needed to put all the tail beasts on the bright side. A way of hitting a swollen face and being fat, to show the spirit of the God Organization, and to shock the Xiao Organization who has ten tails.

If he hides all the tail beasts early in the morning, it will reveal the guilty timidity of the God Organization, and it will also stimulate the Xiao organization that already has the real "six-level" combat power to take risks, prematurely intensifying the contradictions, and making him completely lost Collect valuable time for Chakra source and picking ceremony locations.

It was just that he did n’t expect to become the ten-tailed column force, not the long gate, but the possessed soil of the bug-level time and space ninjutsu, so that he had no time to transfer the three and seven tails ...


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