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A huge air wave surged from Kai's body!

In just a few short breaths, this air wave gradually became darker from the initial blue, and finally turned into a red with a rich **** taste!


The earth was always indifferent, and then his brow was slightly twisted.

At that moment, the violent chakra wave erupting from Kay's body, as well as the surging momentum, even now he felt some threat.

"Eight Men Dunjia..."

Looking at Kai, who was covered with blood-red steam all over his body, the expression of the earth gradually became solemn, and he waved subconsciously, trying to recall the pieces of ‘Qingdaoyu’ that were staying outside.


At this moment, the ground beneath Kay's feet shattered into pieces, and huge waves swept around, leaving the ninjas around him unable to open his eyes.


Kai, who liberated all restraints of the body, suddenly moved!

At this moment, he was like a wild beast, carrying blood-red waves, turbulent power, and a burst of roaring sonic booms, and he rushed towards the mid-air.

"Ye Kai!"

In the flutter, Kai gave a low roar in his throat, like a thunderous thunder, and the blood-colored waves lingering around him, this moment was like a huge red dragon!

With his eyes full of soil, the act of recalling "Qiu Dao Yu" was even more urgent.

Deep in his heart, although he firmly believed that he was invincible, the mighty Chakra burst out of Kay's burning life and the unprecedented momentum made his cold heart flash a little panic.

However, his "Qiu Daoyu" is nearby, and he holds a tin rod made of "Qiu Daoyu" in his hand, so he instantly calmed his inner consternation.

It's too late to call back all Qiu Daoyu to his side, but he can try to stop the three nearby Qiu Daoyu on the path that Kai pounced, waiting for Kai to bump into Qiu Daoyu himself.

"Bloom, the leafy blue beast!"

Seeing the three most recent "Qiu Dao Yu" floating from all around and blocking the path in front of him, Kay did not intend to slow down halfway, or attempted to avoid, but instead accelerated the speed again, blasting the sound with a loud sound, hard Even a roar!


With a rounded mouth, Xian Kai's eyes were full of contempt, but there was also a hint of admiration that was hard to detect.




However, at this moment, with three sounds of breaking the sky, the second generation of Naruto, the fourth generation of Naruto, and the three of Kakashi flashed to the three'Qingdaoyu' that blocked Kai's path, and used the technique of flying thunder **** 'Momented three'Qiu Daoyu' in an instant.

It turned out that when the crowd just launched a fierce attack on the soil, Kakashi came to the "dirty earth" of the second generation of Naruto and the fourth generation of Naruto imprisoned by the black stick, liberating the two Naruto.

Afterwards, the three used the technique of "Flying Thunder God" to clear the obstacles for the burning of life.

Because they are themselves "dirty earth bodies" without fear of damage, the second generation of Huo Ying and the fourth generation of Huo Ying are both in direct contact with "Qiu Dao Yu", so when the "Qiu Dao Yu" is removed, their spirits are both affected. After a lot of damage, the palm that touched "Qiu Dao Yu" was completely melted away.

Kakashi knew that "Qiu Daoyu" was so powerful, and the flesh and blood would be melted as soon as he touched it, so before touching "Qiu Daoyu", he attached a layer of seal on his palm.

Although the seal technique could not prevent the ablation of ‘Qiu Daoyu’, he still managed to get Kakashi a second or two seconds, allowing Kakashi to move away from ‘Qiu Daoyu’.

Seeing the three'Qiu Daoyu' who were watching him was removed by the second generation of Naruto and the fourth generation of Naruto, the three of Kakashi were removed, and they suddenly looked dull with Tutu, but he returned to normal in a flash, and placed the tin stick in his hand. In front of him.


In an instant, Kay's flying kick, which burned his life, kicked on the tin rod that was transformed from ‘Qiu Daoyu’ with his body!

"It's useless..."

He talked with confidence, but he was stunned just halfway through.

The tin rod transformed from "Qiu Dao Yu" in his hand not only did not melt away the kick kicked by Kai Fei, but was shocked and deformed by the strong air pressure.


This moment, the soil froze for a moment, because he felt a touch of space.

He never imagined that Kai who opened the "Eight Gates of Dunjia Formation", and that "Ye Kai", which was released at the cost of burning life, was so powerful that it could distort space barriers!


"Has it succeeded?"


Looking at the sky that is moving forward, even Kai, who changed the tin rod of Qiu Daoyu, bent, whether it is the three ninjas nailed to the ground by black bars, the injured and fallen shadows, or other ninjas, all of them are in the heart. There is a hope!

The ultimate form of body surgery, the "Eight Array of Dunjia Dunjia", gave everyone a huge shock. At this moment, the boundary between the fairy and the mortal like a chasm seems to become less insurmountable.

In the air.

Shocked by an air wave strong enough to distort the barriers of space, without hesitation or even thinking about the earth, he followed his instinct and launched the "Shenwei" to blur himself.


Just kicked the tin stick with soil, and Kay, who was about to kick on the soil with a target, instantly lost his goal and suddenly penetrated the blurred soil with a blur, like a gorgeous firework rushing towards the night sky.


After avoiding the soil of'Yekai', he relaxed his breath gently while turning his head to look at the kick kick, and fell hard to Kai, whose life and death were unknown on the ground.

Different from the original time and space in order to see the ultimate of body art, he did not hesitate to use his body to resist the "Yu Kai" Uchiha spot, and after all, there is still no real daunting heart with the spot!

And seeing the "Yu Kai" launched by Kay's burning life with "time and space ninjutsu" with soil, the hearts of everyone present could not stop falling, a thick despair enveloped everyone.

At this time, it seems that everyone remembered the strong enemy in front of them. In addition to the invincible'Jiu Dao Jade', there was also an unpredictable'space and time ninjutsu'.

In the air, the unearthed zone with cold soil swept the battlefield coldly.

On the battlefield, Kaiqiang stood up, but he staggered, and Chakra became weaker and weaker. Obviously, with the outbreak of'Yekai', the effect of'Eight Men Dunjia' was fading.

Once it has subsided completely, only death is waiting for him.

On the other side, no matter whether it is the big snake pill that has changed into the eight Qi big snake~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The stick was firmly nailed to the ground.

These black rods, which can interfere with and infect Chakra, prevent them from breaking free.

Four generations of Ray Shadow, four generations of Wind Shadow each lost their arms and fell to the ground. The second generation of Naruto and the fourth generation of Naruto each lost a palm, and even they as ‘dirty bodies’ could not recover.

The other ninjas were countless dead and wounded, and they looked around in disarray.

At this time, the half-closed eye of the moon with the eyebrows at the heart finally opened...


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