Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1341: A rainbow across the ninja world!

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High in the sky.

The closer to the moon, the more restless the'eye of the moon' with the brow in the soil.

"it's time!"

After taking a deep breath, the soil first closed the'eye of the moon', then opened it violently, projecting the brain power of the'eye of the moon' onto the lunar surface.

In an instant, in the bright night, the original bright moon immediately became scarlet like blood.

"Moon... the moon turns red?"

"How could this be?"

"He... what the **** did he do!"

The survivors on the battlefield all found the moon's aberrations for the first time, and looking at the scarlet **** moon in the night, everyone's heart raised their throats.

No one can clearly explain why they feel panicked. This feeling is closer to a biological instinctive reaction to danger.

Tsunade suddenly pointed at the moon and shouted: "Look at you!"

In fact, Tsunae didn’t even need to be reminded. Everyone who had been staring at the moon had noticed that after the moon became scarlet, there were new changes on the lunar surface, and a circle of lines resembling reincarnation eyes and nine pieces appeared. Three and three symmetrically arranged hook jade.

"It's nine red eyes with jade hooks!" Suddenly, Da She Wan said thoughtfully: "This pattern is exactly the same as the eye that Uchiha grows with his eyebrows!"

Because of the instinctive covetment of the'eye of the moon', Da She Wan had carefully observed the'eye of the moon' with the eyebrows before, so he recognized the pattern on the moon at a glance. The pattern on the'eye of the moon'!

The injured self also asked breathlessly: "What is he going to do?"

"I don't know. He kept hiding behind the scenes when Xiao Xiao organized. I don't know much about him." After shaking his head, Da She Wan looked a little gloomy: "I didn't expect this kid to be the same as the mirror. Uchiha."

Since the beginning, he was puzzled: "When Watergate recruited him into the squad, I also deliberately learned that he was not of this character. What happened, why did he become so crazy? Is it really just for Is the girl in the same class named Ye Yuanlin?"

Tsunade said angrily: "It's a madman!"

Da She Wan sighed: "We all looked away. It turns out that this Uchiha-soil is the best talent in that period!"

At this moment, Da She Wan suddenly regretted that if the disciple selected at the ninja school was not Red Bean, but this Uchiha with soil, maybe everything will be different.

The other end of the battlefield.

Itachi, Shisui, really rushed to Sasuke, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

They checked Sasuke's body and found that Sasuke's breastbone was completely smashed, and all the organs inside were shattered. It stands to reason that such a serious injury, there is no chance of being spared. Under normal circumstances, Sasuke should have died out now. That's right.

I don't know why, Sasuke, who was so badly injured, still had a sip until now.

As the moon changed, the attention of several people quickly moved to the moon.

Zhen Yi said bitterly: "Tearing that **** can miserable us Uchiha!"

It is no longer meaningful to have to deal with these situations now, so Zhishui asked calmly, "What do you think he wants to do?"

Itachi hesitated and said, "It seems that it is necessary to perform some kind of pupil surgery!"

Zhen Yi pouted his lips, disdainful: "It should be that he has been chanting the nagging "Moon Eye Plan"!"

Itachi and Zhishui immediately remembered the slate in the shrine's secret room.

However, because they only have kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, they can only read the ‘Moon Eye Plan’ vaguely mentioned on the slate. As for the specific implementation method of the plan, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes can continue to be interpreted.

At this moment, the earth in the sky finally completed the last pupil power savings and shouted: "Infinite moon reading, open!"

With the launch of the'eye of the moon' pupil technique, a glare burst into the scarlet moon surface.

Under the radiance that will completely disperse the night, the bath looks down on the entire land of the ninja world like a god, and said indifferently: "Light up the world!"

In an instant, under the light of the moon, the night became daylight!

"Its daybreak?!"

Suddenly, this ridiculous thought flowed out of everyone's mind. Just now it was clearly night, but in a blink of an eye, it was dawn!

Itachi froze for a moment, then exclaimed: "Oh, no, don't look directly at the moon!"

Really broke the jar and smiled: "Stop shouting, it's too late!"

As soon as he stopped his teeth, he launched "Suzunenghu" again, and protected the artifact "Baijianjing" on the heads of several people, saying, "I hope it can be stopped!"

As soon as the words fell, the kaleidoscope writing chakra eyes in Zhishui's eyes turned into the patterns of reincarnation eyes. Immediately afterwards, his "Suzuo Nenghu" collapsed instantly, and his expression became dull.

Almost at the same time, the ferret on the side, Shinichi, the shadows in the distance, Sanren, all the survivors in the field, without exception, the moment in the light, their eyes in their orbits all became reincarnation eyes The pattern, people also stagnate.

Only the second generation of Naruto and the fourth generation of Naruto as ‘dirty soil’ looked at each other.

Not only the battlefield of Konoha, but the whole country of fire, and even the entire ninja world, were shining with this glory.

All the ninjas in Muye, Yunyin, Yanyin, Mistyin, Sandyin, Yinyin Village, Caoren Village, Takino Village, etc., all of them have become dull, and the eyes in their eyes have changed. It became the pattern of reincarnation eyes.

Even the birds, beasts, and fish in the mountains, forests, and lakes were sluggish in this glory, and the eyes became the patterns of reincarnation eyes.

End the valley.

Looking at the sky like daylight, Uchiha said with a smile: "Is it launched so soon..."

The first generation looked to Uchiha Spot: "Is this what you call the "Moon Eye Project"?"

"Not bad!"

Uchiha nodded.

The first generation shouted: "Do you want everyone to become a puppet who can't think?"

Uchiha said coldly: "Isn't this the only way to keep the ninja world peaceful?"


The first generation was short of breath.

High in the sky.

Watching everyone on the ground fall into the ‘Infinite Moon Reading’, he brought up his mouth with complacency and said: “Finally succeeded!”

At this moment, he feels that he is the only **** in this is the master of life and death!


However, at this moment, the sky far away suddenly cast a gorgeous seven-color rainbow!

This colorful seven-color rainbow instantly dispelled the strong light reflected on the moon, and cast its way all the way. It has been traversing the entire ninja world, and then cast far into the deeper universe!

All creatures caught in the "Infinite Moon Reading" were awakened by this seven-color rainbow.

The earth in the sky looked at the direction of the rainbow, and said in shock: "What happened there?"


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