Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1344: I am Huo Ying, I am Yan Luo, and I am a heliostat!

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As the state of the heliostat ‘Blood Following the Snake’ gradually stabilized, the seven-color rainbow that resonated with him Chakra, which traversed the ninja world and extended all the way to the universe, also gradually dissipated.

At this time, the Japanese mirror also adjusted its mentality and put away its emotions.

In short, he was able to become a ‘blood following snare’ this time, thanks to the gifts of the ninja world, so he will do his best to protect the tranquility of the ninja world in the future.

As for the struggles with killing and plundering, he has long forgotten them.

He has always been a selfish and pragmatic person, and if he can do it again, he will still hold this ceremony without hesitation, striking the ‘blood following the snare’!

Because there is nothing that can stop him from exploring eternal life and the unknown.

Packed his mood, the Japanese mirror swayed.


In just a moment, he flashed to the hundreds of meters away before Xiang Phosphorus performed the "time and space ninjutsu" to remove the position of the big tube wooden man. The technique's teleported away.

Afterwards, he urged the scarlet'eye of the moon' to sweep around the corner of his eyebrow carefully, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and a magical glory flashed on the'eye of the moon'.

Immediately after that, a block of black squares appeared in front of him.

The black squares of these pixels continue to fold and expand. In a moment, a strange space door was opened on the solid space barrier.


By the Styx.


With the endless roar, the storm triggered by the pupil of the big tube Mushe's pupil technique "Silver wheel rebirth" continued to wreak havoc beside the Styx, everything around it, even the river in the Styx, and The dead souls floating in the river are also inevitable. They were caught in the storm and flew out!


Blocked in Ziyuan, the huge enchantment in front of Xiang Phosphorus was suddenly heard by the storm.

Ziyuan hurriedly looked up, and suddenly his face was pale, because there was an extremely conspicuous crack in the enchantment!

This defensive enchantment is already the strongest enchantment she can perform as a witch of the kingdom of ghosts, but this is so, it still can't stop the pupil of Datong Mushe's pupils' silver wheel rebirth.

Seeing the cracks on the enchantment getting bigger and bigger, Ziyuan shouted quickly: "I can't stop it, you'll think of a way!"

Xiang phosphorus gasped: "You hold on for a while, my pupils haven't saved enough!"

Ziyuan shouted: "I've been insisting, otherwise we two will die dead! How powerful that guy is, you don't know, I can't trap Jiuwei's sealing technique, he can't trap him, you never Send us back, we will die here together!"

Xiang Phosphorus replied helplessly: "I... I'm already doing my best!"

After performing the technique of reincarnation and being able to survive, it is already the limit of incense phosphorus. Then, in order to deal with the big tube wooden she, she forcibly launched the "time and space ninjutsu" that she just realized, so now she It is completely weak.


Ziyuan wanted to urge her again, but before she finished, her enchantment was completely broken.

She was so worried that she couldn't take much care, shut her mouth quickly, and cast a few other borders that could be instantaneously without seals.


However, these hurriedly initiated borders, not to mention the "silver wheel rebirth" that blocked the big-tube wooden men, couldn't even be delayed, almost destroyed by the storm almost at the moment of launch.

In an instant, a huge storm went straight to the panicked Ziyuan and Xiang Phosphorus.

The pupil power accumulated by Xiang Phosphorus at this moment is simply not enough to launch the "time and space ninjutsu" again. Seeing that the storm is near, she has to raise her hands and launch the "Shen Luo Tian Zheng" with her only pupil power.

But the repulsive force of Shenluo Tianzheng couldn't resist the "silver wheel reincarnation" urged by Qiu Daoyu. The invisible repulsive force only persisted for a few seconds or two, and was destroyed by the storm.


The thoughts of Xiang Phosphorus and Zi Yuan flashed at the same time.

And when the two of them were in despair, a black space door suddenly appeared behind them, and then, two arms extended from the space door, and they instantly screwed their back collars and pulled them. Into the space door.

The whole process was only in an instant. When the storm struck, let alone the incense phosphor and Ziyuan, even the black space door had disappeared.

far away.

Looking far away at the incense phosphorus that disappeared out of thin air, the two people in Ziyuan, the face of the big wooden man was extremely embarrassed.

With the insight of his reincarnated eyes, he naturally captured the incense phosphorus, and the moment when Ziyuan was rescued, it was because of this that he felt extremely depressed.

"It's time and space ninjutsu..."

After talking to himself, Da Guan Mu She's gloomy eyes added a little more solemnity.

Although it was only a short moment ago, he vaguely felt the rescue of Xiang Phosphorus, and the force of Ziyuan's body was so strong that Chakra fluctuated him.

What makes him even more disturbed is that Chakra's fluctuations have a very pure reincarnation, Chakra!


Snow country.

Looking at the barren scene in front of him, the rescued Ziyuan was still a little dazed, and did not recognize that this is the country of snow. He subconsciously asked the incense phosphorus around him: "Where did you send us to?"

Xiang Phosphorus is also dull: "Not me!"

The heliostat behind them both pressed their hands on the backs of the two. While sending them some chakras, they said, "Don't worry, you are safe!"

"Adult!" The two turned back at the same time, looking at the heliostat in surprise: "Did you save us?"


The heliostat slightly nodded.

The "time and space ninjutsu" he just cast was named "Huangquan Biliangban", which was the promotion of "time and space ninjutsu" after he was promoted to "blood following the snare" and had the "eye of the moon" at the eyebrow. '.

‘Huangquan Biliangban’ is a ‘time and space ninjutsu’ of the ‘blood following snares’ level, which allows you to open the door of the space as you like without shuttle, and shuttle through various spaces at will.

It can be used for various purposes such as moving, evading, and raiding, etc. It is a very versatile, unpredictable ‘time and space ninjutsu’.

The heliostat just saw the traces of the incense phosphorus "Santuchuan" through the eye of the eye at the eyebrow, and then found the Stygian along the traces, and rescued the incense phosphorus and Ziyuan.

Xiang Phosphorus, Ziyuan finally found that they had returned to Ninja Realm, but looking at the unrecognizable "Rainbow Ice Wall" and the endless desolation around them, the two of them were surprised and asked in unison: "Sir, this happened here. What happened?"

For the incense phosphor, Ziyuan recovered a little, and said to the mirror: "Then we will talk about it later, you two will deal with this first, remove all traces of the ceremony, and then take the unconscious Iero and Ningci, drive The air fortress leaves here!"

The reason why the Japanese mirror first rescued Xiang Phosphorus and Ziyuan was not only to save the lives of the two of them, but also to require the two to help them get through.

As for the Datong Mushe, there is no time to deal with the Japanese mirror, and there is no need to rush to deal with it, because he is also the owner of the reincarnated eye, he knows better than anyone else that the Datong Mushe is trapped in the Stygian River. What an embarrassment.


Hearing the instructions of Ri Xiang Jing, Xiang Phosphorus and Zi Yuan responded together.

Next, Ziyuan looked around curiously and asked, "Where is Chuan?"

The Japanese mirror waved his hand and said: "Forget about him for now."

Bai can control the natural energy, so when the heliostat impacted the "Blood Following the Net", he noticed something wrong in advance, and immediately fled the "Rainbow Ice Wall" with the wind flower Xiaoxue staying nearby, and evacuated the distance "Rainbow" Some of the residents of the snow country near the ice wall.

Xiang Phosphorus asked, "Master, what about you?"

The Japanese mirror looked towards Muye Village and said lightly: "It's time to end this ninja war!"


On the battlefield outside Muye Village.

When the gorgeous rainbow across the ninth world gradually dissipated, the bright night sky once again enveloped the world, as if everything just now was just a fantasy of nothingness.

Floating in the sky, the eyes with soil gradually settled.

The scarlet ‘eye of the moon’ in his eyebrows stared into the distance, staring at the direction of the seven-color rainbow, as if waiting for something!

At this moment, the survivors on the battlefield began to understand gradually that the high-altitude swept through the ninja world, watching the distant earth, waiting for the arrival of the seven-color rainbow.

Who made the colorful rainbow just now?

Will he come?

This is the ultimate battle of the ninja world, who will win?

Questions, one after another, flooded the hearts of the survivors in the field.

However, there was no noise and no discussion. Everyone, like the earth in the sky, looked at the direction in which the colorful rainbow cast, and waited silently.

So, the entire battlefield fell into a strange and unspeakable silence.

At this moment, the ‘eye of the moon’ with the eyebrows moved suddenly and focused on a spot in the sky.

Almost at the same time, the long door on the ground that was awakened after Tsunato's slug treatment, and the bizarre eyes in the eye sockets, also looked at that place in the air.

And as the two people's eyes focused on it, a block of black pixels suddenly appeared in the sky, and quickly folded and expanded, opening a door to the space like a ghost.

Then, a figure with a black bottom and gold rim cloak in the **** organization, wearing a mask with a pattern of evil spirits, walked out of the space door and floated in the sky like a soil.

Take a look at the soil: "Yan Luo, you are finally here!"

Seeing the emergence of'Yan Luo', all the survivors in the field felt this way, because the person who made the colorful rainbow is'Yan Luo', which is the most logical. After all, in the eyes of everyone, only Only a fairy can match a fairy!

The heliostat slightly glanced at the battlefield, and then turned his attention to the soil: "Did you wear a mask this time?"

With soil, he pulled away the robe, revealing the shirt with the fan emblem of the Uchiha group behind him, and his face was indifferent: "I no longer need to disguise, I am Uchiha with soil! Yan Luo, let me see See your true face!"

The heliostat slowly extended his hand to the grimace mask on his face.

In an instant, whether it is the earth with the sky or a group of survivors on the ground, they all stared at the face of "Yan Luo" attentively, wanting to see this fairy who founded the **** organization and has been secretly maintaining peace in the ninja world. What does it look like.


He took off the mask and pulled off the heliostat of the cloak, revealing the Naruto Yushen robe flying against the wind.

Looking at the face of the heliostat under the ghost mask, and the conspicuous robe of the five generations of Naruto, the whole person was struck by lightning, and he was suddenly stunned on the spot: "Sun...heliostat?!"

Not only was it the soil, but the whole scene was shocked by this scene.

Kakashi exclaimed: "God organization "Yan Luo" is a mirror?!"

Recalling the past transaction between the God Organization and the village, Mute shocked and said: "This... how is this possible! How could the mirror be the leader of the God Organization? He also did a deal with the God Organization on behalf of the village!"

Asma said with some uncertainty: "We will not be in illusion!"

the other side.

Zilai also looked at Da She Wan suddenly: "What's the matter?"

Da She Wan was dull and murmured, "This kid..."

Tsunade was incredulous: "The leader of Xiao organization is Uchiha with soil? The leader of **** organization is heliostat? What's wrong with this ninja world?"

At this time, she couldn't help but recall that when the disciples were selected at the Ninja School, the pitiful sun mirror and Uchiha led by the long team.

At that time, Nikko Mirror and Uchiha took the soil, the penultimate and the penultimate of the same period, a veritable crane tail, a pair of difficult brothers and brothers, so she didn’t look at these two people at the time, and chose Kato directly. The niece is silent as a disciple.

I never thought that the two penultimate and penultimate crane tails of the Ninja School not only grew up to be the existence of Konoha, but she also became a key figure in determining the fate of the ninja world. !

At this moment she did not know whether she was crazy or the world was crazy!

Not far away, the sundial and some surviving members of the Japanese stun were also dumbfounded.

They guessed that the leader of the **** organization'Yan Luo' was a ninja with white eyes and blood, but they all subconsciously classified the'Yan Luo' as a fairy into the Datongmu family, and never thought that'Yan Luo' was actually his own family Tribe.

The Zong family's Ri Xiangxiao asked the dilemma in surprise: "Is this true?"

The completely ignorant day difference couldn't answer this question at all. He was so shocked this day that he didn't even know how to think about it.

Fu Yue let out a long sigh of relief: "I really did not guess wrong!"

After realizing that all kaleidoscopes except his own in the family, including his son Itachi, had betrayed himself and joined the God Organization and became the confidant of the five generations of Huo Ying, he guessed that the surface looked plain. The fifth-generation Naruto Sun Mirror is likely to be the'Yan Luo' who secretly manipulates the **** organization.

another side.

The three generations of earth shadows looked at the three generations of fire shadows around them with a trembling voice and asked: "God... the **** organization was also secretly formed by your wooden leaves?"


The three generations of Naruto pointed to the heliostat mirrored in the heavenly body wearing the Naruto Yushen robe. If he wanted to explain, he opened his mouth, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

The leader of the **** organization is such a thing as the five generations of Naruto, not to mention other shadows, even he, who has always been in control of the power of Muye, is at a loss and unaware!

The four generations of Lei Ying stared at the three generations of Huo Ying with a stunned look: "You Muye is forming Xiao organization and God organization again, turning us around, what are you going to do?"


The three generations of Naruto wrinkled a face.

In the face of an ally who had fought blood, he really wanted to explain it well and eliminate the misunderstanding between them. But the Naruto robe on the sky sun mirror was too dazzling, making him feel that his explanation was meaningless. .

The four generations of Fengying laughed bitterly like: "Oh, I played for a long time, all of you are Yeye! That's it, you just closed the door and hit one game, why do you want to pull us!"


The three generations of Huo Ying tried to open their mouths a few times, and closed back several times.

Tu Ying, Lei Ying and Feng Ying asked in unison, "What the **** are you saying!"

The three generations of Huo Ying looked bitter and helpless: "I really don't know anything!"

Didala got up from the ground at this time and yelled at Kakashi: "You scumbags, Konoha ninjas, have clearly organized the God Organization in secret, and they are asking me every day if I am a member of the God Organization. Am I he? Are you countless members of God Organization?"

Kakashi quickly explained: "Misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding!"

Alongside the clouded Darui, the sand hidden leaf warehouse, the fog hidden Zhaomeiming and others, all of them looked at Kakashi at the moment.

Because at the Five Shadows Conference just after the end of the China-Ninja test, Kakashi also vowed to propose a fake **** organization to deal with the Xiao organization.

Now think about it, everyone feels that the routine of Kakashi, the Naruto agent, is really too deep. I dare not think deeply, and I feel shudder at the thought!

Asma, Red, and Silent all looked at Kakashi and challenged, "Kakashi, did you know that already?"

"I... how could I know!"

Kakashi was speechless for a while.

Silently said: "Why do you propose to form a fake **** organization?"

Red also echoed: "Yes, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to make such a proposal. If it is not that you know that the leader of the God Organization is the mirror, why do you know that the God Organization will allow us to form a false God? What about the organization? It’s impossible to think about it!"

Asma angrily said: "Kakashi, you guys are even hiding me!"

Kakashi waved his hands again and again: "Misunderstanding, this is really a misunderstanding!"

The long gate in the distance stood up slowly, staring at the heliostat in the air, and exclaimed in the bottom of my heart: "'Yan Luo' turned out to be the fifth generation of Naruto?"

Prior to this, he never took Huo Ying, who was from the Japanese family, in his eyes.

He even felt that Muye's fifth-generation Naruto was just a puppet Naruto that Muye temporarily introduced to balance the conflict between the Naruto family and the Uchiha clan.

So when he brought the soil to propose to recruit five generations of Naruto when the organization stayed in Muye's eyeliner, he didn't care much and agreed.

I never thought that this wooden leaf's most obscure Naruto was his strongest enemy ever, nor did he think that the eyeliner he picked with the soil was the real leader of the **** organization.

"We are all fooled!"

Faced with this reality, Nagato was speechless.

The periphery of the battlefield.

Staring at the heliostat in the distance, Ci Xian's expression became more and more solemn, and he whispered in his mouth: "How is this possible!"

The one who had become the ten-tailed column force before, and stepped into the'six-level' belt in one fell swoop, has completely exceeded his expectations, because in his view, in the moment when the blood of Datong Muhuiye is gradually thinning, in the ninja world is There should not be a new "six-level" strong, because this does not conform to the laws of nature.

The emergence of the "six levels" with soil can be said to be a coincidence, and it can also be said to be the aggregation of the last essence of the ninja world. The Golem', or nine tailed beasts as spirits, remains in the ninja world, and there is still the possibility of reuniting.

However, he could not explain the heliostat that appeared later.

And with his perception, he can easily judge the strength of the chakra of the heliostat, even on the soil that became the pillar force of the ten-tailed man, almost close to the large tube of Huihui who had swallowed the Chakra fruit.

Therefore, he was very puzzled.

He didn't understand how the heliostat was done. It must be known that even for a pure Datongmu tribe, it would be very difficult to attack the'blood following the snare'.

"What the **** is going on in this ninja world..."

Ci Xian rubbed his forehead and felt a headache.

High in the sky.

After experiencing the initial shock, he brought back the soil and immediately recalled that he had dived into Konoha and threatened the heliostat, using the'cage of the bird in the cage' as a bait, and lured the heliostat to become his eyeliner to investigate things organized by God for him. : "Hiroko mirror you bastard, I have been watching my jokes!"

Japanese mirror shrugged: "I have to say that you are really talented in choosing eyeliners! When you approached me and asked me to investigate myself, I was also very embarrassed!"

With soil shouted: "Enough!"

The Japanese mirror said lightly: "Fate is really interesting!"

"When did you notice me?" After a pause, the soil suddenly awakened: "That time, you met me at the root base?"

He brought back the soil to recall the mysterious man he encountered in the root secret store when he really defected to the root base. At that time, the two of them tried each other and found out that they couldn’t get to each other. The secret store of Tuan Zang was evacuated.

It was also the first impression with a mysterious person of the suspected **** organization ‘Yan Luo’.

Hearing the soil, Ri Xiangjing also recalled: "Oh, you said that time!"

The soil was shocked and suspicious: "At that time, you had reincarnated eyes? But were you just a teenager? How could you be like a crane tail..."

Halfway through the talk, the soil suddenly stopped and felt a toothache, because the ninja mirror ranked above him in the ninja school graduation exam.

"Don't you have the tail of a crane like this when you were in your twenties? Was the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes awakened?" After he pouted, the Japanese mirror smiled lightly: "Remember what I said to you? Really thanks to you I haven’t got the bottom of the ranking after the last test!"

The soil is ashamed and ashamed, and there is a feeling of being publicly executed.

On the battlefield, the surviving ninjas looked at each other.

No one thought that a secret organization formed the Xiao organization, a secret organization formed the God organization, behind the scenes to control the ninja world, playing the entire ninja world between the two immortals between the palms, turned out to be the bottom of the wooden leaf ninja school ranking One and two penultimate crane tails.

The three generations of earth shadows looked at the three generations of Huo Ying with a contemptuous look: "Neither of these two peerless geniuses knows how to cultivate, and your leaves are really devastating!"

The four generations of Ray Shadow take it seriously: "If such a genius is in our cloud, it will definitely be the best cultivated, and it will never be the tail of the crane at the same time!"

Four generations of Fengying said with emotion: "It's really amazing!"

Although he was also very disgusted with Muye playing with himself and playing with Shayin, but as the fifth generation of Naruto was the leader of the **** organization ‘Yan Luo’, he immediately calmed down and no longer openly questioned the third generation of Naruto.


The three generations of Naruto suddenly became inexplicable.

He really wanted to say that the two guys Nisshin-mirror and Uchiha with soil were real dishes when they were in ninja school. It’s not that he didn’t have a vision, but he couldn’t say anything when he looked at the two fairies hanging in the sky .

On the other side, Muye's "three ninjas" have strange expressions.

When they were choosing disciples in the ninja school, they were not optimistic about the penultimate belted soil and the penultimate heliostat, but the result was that these two cranes had stirred up such a big mess in the ninja world.

The fascinating organization of Xiao and the mysterious organization of God are all these two guys.

Now they have become the arrogant ninja world one by one, can wipe out all the ninja villages with one person's strength, and crush the fairy of the whole life, which really makes them incredible!

Kakashi looked at the heliostat and the earth in the air, and said to himself: "I said that I am a genius, it is really wronging me!"

Yunyin's Darui glanced at Kakashi, Red, Asma, and a few people in silence, and asked, "I'm suddenly curious. Who is the penultimate of your issue?"

Asma pointed to the distance that had just opened the "Eight Array of Dunmen Dunjia" and kicked the tin rod of the change of "Qiu Daoyu", forcing Kai who had to evade the earth with soil, "Now, that's that!"

Dedara said at the moment: "Hey, are the cranes in your village so strong?"

High in the sky.

With a cold voice: "Since you mentioned the graduation then you should know that I am ranked under you, just because I am late to be absent!"

The corner of the Japanese mirror lifted up and joke: "Why, you want to challenge my ranking?"

Twisted his neck with soil: "Let us complete the unsuccessful competition that year!"

Rixiangjing said: "Okay, I accept your challenge!"

Suddenly, the "eyes of the moon" at the eyebrows of the two met fiercely...


The big chapter of seven thousand words is almost three and a half chapters of usual! It will be Monday, and the list will be updated. Seek recommended tickets and monthly tickets! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!

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