Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1343: No one is innocent after the blood snare

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As Sunri was preparing to carefully observe the scarlet ‘eye of the moon’ that opened at the center of his eyebrows, there was a sharp crackling sound under his feet.


The Japanese mirror quickly looked down, and his face changed quickly.

I saw a spider web-like crack suddenly appeared on the altar formed by the ‘Grel mine veins’ at the foot, and it expanded rapidly, and in just a blink of an eye, it spread all over the altar.

Immediately afterwards, the bright green'Grel mineral vein' quickly dimmed, as if depleting Chakra, and completely lacking the previous luster.

Slowly squatted down, reaching for the mirror to pick up a piece of'Grel's Stone' cracked on the altar, but he never wanted to hold it in his hands with a little force, the gloomy'Grel's Stone' It shattered into fine debris and drifted away with the wind.


The heliostat immediately frowned.

However, at this moment, the entire "Grel mine vein" as an altar under his feet shattered!


Countless gravel spattered from the air fortress, but did not wait for the ground, just blown by the cold wind, these'Grel Stones' disintegrated instantly, as if they had completely decayed, and turned into a wind-blown wind when blown by the wind Flying debris.

The "Grel Mineral Vein" as an altar is the core of the reconstructed air fortress. With its accidental disintegration, the balance of the entire air fortress was instantly destroyed, and the air fortress also overturned and fell towards the ground. .

Floating in the air, the heliostat reacted with a little stunned spirit, and immediately reached out to grasp the void of the falling air fortress.

Suddenly, a huge suction suddenly formed, stopping the momentum of the air fortress falling. Then, the giant reincarnation in the air fortress was activated, and the air fortress was rebalanced.

"Huh..." He exhaled, and the heliostat wondered: "What's going on? Why did the'Grel Mineral Vein' suddenly break?"


Before he could find out the reason for the collapse of the'Grel Mineral Vein', the giant tower of'Spear of Sky' directly below him collapsed in a huge roar.

With the collapse of the giant "Spear of the Sky", the six huge ice mirrors surrounding it also shattered and collapsed.

The heliostat glanced, and reinvigorated his eyes.

With meticulous insight, he was surprised to find that whether it is the giant tower of the "Spear of the Sky" or the six ice mirrors around it, it has been covered with countless cracks that are indistinguishable to the naked eye.

The broken part looks completely decaying, as if it has gone through thousands of years!

The Japanese mirror quickly looked around, and found that the original greenery, like a "rainbow ice wall" like a fairyland, had completely lost the breath of life at the moment.

The lake dries up, the green grass dies, and even the original fertile soil has lost its vitality, and there is silence all around!

At this time, the sight of the heliostat fell on the far array of the Chakra transport area.

I found that I love Luo and Ningci in the magic circle had already passed out, and the breath was faint to the extreme. If they were not one of the pillar force and the dragon vein force, then I am afraid that they have been drained of vitality at this moment. It became two corpses.

This is not that the Japanese mirror passed the magic circle and tuned their Chakra.

In fact, after entering the fourth stage of the ceremony, the Japanese mirror has stopped the Chakra extraction of the two of them, because the Chakra required for the fourth stage is an astronomical number, and Chakra of Yiwei and the Dragon Vein has been difficult to support Only the huge natural energy is enough for the heliostat to maintain the ceremony.

But even so, during the birth of'Blood Following the Snare', all life around was still the object of being looted, even if Ri Xiangjing himself did not have this will, he could not change this reality.

After realizing this, the look of the Japanese mirror became complicated.

Then he turned his eyes to the distance and looked at the snowfield outside the enchantment, and found that the snow on the snowfield had melted away, revealing the desolate and desolate surface.

This is a complete silence, with the sight of today's heliostat, he can't see the end, as if the entire polar snowfield has become an inanimate desert in the ceremony of heliostat!

"Is this... is it **** snare?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, he suddenly had a deeper understanding of'Blood Following the Snake'.

The birth of a'blood following snare' means the passing of countless lives. This is the most direct and cruel plunder of energy and vitality!

The reason why the Datongmu family has to shuttle through the universe continuously is to plunder the energy of the earth's veins.

And the natural energy in the earth's veins of each planet is limited. Once the natural energy in the earth's veins is sucked and evacuated, the entire planet will fall into withering and become a desolate dead star.

Ninja is undoubtedly a relatively special planet in the universe.

The energy of the ground here is large enough, so the Datongmu clan took aim at it thousands of years ago and sent Datongmu Huiye to plant the **** tree.

It can be said that without the rebellion of the Six Daoist Brothers, under the constant absorption of the Divine Tree, even a planet with a relatively large geographic energy such as Ninja Realm, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape the withering fate.

The rebellion of the Six Daoian Brothers against their mother Hui Yeji and the division of the Divine Tree not only halted the withering process of the ninja world, but also gave the ninja world a breath and a short recovery.

However, Sun Xiangjing's promotion to ‘Blood Following the Snare’ obviously cleared some balance. At this moment, he can clearly feel that the geography of the Ninja world is affected by his ritual.

This withered centered on the "Rainbow Ice Wall" is spreading all around.

As for the extent to which this dead silence will spread, even the heliostat, it is now difficult to estimate.

But one heliostat is very certain, that is, the ‘blood following snares’ that each planet can support is limited. After the birth of the ‘blood following snares’ by Huiye Ji, Niu reads www. Although has been cultivated for thousands of years, judging from the ritual of the Japanese mirror, if there is another similar ritual, the ninja world will probably wither completely.

Of course, the Japanese mirror does not know that there is another ten tail in the ninja world, that is, the existence of another **** tree.

In fact, as long as thousands of years ago, the Otsuki family discovered the Ninja Realm, and already judged that the Ninja Realm was enough to support the two'blood following snares' at one time.

Retracting his gaze, the heliostat looked up at the colorful, dreamlike seven-color rainbow in the night sky, and then looked at a desolate, dead ground. This strong contrast made him sigh slightly, with emotion. Tao: "No one is "innocent following the blood" is innocent..."


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