Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1325: The eye of the moon about to open!

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The night wind blew, and the pungent smoky smoke exploded.

The cold moonlight showered on the robe with the earth flying high, making him floating in mid-air look very unreal, as if it was between illusion and reality.

And the breath on him has become more strange, making people feel uneasy from the heart.

" is this possible!"

The three generations of Huo Ying showed a despair.

The three generations of earth shadows on the side, the four generations of wind shadows, and the fourth generations of Leiying were also shocked.

In their view, with the power of the second generation of Naruto's "multiplying the detonation symbol" just now, even if it is impossible to completely kill the soil, it should be able to damage the soil, no matter how bad it is, at least it should leave some marks on the soil. .

But the fact was extremely cruel. Under the fierce explosion just now, the soil was still unscathed, and even the robe on his body was not damaged in half.

"Still unscathed..."

Kakashi looked sad.

Ninjas are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of despair, and the powerful earth like a **** in front of them makes people feel despair involuntarily!

the other side.

Da She Wan's pupil shrank and whispered: "It looks like we are ready to retreat."

Zilai immediately hurriedly said: "Retreat? The village is behind us, where can I retreat?"

Tsunade sighed: "If even the ninja world is over, where can we go back?"

Da She Wan was sullen, unable to speak in half a ring.

The current situation is different from the previous wars. In the past, it was only a dispute between the Ninja and the Ninja, or the Ninja Village and the Ninja Village. The loser can survive by ceding his sphere of influence, signing a treaty, or even exile.

The fourth ninja war provoked by Kexiao was obviously not for the hegemony of ninja, so the Ninja Alliance did not even qualify for defeat this time!


Sasuke lifted the "Suzunenghu" at this time and landed from the sky to Naruto. He asked curiously, "Hey, stupid, where did the five generations just take you?"

Naruto said anxiously: "I'll talk about this later, it's important to deal with this guy first!"

Sasuke, wearing gloves, akimbo on one hand and the hilt on the other, glanced coldly at the earth in the distance suspended in the air, and said casually: "What did the five generations explain?"

Naruto shook his head: "Teacher, he is busy with other things!"

"Other things?!"

Sasuke stunned slightly and couldn't figure out what else was more important than what was happening right now.

Naruto glanced at Sasuke sideways: "Oh, why are you dressed as a "god organization" again, is it the village's arrangement?"

Sasuke's lips raised: "Well, I'm the real **** organization "Fire Demon"!"

Naruto was taken aback: " joined the God Organization!?"

Sasuke looked at the earth in the sky and said coolly: "So you can rest assured that there is our God Organization, this kind of guy can't turn over the waves, you don't understand how powerful our God Organization is!"

Uh, uh...

At this time, Zhishui, Itachi, and one or three people also fell beside the two.

Just now, they took advantage of the space where the second generation of Huo Ying's'multiplying detonation symbol' bombarded the soil, they will be the second generation of earth shadow, the second generation of water shadow, the third generation of lightning shadow, the third generation of wind shadow, and the third generation of wind shadow. Hanzang defeated these'dirty bodies' one by one, and cooperated with the Ninja Alliance Sealing Team to seal them all.

After landing, Itachi asked, "Naruto, are there any arrangements for the five generations?"


Naruto shook his head. He was suddenly relieved of psychicism and returned to here, so he didn't know anything.

Zhenyi complained: "I didn't expect that the guys who organized Xiao are playing so big. It's just a few of us. Obviously, I can't control the scene! Even if the boss doesn't take action, I will send them to Yan and'Yangshen' anyway. !"

Naruto said: "They are all in the snow country!"

"What?" Sasuke hurriedly looked at Naruto and hurriedly asked: "My teacher... no, where is the'fire demon'? Where are they doing?"

Naruto, while staring at the earth with air, said a little bit about the attack on the big wooden man with reincarnation eyes.

Because the attention is all on the earth in the air, Naruto said very briefly, without specifically mentioning the members of the **** organization, but focusing the description on the body of the big tube.

Sasuke's face was murderous, and he said coldly in his mouth: "The big wooden man..."

The water stop on the side, really one, the three ferrets looked at each other.

They did not expect the crisis in the Xiao organization to sweep across the world of ninja, the big tube Mushe people on the moon came to insert a hand, and they did not expect that the big tube Mushe people also possessed the treasure of the reincarnation!

At this moment, Chakra, who had been suspended in the night sky and had no movement, suddenly skyrocketed. Then, a thin crack broke in his eyebrow.


Immediately afterwards, there was a scream in his mouth. It sounded like he was suffering from some kind of heartache.

Looking at the cracks cracked at the heart with the soil, listening to the painful howling with the soil, the people of the Ninja Alliance were surprised and suspicious!

At this time, the Chakra fluctuations on the soil have reached a point where it is difficult to describe in words. In the eyes of some Japanese tribes such as the sun difference, it is like a hot sun.

What surprised everyone was that the fairy, who was as strong as the earth, would scream out in pain, so everyone was very surprised what happened to the body with the earth.

The nine lamas in Naruto were trembling at the moment, and said in horror: "Hurry, stop him!"

Naruto quickly asked in his heart: "What's wrong?"

"It's the Eye of the Moon!" Pausing, Nine Lama said in horror: "He's going to awaken the Moon Eye that Datong Muhui Ye once had!"


In a hidden underground palace in Ninja.

At the moment when the thin seam with the eyebrows outside Muye Village appeared, a figure sitting on a tall stone seat suddenly seemed to sense something and suddenly looked towards Muye Village.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses came over.

The figure on the pedestal asked the middle-aged man: " Is there any result?"

A middle-aged man named ‘Amado’ said to the figure on the stone pedestal: “It’s a pity that all the test subjects failed this time.”

After being silent for a while, the figure on the stone spit out two words: "Continue!"

After all, the figure stood up, waved it casually, and opened a space-time door with ‘time-space ninjutsu’.

Amado asked: "Cixian, where are you going?"

The man whom Amado called ‘cixian’ said coldly: “I’m going to confirm something!”


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