Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1351: let me do it!

   "Now you are qualified to lose to me..."

  Following that, the Sun Mirror did not have any extra movements, and it will slam the fist towards Uchiha Spot and shouted, "Earth burst!"


   Suddenly, as the mountains moved, the countless cracks of the whole land cracked!

In the cracks on the ground, everything such as mud, stones, trees, etc. swarmed towards Uchiha spot, and in a blink of an eye, the surprised Uchiha spot was piled up and buried by these, forming a sphere , While growing bigger, slowly drifting toward the sky.

   The heliostat that launched "Earthburst Star" did not stop, and continued to instill pupil power.

   And after getting the continuous pupil support of the heliostat, the giant sphere made of "Earthburst Star" will also become bigger and bigger, and the more it floats!

  Because there is no reincarnation eyes of the Six Dao system, the heliostat itself does not have the technique of "Earthburst Star".

   The eye of the moon in his eyebrows, the roots and traces of the source are also Ogiki Huiye, and the pupil technique contained in it is the "time and space pupil technique" of "Huang Quan Bi Liang Saka".

And Datong Muhuiye has never exhibited the "Earthburst Star", not only her, but other Datongmus have a variety of sealing methods, in addition to Hui Yeji's "God of the Tree World", and "Time Freeze", Ninja coffins, etc., but they have never performed the'Earthburst Star'.

   It can be said that "Earthburst Star" is a unique seal technique of the "Six Dao Xianren" family.

   So this time is not only the first time heliostat has performed ‘Earthburst Star’, but also a bold attempt based on his own understanding of the seal technique and the analysis of the ‘Earthburst Star’ carried out with soil just now.


   Suddenly, there was a throbbing roar from the giant sphere in the air, and then the terrible body of Shio got out of the giant sphere!


As the surface was destroyed by the ten tails, the giant sphere in the air began to fall apart, and at the same time the giant sphere collapsed, the huge body of the ten tails retracted into the body of Uchiha spot again, and the Uchiha spot also escaped. come out.

   Undoubtedly, Uchiha spot uses Ten Tails to break away from the seal of the Japanese mirror.


   looked at the Uchiha spot that escaped the seal in the air, but the heliostat smiled indifferently.

   His first attempt obviously owed some fire, and there were not small omissions in some details.


   And after landing from the air, Uchiha’s face was no longer wanton, and his expression was more dignified, because he had tried his best to break the seal, and even the ten tails were released.

   "This kid is so strong!?"

   If he had recognized the strength of the Japanese mirror before, now he feels a little afraid of the strength of the Japanese mirror.


   was hiding in the distance to snoop, and he was relieved.

   When Uchiha spot was sealed by the Japanese mirror just now, he really panicked. After thousands of years of planning and waiting for thousands of years, he almost fell short of success at that moment!

  In the back fear, he gradually made a decision and dived towards the battlefield.

another side.

   Watching Uchiha spot escape from the "Earthburst Star", Kakashi said anxiously: "It's a pity!"


  The second and fourth generation Naruto also echoed and nodded.

   Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, then nodded to each other, and their figure flew towards the battlefield.

  In their eyes, they were chosen by the "Six Daoxianren" to be destined to end the Uchiha spot, so the power of the heliostat combined with the power of the two of them will be able to successfully seal the Uchiha spot.

   on the field.

   The unrefined Uchiha spot is no longer reserved at the moment, while applying the power of the ten tails to the extreme, while launching the magical chakra absorbed from the first generation.

Because this is the reincarnation of the large-tube Indra, the body contains the chakra of the large-tube Indra, plus the chakra with part of the large-ash Asura, and it also absorbs a lot of the first-generation Xianshu Chakra, so the same It’s the ten-tailed column force, and Uchiha’s strength is actually above Uchiha’s soil.

   "Xian Fa, Yin Dun Lei School!"

  In an instant, Uchiha spotted two palms, and countless thunderbolts containing natural energy and the power of the ten tails were ejected from his palm!

   The face to the mirror was expressionless, and with a wave of it, the thunder and lightning were instantly flew out.


   Uchiha spot suddenly looked stagnant.

   Coincidentally, with the destiny of Naruto coming to save the ninja world, Sasuke and the two just came close to the battlefield and ran into these thunderbolts that were scattered by the Japanese mirror.

   Seeing the Japanese mirror just scrambled away these lightnings, Sasuke immediately shouted with confidence, "Let me come!"


   Naruto nodded in trust.

   Immediately, Sasuke picked up the corner of his mouth and launched the "Purple Thousand Birds" to meet these thunder and lightning!


  In a flash, thunder sounded, and Sasuke's "Purple Thousand Birds" collided with Uchiha's "Xian Fa, Yin Dun Lei Pai" and was swallowed instantly.

  At the same time, Sasuke, whose mouth corners solidified, and Naruto, who was dull, were swallowed up by the "Yin Dun Lei Pai".

  After the thunder light subsided, Sasuke, Naruto fell to the ground fiercely, both of them exploded their hairs, their faces were dark, and there was a burst of smoke in their slightly opened mouths.

"How could this be?"

   Kakashi in the distance, the second generation of Naruto, the fourth generation of Naruto was frightened.

   The heliostat in the field was speechless and didn't understand Naruto. Sasuke and the two little guys got together at this time, and even thought of using the "Purple Thousand Birds" to fight against the magical method of Yu Liu Dao Ban.

   Uchiha spot directly ignored Naruto who was rushing in, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Sasuke secretly launched the "Lun Tomb Boundary", and with a number of "Lun Tomb Doppelgangers" again flew to the heliostat.

   For him, the other people in the field were meaningless, he didn't put it in his eyes at all. At this time, he had only one heliostat in his eyes!

   Bang Bang Bang Bang...

   Soon afterwards, the Japanese mirror had one enemy to five, calmly launched a physical skill contest with Uchiha Spot and Uchiha Spot's four "round tomb avatars".

  Naruto, Sasuke got up from the ground at this time.

  Although they had just been struck by lightning, after all, they stepped into the'six levels' with one foot, and their ability to recover was undoubted. Before they arrived, Naruto even saved the life of Kai.

Seeing the Japanese mirror is besieged by Uchiha spots and four "round tomb avatars", Sasuke wiped the dark face caused by the lightning strike and said, "Go, let's help!"


  Naruto also nodded.

  The two of them still believe that they were selected by the "Six Dao Immortals" as hope to save the ninja world, so they rushed to Uchiha spot again without fear...


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