Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1339: Identity revealed!

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With a splash of blood, he pulled out the arm that penetrated the chest of the long door!

Nagato staggered forward, then turned his head hard, and looked behind him like a ghost, watching his own soil coldly, coughing blood, and struggling to say, "It seems... . In the end I lost my fate!"

With a cold face, "Come down, your mission has been completed."


With the voice of the earth still falling, the long gate fell to the ground unwillingly, and the vision began to blur gradually.

After staying for a while on the bizarre eyes in the long door's orbit, he brought back his eyes with soil, and instead of rushing to seize the eyes, he slowly drifted into the air.

In the distance, Tsuneo hesitated, and finally secretly divided a small slug, crawling from the crack to the long door that fell in the pool of blood.

While looking at the battlefield from the top, the earthy expression was extremely cold.

The broken battlefield, the corpses everywhere, and the pungent **** smell in the air couldn't touch his heartstrings anymore. At this time, his heart was hard as iron.

After the previous fierce battles, there was no ninja who could resist him on the battlefield.

All the shadows were all turned upside down. Even if they recovered their consciousness under the treatment of Tsunato and slugs, they temporarily lacked the ability to act. The situation of the "Three Forbearances" is similar.

And the masters of the five Ninja villages such as Dedara, Darui, Zhaomeiming, Yecang, etc., were either seriously damaged by the "round tomb avatar" with soil, or "Shenluo Tianzheng" with the soil, no With one exception, all of them lost their combat capabilities.

Several of the "fire demon" organized by the gods were more seriously injured. For the ordinary kaleidoscope Uchiha, "Suzengenghu" was forcibly smashed, and it will be punished by very serious pupils, and several of them "Suzunenghu", it has been broken more than once since fighting with Uchiha Spot.

As Naruto's last hope for Naruto, Sasuke, one was pulled out of Nine Tails and fell into survivorship, while the other was almost penetrated by the sternum and fell from high altitude, with unknown life and death.

As for the pharmacist's pocket that assisted Naruto and Sasuke, half of his body was shattered by the "shenwei" with soil, and the long door was directly penetrated by the chest with soil.

The second-generation Naruto and the fourth-generation Naruto were imprisoned by black sticks with soil. As a sacrifice to one of the cores of ‘dirty earth’, they were severely damaged.

Later, in order to give Kai, Naruto, and Sasuke the chance to make shots, they forcibly removed the "Qiu Daoyu", and a lot of spirit bodies were ablated by the "Qiu Daoyu", so their "dirty soil" state was also very bad. The combat effectiveness is almost ten to eight.

The remnant soldiers who glanced over the place raised the corner of their mouth with victory, and finally put their eyes on Kakashi, saying, "Kakashi, I still won!"

Kakashi supported his wobbly body and looked up at the earth with air: "What the **** are you doing?"

With soil, he glanced at the bright, bright moon above his head, with a bit of yearning in his tone, and a bit sentimental: "I want to create a world with Lynn!"

"But Lin is dead..."

Kakashi's expression dimmed.

"Yeah!" He paused and said slowly, "So I want to create a world without killing, war, death, and hatred!"

Kakashi shook his head firmly: "There is no such world..."

Taking the soil and looking coldly at Kakashi: "You are still as incompetent as before, but it doesn't matter, you can't do things, I will do it myself!"

While listening to the conversation between Kakashi and the soil, the four generations of Huo Ying froze for a moment, then looked into the air with a surprised face, and said lightly in the mouth: "With soil..."

At this time, Zhu Di turned his attention to the fourth generation of Huo Ying, and said in a somewhat complicated tone: "Teacher..."


"He is also a Ninja?"

"Or the disciples of the fourth generation of Huo Ying?"

"Damn, it's Konoha again!"

At the moment when the soil shouted "teacher" to the four generations of Naruto, the surviving ninjas suddenly exploded.

The leader of the former Xiao organization, the disciple of Ziye, one of Muye Sanren, stirred up the wind and rain in the ninja world in the name of the Xiao organization, and it was not difficult to toss the ninja world.

After that, he almost wiped out the tens of thousands of Ninja Alliance's Uchiha spots with one person's power, and the relationship with Muye was closer, because he was one of the founders who founded Muye with the first generation of Naruto.

Now, as the identity of the soil is revealed, everyone was shocked to find that this mysterious person who swept the ninja world and made the entire ninja world's spirits not only a wooden leaf ninja, but also a disciple of Naruto!

This leaf pot can't get rid of Konoha!

So, all the ninjas of other ninja villages looked at the wooden leaf ninja angrily.

The three generations of Tu Ying are glaring at the three generations of Huo Ying: "Ape Fei Sun, what else can you explain!"

The four generations of Fengying also asked: "Have you been knowing his identity, and have you been hiding from us?"

The three generations of Naruto opened their mouths, instinctively want to explain two sentences, but first the Nagato, and then Uchiha spot, and now Uchiha's identity with soil has burst out again. As the longest reigning Naruto, he is really difficult Explain, you can only sigh quietly.

The four generations of Lei Ying said sullenly, "Your wood leaves ruined the ninja world!"

the other side.

Asma covered the wound with one hand and said, "Hey, it's still this step!"

Silent dropped his head weakly.

And unlike Asma, mute, which is closer to the decision-making level, Ninja, such as sun difference, and red, I don’t know the fire mystery, Ibixi, these ninjas don’t know in advance that the organization of the mysterious person is Uchiha brought the soil, so when the identity of the soil was not revealed, their hearts were not shocked less than others.

After all, during the period of ninja school, the tail of the crane with soil but more crotch than the Japanese mirror belongs to the bottom of the chain of contempt during the same period, and in the third ninja war, he died in the name of a hero, so everyone I never imagined that the mysterious person who planned the'Nine Tail's Rebellion' behind the scenes of Xiao Organization would lead the way.

"The secret control of Xiao organization, defeated so many shadows, so many mysterious people of the strong, actually... turned out to be the soil?"

The red face is full of disbelief.

She couldn't possibly reconcile the unprecedented "Six Dao" immortal with the impression that she was at the bottom of the ranking in the ninja school graduation exam.

Suddenly, a huge sense of absurdity filled her heart.

Floating in the mid-air with soil, at this time the remaining half of the mask was smashed to reveal his appearance completely...


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