Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1327: The 8-door Dunjia Formation!

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On the battlefield outside Muye Village.

The painful roars with soil gradually subsided. When he was struggling, he accidentally pressed the top half of the broken piece with his hand, and the gap at the center of his eyebrow became deeper and deeper.




A silent rhythm sounded deep in everyone's heart.

"this is...?"

"Whose heartbeat?"

"Is that the guy?"

At this moment, everyone in the field was full of doubts and uneasiness. This silent rhythm was so clear, just like their own heartbeat, making them unconsciously affected by this rhythm. Some people were even flustered by this, Breathing quickly.

After a while, the silent rhythm slowly disappeared.

And at the moment when the rhythm sound disappeared, the green forehead bulged on the forehead, and the already violent Chakra fluctuations climbed again, reaching a whole new level.

The gap in the eyebrow was also half closed, revealing a scarlet scarlet!

"This Chakra..."

Zilai was also horrified. He was dumbfounded halfway through the words, because he couldn't think of a word that could accurately describe Chakra.

Tsunade stared at the broken part of the mask with earth, revealing the gap in the eyebrow: "What is that?"

Da She Wan frowned tightly and said in an uncertain tone: "It seems to be an eye?"

On the other side, after receiving the warning from Jiu Mei inside, Naruto immediately understood the seriousness of the situation right now, so he shouted, "Nine Lama, please!"


Nine-Tail Shen Shen responded.


In an instant, Chakra's body on Naruto also skyrocketed, and the golden'Nine-tailed Chakra Mode' on his body changed accordingly, and there were black lines.

There is no doubt that Jiuwei in the desperate situation has no reservations, and gives all the power to Naruto.

With the complete release of Kyuo's heart, Naruto's "Nine-Tail Chakra Mode" has evolved into a stronger and more stable "Nine Lama Mode"!

The "Nine Lama Mode" is an advanced version of the "Nine-tail Chakra Mode".

In the "Nine-Tail Chakra Mode", Naruto's ability has been comprehensively strengthened, but the application of Nine-Tail Chakra is still only on Chakra's arm.

The "Nine Lama Model" is not.

As long as Naruto is willing, he can completely turn the tail animal while maintaining his human form, releasing a pure and huge golden nine-tailed entity.

To a certain extent, some of the "Suzengenghu" like Kaleidoscope Uchiha are controlling the huge Chakra entity while maintaining their own form.

After entering the "Nine Lama Mode", Naruto quickly floated into the air, completely liberating the nine tails in the body.

In an instant, a huge golden nine-tailed demon fox appeared in the field.

Unlike the crimson red Jiuwei, this time the Jiuwei is bright gold, Chakra's breath is also very pure, without the slightest killing intentions and violent!

With a glance at Naruto, he said lightly, "Don't you understand? Neither you nor your failed father can stop me!"

Floating in the body of Golden Nine Tails, Naruto shouted: "You are not allowed to say that to my father!"

Speaking, Naruto flew up fearlessly to control Jiu Mei.

Naruto's roar also awakened everyone present.

So far, this is not a matter of a certain ninja, or a certain ninja village, but the holocaust of all ninjas in the entire ninja world, from the highest shadow to the middle to the ninja. The lower tolerance is closely related to this war.

If this battle is defeated, it will not only destroy the five ninja villages, but the entire ninja world!

"Cut, we're not even as good as a little ghost!" After a chuckle, Da She Wan's eyes were cold, and he quickly sealed, and shouted: "Forbearance, the technique of Baqi!"


In a burst of noise, Da She Wan's body began to swell quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it became a white eight-headed snake!

At the same time, Tsunade also snorted: "Forbearance, Baihao's art!"

Suddenly, ink-colored lines spread from the "yin seal" of her eyebrows and spread all over her body!


Zilai also folded her hands and shouted, "Two fairies, please!"

On Zhima's shoulder, the two immortals nodded in unison: "Well!"

After receiving the response from the two immortals, he came and immediately shouted: "Immortal mode, open!"

the other side.

Sasuke glanced at Kakashi in the distance, and then nodded consciously, and at the same time sealed the seal, ignited Lei Dunzi and said, "Kirin!"

The "Multiplying Blasting Symbol" played by the second generation of Naruto just now caused a lot of heat waves to gather in the air. At this moment, a large cloud of cumulonimbus has formed, so I don’t wait for Naruto to pounce on the earth, in Sasuke, Under the traction of Kakashi's two purple electricity, the lightning that had been gathering in the air for a long time was instantly led, and the bombarded the land unbiased.


In an instant, the figure with soil was hit by this huge flash of purple electricity.

Not waiting for the smoke to disperse, Naruto's waving golden giant claws shot towards the earth in the air, and at the same time, the big snake pill that used the technique of "Baqi" liberated the outline of the "yin seal" and entered the "fairy" The mode's Zilai, as well as three generations of Naruto, three generations of earth shadows, four generations of lightning shadows, four generations of wind shadows, etc., have shot out and launched a fierce attack on the soil in the air.

At that time, the soil that had just been hit by ‘Kylin’ scorned with a scornful smile. The tin rod transformed from ‘Qidaoyu’ in his hand was easily waved by him, and he easily cut off the golden giant claw that Naruto photographed.

Immediately, his right hand shook gently and dozens of black rods shot out violently, respectively nailing the eight snake heads of the big snake pill that became the big Qi snake, and inserted the body of Tsuna and Ziye, and they collapsed instantly. Three Ninja Offensive.

At the same time, the eight'Qiu Daoyu' behind him greeted three generations of Huo Ying, three generations of earth shadows, four generations of lightning shadows, and four generations of wind shadows.

The giant shuriken thrown out by the three generations of Naruto broke apart in front of'Qiu Daoyu', and the'Ding Ding哐哐' was scattered all over the place, and the'Ding Dun' of the three generations of the earth's shadow was easily resolved by'Qiu Daoyu', UU reading beam disappeared as soon as it flashed.

The four generations of Lei Ying who turned on the "Lei Dun Chakra Mode" couldn't avoid it, only to hit the flying Qiu Dao Yu, and the whole right arm was instantly melted by Qiu Dao Yu, the tough "Lei Zhi Jia" was in "Qiu Dao Yu" didn't hold for even a second.

The four generations of Fengying were suddenly appalled, and quickly controlled layers of sands in front of him. As a result, they were immediately penetrated by Qiu Daoyu. He couldn't dodge it, and he was also destroyed by Qiu Daoyu.

"Eight-door Dunjia Formation, open!"

While taking the soil to sweep the battlefield with "Qiu Daoyu", Kai launched the "Eight Gate Dunjia" without hesitation, and instantly opened the eighth door "Dead Gate"...


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