Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1350: I would like to call you the strongest!

   When the day mirror immediately cut off the arm of Uchiha Spot who had become the pillar force of the ten-tailed person, and twisted the head of Uchiha Spot freely, the whole field was very quiet.


   In the cold night breeze, whether it was Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi or a few of them, or the other side, they were all stunned on the spot, full of surprise in their eyes.

To know that the Uchiha spot alone is the "dirty earth body", it swept through the tens of thousands of ninja troops led by the Five Shadows with its own strength, and the current Uchiha spot not only resurrected and returned to its full state, but also took away the soil The ten tails in the body, after carrying the soil, became the new ten-tailed column force, and entered the "six-level" in one fell swoop.

   such a strong man, no matter how much he attaches importance to it.

   But no one expected that such a powerful Uchiha spot, even in the hands of the Japanese mirror, couldn't even block a move, and was easily broken by the Japanese mirror!

  Don't talk about others, even Uchiha spotted himself, and was surprised by the situation in front of him.

   And after hearing the light whisper full of doubts from Sunward Mirror, his face sank, his pupils suddenly exploded, and the "Shen Luo Tian Zheng" was launched!


  In a flash, a huge storm swept around!

  Kakashi and the fourth generation of Naruto reacted quickly. Before the storm hit, he took the earth with the earth and broke it into two bodies and evacuated to the distance.

   Then, the second generation of Naruto also had a "swimming technique" to avoid the storm.

   Opposite is the same, seeing it retracted into the ground early, far away.

Only the Naruto who has crossed the threshold of the "Six Dao Levels" and mastered part of the "Six Dao Powers", Sasuke and the two did not dodge and tried to resist the "Shen Luo Tian Zheng" of Uchiha Spot, but they were blocked by half. But it was found that it could not be stopped at all, and flew out by the embarrassed scolding, and fell into the mud pile fiercely.

  Obviously, although Naruto and Sasuke gained the power of the Six Dao under the gift of the "Liu Dao Xianren", they are not actually the complete "Liu Dao level".

   on the field.

   The dust from the sky gradually dissipated, revealing the figure of the heliostat wrapped in the reincarnated eye Chakra, and judging from the position, the Uchiha spot's "Shen Luo Tian Zheng" did not shake him.

   However, Uchiha spot succeeded to get rid of the heliostat and retreat to the distance by the powerful repulsion of the "Shen Luo Tian Zheng".

   Soon, Uchiha’s arm, which had been cut off by the heliostat, was rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye in a burst of muscle bulging, and he recovered completely in just a blink of an eye.

  Activated the arm that had just been restored, Uchiha said with a big smile: "It seems that you are a good opponent, but unfortunately the world is so big, only enough for me to toss!"

   There is no doubt that Ban not only did not mind the defeat just now, but also eagerly tried it because of the strength of the Japanese mirror, and showed his war crazy personality to the fullest.

   "The first generation really loved you too much!"

   Sun smiled at the mirror, and his body flickered, and he flew to Uchiha again.

   The prepared Uchiha spot did not fear, and immediately waved the tin rod changed from "Qiu Dao Yu" to the heliostat!


  It was only an instant, in the shock of Uchiha spot, the tin rod of the change of "Qing Dao Yu" was cut into two pieces by the "Golden Wheel Rebirth" of the Japanese mirror with a crisp sound.


   was not only surprised by Uchiha spots, but even Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, the second and fourth generations, and Jue hiding in the dark were surprised.

  In their cognition, the "Qiu Daoyu" symbolizing the power of immortals is unsolvable and indestructible, so they never thought that the "Qiu Daoyu" would be so easily broken.

"Ha ha..."

   only barely hanged the soil with a sigh of relief, then laughed out loud.

   Immediately afterwards, the golden sword in the hands of the Japanese mirror disappeared instantly. Instead, it was a ball-shaped storm cluster condensed to the extreme, with a shape like ‘spiral pill’.


  In an instant, the heliostat hit the storm group in the palm of Uchiha's abdomen, accompanied by a roar, and flew it out hard, plowing out a long gully on the ground!

   The eyes of everyone in the field were cast in an instant.

   "Only this level..."

   Uchiha spot quickly climbed up from the ground and responded to the Japanese mirror, but before he had finished speaking, he blew out a bit of blood.

   Afterwards, his body swelled irresistibly everywhere, as if there was some air flow repeatedly striking inside, and then a series of explosions on his body "Bang Bang Bang" exploded, bursting into flesh and blood, like blood!

  Obviously, what the heliostat had just cast was not a ‘spiral pill’, but a ‘silver wheel reincarnation’ that was highly condensed together by nine ‘Qudaoyu’!

  With the gradual improvement of his power to control his'blood following snares', his ability to control the reincarnation of the golden eye reincarnation and the silver eye reincarnation is also rapidly improving.

   At this time, he no longer satisfies the ordinary large-scale attack.

Because once the power is dispersed, it is difficult to cause substantial damage to the "six-level" enemies, so he tried to gather the divergent power and concentrate it on a single point, in order to enhance the power of pupil surgery, right Enemies of the'six levels' and even the'blood following snare' level can also cause effective damage!

   At this Mirror walked slowly towards Uchiha spot while calmly evaluating the damage caused by the previous blow.

   At this time, Uchiha was stained with blood, and his body was like a leaking ball. He collapsed and collapsed on the ground. It did not look like a ten-tailed man. It looked like a broken corpse. It looked very miserable!

   However, Uchiha spot is after all a ten-strength column force. With the help of ten-tail force, his shocking injury quickly began to recover.

   And he himself climbed up again from the ground, panting while shouting: "Heliostat, you are unique among all the people who have dealt with me, I would like to call you the strongest!"

   said, Uchiha spot broke out of Chakra all over his body, and he laughed wantonly: "Let us have a real **** battle!"

Chakra erupted from Uchiha spot, if it was real, set off a turbulent wave, so that everyone on the side felt a chill, even if it was the Naruto with the power of the Six Paths, Sasuke was not exception.

However, the heliostat in the array was not affected at all, and turned a blind eye to the turbulent ten-tailed chakra, but slowly raised his hand to Uchiha spot, and said indifferently: "Now you are eligible to lose in my hands Now."


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