Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1318: Scarlet River

Under the golden sword of the rebirth of the golden wheel, all the obstacles in front are like the fluffy white snow on the ice field, so pale and so weak!


In the roar of the ears, Ziyuan's Feng Mo coffin shattered and scattered.

Not only that, the Golden Sword shattered the sealing devil while leaving a huge sword mark on the ground, which was like a gully, which extended all the way to a distance of 100 meters, and would not be far away. A huge gap was cut.


In an instant, the violent wind on the ice field outside the enchantment, wrapped in the broken ice and cold mist in the air, through this gap, surging into the inside of the enchantment.

On the field.


I was so sweaty that I love Luo and Ningci, and the body shuddered suddenly as a result of the oncoming cold wind.

Of course, what makes their bodies feel trembling is not only the sudden drop in temperature, but also the terrifying power of the gods like the gods outside the enclave!

At this time, the large wooden man holding the golden sword slowly walked out of the debris of Feng Mo, with a very cold expression.

"You lowly ninjas, it's too presumptuous!"

He could not tolerate the ants in front of him, provoking himself over and over again, and it was still such a pressing moment at the moment.

Ziyuan said: "It's obviously you who came to your door!"

Bai Fu reconciled: "Well, it's clearly you who is looking for trouble, and we will never allow you to destroy the ritual of the adult!"

Naruto also nodded, followed by a gesture of continued seal.

The Datong Mushe people glanced at the altar in the distance, and saw that Chakra's volatility on the sun mirror was getting stronger and stronger, so strong that he felt great uneasiness with the reincarnated eyes, so his face sank: Then you will all die!"

He had no intention of venting his anger on these ants. This was not his kindness. He just felt that the low blood ants in front of him were not worthy to fight him.

However, the Japanese mirror on the altar was putting too much pressure on him, so he could not care about his identity.

So, his right hand holding the golden sword slightly raised, and the six begging jades floating behind him suddenly merged into the golden sword in his hand.


In an instant, the dazzling golden sword became more and more splendid. Jin Cancan was like the sun, making it difficult to look directly at!

Not only that, the length of the Golden Sword soared instantly, from the original hundreds of meters, it continued to extend upward and straight into the sky!

The Ziyuan, Naruto, and the white people who were standing in front of the big tube wooden house all raised their heads subconsciously, looked at the sky with horror, and looked at the glorious golden sword that went straight into the sky and could not see the end!

On an ice cliff a dozen miles away from the rainbow ice wall, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was temporarily detained there, was stunned.

In her vision, there are two standing side by side, without seeing the end of the beam of light rushing to the sky.

One of them is a colorful beam of light over the rainbow ice wall, and the other is a golden sword that is so dazzling that people can't look directly at it!

Looking at this miracle-like scene, she was speechless for a moment and could not say anything in her mouth. She could only marvel at the bottom of her heart: "Is this the power that humanity can have?"

Facing the dazzling golden sword with no end, Ziyuan, Naruto, and the white people are like falling into the ice cave at close range.

If this sword is successfully cut, it will not only destroy the rainbow ice wall, it is likely that the entire snow country and the entire polar region will be divided into two and cut in half!


At this moment, a figure leaped out of the crowd and rushed to the big wooden man holding the golden sword.

Ziyuan's eyes were amazed, and she was surprised to find that this passed her, and the figure who rushed to the big tube was not a person, it was the phosphorous that was the same as her, so she did not wait for her brain to react. Out of conditioned reflex, quickly caught up with incense phosphorus.

In any case, she can't lose to Xiang Phosphorus!


Naruto and Bai on the side had no such conditioned reflex, and they were all startled.

However, the reaction of the two of them was not slow. Seeing that the two Yangshen dare to step forward to face such a horrible golden sword, they glanced at each other, and then they rushed up.


The man with a large sword holding a golden sword snorted softly. His eyes were full of contempt, ignoring the scented phosphorous, Ziyuan and others, and cast his sight on the heliostat on the distant altar.

The collection of nine Jade-seeking Jade, and the golden rebirth of the giant rebirth eye blessing, is enough to sweep through everything, so the big tube Mushe people are ready to dedicate their lives to the ritual of destroying the heliostat in a thunderstorm. The threat is exterminated and killed in advance!

However, at the moment when the men in the big tube ignored the phosphorous, Ziyuan and others, the magical eyes of the phosphorous under the mask of the Yangshen suddenly bloomed.

Suddenly, a blood mist appeared!

This blood mist appeared very strange, obviously there was no time to spread, but it suddenly enveloped a large area, as if it was from another time and space overlapping, covering the incense phosphorus, the big wooden man, and the nearest Ziyuan. Went in.

Then, the blood mist disappeared out of thin air as it appeared.

And disappeared with it, there are incense phosphorus shrouded in blood mist, the big tube wooden house, and the three people of Ziyuan!

Naruto and Bai, who had been a little slower, stopped suddenly, looked around in horror, but found that the big barrel wooden man was indeed gone. The previous golden sword that rushed to the sky also disappeared with the disappearance of the blood mist.

"What happened?"

Naruto asked in a daze.

Bai shook his is also confused.

The moment when the blood mist appeared, all his perceptions were shielded by the blood mist, and he did not know what was happening in the blood mist. Without waiting for him to react, the blood mist disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, the nine lamas in Naruto's body said in a deep voice: "Don't look for it, it's time and space ninjutsu, they are no longer here!"

In a different space.

In a blink of an eye, the three followed the blood mist to a different space filled with light mist.

The eyes are full of gray failure, only a **** long river is particularly striking. It meanders and twists and extends into the mist. Even the big barrel wooden house with reincarnated eyes cannot see the end of the river.

On the **** river, a vaguely outlined spirits appeared vaguely. These spirits undulated on the **** river, as if struggling and roaring. It seemed to make people shudder!

Standing on the shore, the face of Datong Mushe changed slightly, and asked, "Where is this?"

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