Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1340: Who will save us!

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End the valley.

The towering statues standing on both sides of the waterfall have collapsed at this moment, and in the messy rock pile where the statue collapsed, the two figures are facing each other across the waterfall in the middle.


Among the stone piles, Uchiha gasped heavily.

At this time, he was suppressed by the "Mingshen Gate" that overlapped one thousand layers of pillars, and he could only barely kneel on the ground, even the waist bar could not stand up, as the body of the "dirty soil", it was constantly Scattered with debris.

At the other end of the waterfall, that is, the statue of the first generation of Huo Ying, a few black rods penetrated the body between the pillars of the thousand hands, firmly nailed to the ground, and it could not move like the Uchiha spot.

At this time, Uchiha said with a smile: "You guys are still so difficult!"

The first generation was not ridiculous at this moment, he stared at Uchiha Ban said: "Ban, we are already dead, we should no longer interfere in the affairs of the ninja world!"

Uchiha spotted a corner of his mouth: "Don't you want to change something like this ninja world?"

The first generation was silent for a while and said, "Each generation has its own mission. We should trust the next generation. They will do better than us!"

Uchiha spotted his head and shook his head: "No, there are things that I will never do if I don't do it! I want to change the world, I want to make it the way I want it to be!"

The first generation said helplessly: "If you impose your thoughts on everyone like this, it will only make the ninja world twisted."

Uchiha said with a deep voice: "Your idea of ​​distributing tail beasts to various villages is stupid. That can't bring peace. Only my "Eye of the Moon Project" can really bring the ninja world to peace and let people enjoy forever. Peaceful way!"

At this time, Uchiha spot suddenly turned his head, staring in the direction of the distant Kono battlefield, and said to himself: "Hey, the sound of fighting there seems to stop..."

The first generation also found something strange and looked at it in amazement.

Since just now, the explosions and firelights on the battlefield in Konoha have not stopped. On several occasions, the dazzling glare even dispelled the night and shone to them.

But the battle over there seemed to subside. Not only was there no sound, but even the chakra fluctuations began to calm down.

There is only one explanation for this situation, which is that the war there has already achieved results. As for the outcome and which side has won, at present, neither the first generation nor Uchiha Spot can judge.

Just as the two looked at the battlefield of Konoha at the same time, the figure disappeared slowly from the ground and appeared beside Uchiha Spot.

Despite being suppressed by the heavy "Mingshen Gate", Uchiha's spot remained undiminished, and calmly asked, "How is the situation?"

Juzhao Yuzhibo Ban paid a courtesy and respectful report: "The soil has defeated the Ninja Alliance and swept the battlefield!"

"Hey, what's the kid doing better than I thought!"

Uchiha spotted a smirk, and then looked provocatively at the opposite generation.

After hearing the defeat of the Ninja Alliance, the first generation looked sad and sighed.

Uchiha said with a smile: "Jianjian, it seems that the juniors you trust are not worthy of your trust! Your so-called "fire will" is absolutely worthless in the face of absolute power!"

The early generation did not argue about anything, but fell silent.

No matter how unwilling he admits, the current situation is beyond his control. He has neither a way to argue nor an ability to change anything.

At this time, I bowed to Uchiha and asked, "Adult, what should we do next? It doesn't seem to bring you back to the earth."

Uchiha dazzled and sneered, "Huh, he thought he could escape my grasp?"


Muye battlefield.

When the floating soil in the air crushed the remaining half of the mask and removed the hood, his entire face finally appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the familiar and strange face, Kakashi was startled.

There is no change in the appearance of the soil, only the two horns protruding from the forehead and the infiltrating ‘eye of the moon’ at the center of his eyebrows make him feel a deep sense of alienation.

As if these were the insurmountable gap between him and the earth!

Others were also attracted by the two horns protruding from the forehead with soil, and the scarlet ‘eye of the moon’ at the heart of the eyebrow.

Mute muttered: "How did he become like this?"

Asma on the side shook his head, and the dirt in front of him was so strange that he didn't dare to recognize him.

At this time, with the soil slowly opened his arms, while drifting toward higher, said coldly: "The history of Ninja Realm will be ended by me at this moment!"

After finally absorbing the Nine Tails, the soil has accumulated enough pupil power.

The ‘eye of the moon’ in his eyebrows was about to move, and he could always perform the ultimate illusion ‘Infinite Moon Reading’ recorded on the stone slab left by the six celestial beings.

far away.

Standing on the canopy of a large tree, Ci Xian stared coldly at the sky, with the bright and bright moon behind him.

On several occasions, he couldn't help but want to shoot, but finally pressed it down.

With the strength of his body now, he can indeed temporarily fight against the "Six Dao Classes", and even unexpectedly, he can even gain some upper hand, but he is very clear that he will not be able to solve the soil in a while.

Once the battle situation is dragged into a protracted war, he has no chance of winning.

"Unexpectedly, such a powerful individual appeared in her descendants..."

Ci Xian clenched his fists tightly in both hands, and there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

However, even if there is any unwillingness in his heart, he can only choose to avoid it. In his view, if he wants to defeat the soil that opened the ‘eye of the moon’, he must first obtain a perfect ‘apparatus’.

"This planet is withering..."

After shaking his head, Ci Xian jumped down the canopy.

There is a strong man with this level of earth on this planet, so there will be no suspense, because no one can stop the earth unless there is another big tube coming from the sky.

In the battlefield.

At this time, the belt soil has floated to a very high He slowly looked at the moon above his head, then a seal was formed in his hand, and then, the "eye of the moon" at his heart moved to Bright bright moon.

Looking at this scene, all the survivors ‘giggled’ in their hearts.

No matter how dull people are, they are now aware of what they need to do with the soil, and once they are allowed to do so, the five ninja villages, and even the entire ninja world will be lost!

In an instant, a deep despair enveloped everyone.

Hong then fell to the ground, staring blankly at the sky, muttering in his mouth: "Who will save us!"


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