Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1319: Yang Shen by the Styx

Faced with the doubts of the man in the big tube, she squatted on the ground, panting and breathing heavily, and picked a beautiful flower on the other side of the foot.

The time and space pupil surgery that Xiang Phosphorus realized not long ago is nothing else, but the pupil technique Santuchuan that Tuan Zang's eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes performed.

However, as the ultimate pupil technique of these reincarnation eyes, the Santuchuan performed by Xiang Phosphorus is slightly different from the Santuchuan performed during the period when Tuanzang Eternal Kaleidoscope was written.

The pupil technique of Tuanzang is to summon and control a section of the Stygian Three Way River to come to the ninja world to assist him in combat.

The pupil technique of Xiang Phosphorus is a kind of time-space pupil technique, and the level is also a step further. It can directly open a passage between the real Stygian Santuchuan and the Ninja Realm.

Aside from the garden, Ziyuan did not have any stage fright. He hunched his arms and stared coldly at the big barrel wooden house: "Want to interfere with the ritual of the adult? Huh, let's kill us first and then talk!"

The big tube Mushe wrinkled his eyebrows and slowly looked around.

Withered and dead environment, the mist filled with lifelessness, and the long river with countless dead souls, like blood, which has no end. Based on these alone, he actually already vaguely guessed where this is and listened to Xiang Phosphorus. This is Santuchuan, and the last fluke in his heart was completely defeated.


Chewing the word in his mouth, the face of Datong Mushe became more gloomy.

Reincarnation eyes are good, melee, far attack, perspective, insight, control of spirits, control of puppets, resistance to seals, etc. There are few shortcomings, and the only thing that can be called the weakness is the ability of time and space.

This is not only for the big wooden man, but also for the Japanese mirror.

In the face of space-time ninjutsu, the reincarnation eye's powerful insight, excellent maneuvering ability, and the combination of the revolving Ruyi, allows the reincarnation eye owner to dodge almost all time-space ninjutsu in time.

However, once the move is taken and transferred to a different space, it will be very passive for the owner of the reincarnated eye.

It seems that many times he was unable to chase the heliostat with chasing victory, and because of negligence of the enemy, he was transferred to the Stygian Mushe by Xiang Phosphorus.

Trying to communicate with the giant reincarnation of their big tube wood family, the big tube wood house people quickly froze.

Although he can vaguely sense the giant reincarnated eye, this induction is very weak, and he must try to communicate for a long time, so that there is a little possibility that he can escape from the difficulties with the giant reincarnated eye left in the ninja world.

In other words, he was trapped here in a short time, trapped by this river of Styx carrying unending souls.


The semi-squat incense slowly stood up.

Ziyuan leaned in beside Xiang Xiang's ear and whispered: "We can go back, right?"

Xiang Phosphorus shook his head: "I don't know."

It is only a few tens of minutes from the realization of this time and space pupil surgery to the present, so it is still very strange to this pupil surgery phosphor, plus the previous reincarnation of the resurrection heliostat used in the reincarnation of the natural technique, So even at this moment, even Phosphorus Phosphorus himself, he did not fully grasp the smooth return to Ninja.


A trace of panic flashed in the eyes under Ziyuan's mask.

However, she quickly panicked and said calmly in front of Xiang Phosphorus: "It's no big deal. After the seal is sealed, we will slowly find our way back!"

Looking around the big tube of the wooden house around, then looked at the Xiang Phosphorus and Ziyuan in front of him, and finally the eyes fell on the charming other shore flower held by Xiang Phosphorus.

He knew it was his negligence that put him in the predicament of today.

Annoyed, he couldn't help but scrutinize the two ninjas in front of them wearing black caps with gold rims and sun masks.

He had seen this costume more than once before, and during the time of the assassination, he was disturbed by a similarly dressed ninja with a rock mask on his face.

And in the fierce battle with Nagato not long ago, he also found several ninjas in this costume on the sidelines.

"It seems that they are not ordinary ninjas!" After a little secret, Datong Mushe asked: "Who are you?"

At the same time as the flirtatious flowers on the other shore were slowly thrown into the Styx, Xiang Phosphorus and Ziyuan said in harmony: "God organizes Yangshen!"

Shenwei space.

Sustaining the tail soil of Yiwei and Jiuwei, he suddenly looked.

A side question asked: "Did you find something?"

"Well, it feels Jiuwei!"

With soil nodded gently.

Quickly asked: "Where?"

Wrapped his eyebrows with soil: "It's far away from the Fire Country, it seems to be in the polar region, the specific direction, I still need to wait until I go to the Ninja Realm before I can try to lock it!"

Absolutely laughed: "It seems that the Five Great Forbearance Villages are still prepared, even hiding Jiuwei in that kind of place!"

With the soil surface disdainful: "No matter where they hide Jiuwei, it doesn't make sense!"

After all, the figure with soil shook and disappeared into the suddenly appearing vortex.

Looking at the deserted land that hurried away, Hei Jue's mouth twitched, drawing an upturned arc

Rainbow ice wall.

The heliostat on the altar felt the coldness flowing from the enchanted breakage, and his eyes shifted slightly, glancing at the enchantment's gap that was blasted and broken by the golden wheel of the big wooden man, and standing blankly outside the gap Naomi Naruto and Bai.

Naruto rushed out of the enchantment, which means that he is now exposed to the perception of the earth, so he has no hesitation in the heliostat, and directly seals off the previous psychic.


In a muffled sound, Naruto disappeared into a puff of white smoke.

Naruto was originally forcibly channeled by psychicism, so as long as the heliostat was released from psychic powers, he could instantly return Naruto to his position before being channeled by the power of the contract, that is, the battlefield outside of Konoha on.

As for Phosphorus, Ziyuan and others, the Japanese mirror is not worried.

Naruto is covered by six immortals, and the probability of death is extremely small. Even if Naruto, Xiang Phosphorus, and Ziyuan are all dead, as long as he can achieve blood and snare, the resurrection of several people is a breeze for him. .

Therefore, it was confirmed that Iro was still in the circle, and was isolated by the circle. After the breath of the tail did not leak out, he calmly withdrew his eyes and devoted himself to the ceremony again.

Unlike the previous three stages, in the fourth stage, he has no more than the previous experience. He wants to thoroughly integrate the qualities of the seven elements of Yin and Yang, the seven elements of Chakra, and it is essentially an act against the sky.

Because chakras of different attributes will be mutually exclusive, it is not easy to merge only two of them, and three of them. If you want to fully integrate the seven attributes, it is not only necessary to exaggerate to Chakra that cannot be estimated, but also Requires superb skills and a calm heart

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