Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1326: Another 1 10 tails!

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After passing through the door of time and space, Ci Xian came to a desolate alien space.

In front of him, there is a huge mountain wall with three sets of exquisite reliefs carved on it. These three sets of reliefs are composed of two special symbols, one above and the other, which seem to symbolize what is located on the right. The third group on the side was destroyed, and the specific symbols were unclear, leaving only unrecognizable lines.

Glancing at the group of symbols in the middle of the mountain wall, Ci Xian's eyes grew colder.

If someone familiar with Datong Muhuiye is here, he should be able to recognize the symbol at the bottom of the middle at a glance, which is almost the same as the two corners on the forehead of Datongmu Huiye.

Obviously, this symbol symbolizes Datong Muhuiye.

There are three groups and six symbols on the mountain wall, that is to say, except for Datongmuhuiye, the other five symbols also correspond to one bigtube.

In other words, in addition to the night of Datong Muhui, there are at least five others who have dabbled here or are about to dabble here.

In the ninja world known as the "Chakra ancestor", the big tube of Muhuiye corresponds to the symbol in the middle of the two symbols in the middle.

Above her symbol, there is another symbol representing another big tube!

If the arrangement of these symbols follows the rule of superiority and inferiority, it means that Datong Muhuiye still has a boss, or at least a partner with a comparable status.

Before long, Ci Xian looked back at the mountain wall and looked at his feet.

Under his feet is a huge circular cell, and the dome of the cell is also carved with a pattern of reincarnations.

From the gap on the side into the cell, Ci Xian looked at the huge figure imprisoned in the cell.

This huge figure imprisoned in the cell is nothing else, but a ten-tail with six hook jade reincarnation eyes, which is only compared with the ten-tail in the ninja world that has just been resurrected. The tail should be significantly smaller.


Seeing Ci Xian coming, Ten Tail struggled and roared, his eyes mixed with anger and fear.

Ci Xian did not take it seriously, looking at the ten tail indifferently, as if saying to himself, "Did you feel it too?"

Ten-tail's struggle became more intense, but his body was nailed by several huge prongs, no matter how hard it struggled, he could not escape this prison.

Ci Xian still said, "I need to confirm it, so I need to absorb some..."

While talking, Ci Xian raised his hand to ten tails.


Suddenly, Chakra, a large stock, escaped from Shio's body and poured into Ci Xian's body.

Ten tail suddenly showed a painful expression, curled up.

And after absorbing a large number of ten tails of Chakra's kind strings, there gradually appeared a line of ink color on the body like when the "yin seal" was unsealed, and the Chakra fluctuations on his body also skyrocketed.

Not only that, as Chakra ten-tailed sucked more and more, a long slanted angle appeared on the back of his head.

The long horn on the head is the most dominant genetic feature of the big tube wood family. However, all the big blood tubes with pure blood veins will have a variety of horns with strange shapes on the head.

The blood vessels of the big tube in the ninja world are all derived from the big tube wood night, so the big tube trees in the ninja world are basically the same as the big tube wood night, with two symmetrical horns on their heads.

At the moment, Ci Xian's head is a big and thick bevel, which is very different from Dahui Muhuiye in shape.

If the shape of this corner is represented as a symbol, it is exactly similar to a symbol on the mountain wall outside the prison, and that symbol happens to be above the symbol of the big tube Muhuiye!

After a while, Ci Xian stopped absorbing and whispered: "Can you only store so much..."

Then he converged Chakra, the ink lines all over the body, and the giant horn that had sprung from the back of the head all disappeared one by one, and the shape changed back to the original normal human appearance.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he used time-space ninjutsu again to open a space door, and his body flew in...


In a forest outside the wood leaves.

The long door of the organization's red cloud suit stood on the canopy of a large tree, looking far away at the battlefield.

Although it was far away from the battlefield, the spread of the waves and the shaking of the earth on the battlefield still reached here, making the big tree where he was shaking endlessly.

Xiao Nan on the edge persuaded: "Nagato, let them fight each other, we do not need to intervene in this dispute!"

Just by the fire in the distance and the endless explosion, you can guess the fierceness of the battlefield, so Xiaonan does not want Nagato to venture into such a war.

What's more, whether they betray their land, the Five Forbearance Villages, or the God Organization, they are their enemies, and they have no position to intervene in this battle.

The long door didn't say anything, just stared at the distance in silence, his expression very solemn.

He really has no reason to intervene in this battle, but he understands that this is likely to be a battle that determines the future destiny of ninja world, so in any case, he can not let his betrayal succeed.

Because from the long-term contact, and with the earth and the occasional words, he vaguely knew a little about the "Eye of the Moon Project", so if he is allowed to choose, he would rather the ninja world maintain the status quo and still be controlled by the five major ninja villages , And do not want the ninja world to fall into the hands of the pair of lunatics with earth.

And with his in-depth investigation during this period, he found that Yahiko's death, and the inexplicable destruction of the members of the former Xiao organization, seemed to be inextricably linked to the soil, so even if it was just for Yahiko, for the previous partner He, he can not easily let go of the soil.

After a moment, Nagato seemed determined to turn his head and said to Xiao Nan: "You go back to the base first, let me take a look at the situation!"

Xiao Nan shook his head: "You can't fool me. If you already have a decision, take me with you. If you are dead, what's the point of me living?"

Xiao Nan's perception ability is not bad, plus the conspicuous'Qiu Dao Jade' that surrounds Dui Du, even if it is a fool, he also knows that Dui Du has now entered the'Six Dao' and has become the same as'Yan Luo' The same fairy.

So Xiao Nancai tried hard to persuade because Nagato has lost several times to the "Yan Luo" as an immortal, but now he has lost his reincarnation eyes, and it is impossible to become the land of the immortal. Opponents, plus the five big ninja villages and **** organizations will not let go of the long gate, so once the long gate enters the battle, it will be enemies in the back and the chance of survival is very small!

Nagato pondered for a while, and said, "Well, you stay around to meet me!"


Xiao Nan nodded heavily.

Long door no longer say anything, his figure flickered, and flew to the battlefield in the distance...


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