Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1363: The sin of separation

The requisition of the "Shenwei Space" with soil is not a temporary whimsy of the Japanese mirror. In fact, he has long wanted to have a different space under his control.

Now that he has mastered the'Huangquan Biliangban', with the eye of the moon he can mark two or three different spaces for a long time, so he decided to use two of them for large tubes On Huiye's'Ball Space' and'Shenwei Space' with soil.

He also considered letting soil be the warehouse manager.

As a result, Dutu has a very rich experience in using ‘time and space ninjutsu’, and is extremely vigilant when facing enemies who also master ‘time and space ninjutsu’.

To know that this kind of space is not a restricted area for ordinary ninjas, but it is nothing for the big barrels, so the "Shenwei Space" is not absolutely safe, and someone must be stationed for a long time, and The owner of "Shenwei Space" with soil is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Secondly, even if the Japanese mirror made an exception to save the soil, it would be inconvenient for the soil to sway in front of everyone.

Even if you don't care about the feelings of other villages, there are not many ninjas who died in the fourth Ninja War alone, so it's easier to let the incognito and live in the shadows.

As for whether the soil will be defected again, he is not too worried about this.

The main reason is that the soil itself is not a greedy, cunning person. What he did before, like Uchiha, is to build a dream world where no one’s dream can be realized without a loser.

This kind of "Secondary Two" guy who enters the brain will generally die to the end. It is like not being spared before taking the soil. No matter how many hits, he is only thinking about resurrecting Ten Tails and launching "Infinite Moon Reading".

But if you truly lose, this kind of personality is not easy to rebel.

In addition, after losing the reincarnation eye, the soil can't suppress the ten tails, so even if he has any bad thoughts, he can't help the ten tails just by writing a pair of kaleidoscopes.

After placing Ten Tails and sealing them slightly, the Japanese mirror told the soil to tell the land: "Ten tails are made by you, now I will give them to you to guard them temporarily, which is also part of your atonement."

"I understand."

The soil nodded calmly.

The only meaning of the fact that he is alive now is to atone for the crimes he committed before, so he will unconditionally execute the arrangement of the Japanese mirror.

After the explanation, Nisshin-mirror launched "Huangquan Biliangban" again, and walked into the space gate. When he walked out of the space gate again, he had come to the "Santuchuan" of the Stygian River.

Now that the Fourth Ninja War has been quelled by him, he can take the time to deal with the trouble of the big wooden man.

Following the traces on the ground, he searched all the way, and it was not long before he found the big tube man in the upper reaches of the Styx who was looking for a way to return to the ninja world.

"It's you!"

After a moment's stun, the man in the big tube immediately turned on the'Reincarnation Chakra Mode', and the whole person flew like a stream of bluish blue.

In the process of flying, he condensed the pieces of "Qiu Dao Yu" behind him to his palm, inspiring the strongest attack of the reincarnation, the pupil technique "Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion", and a sword stabbed fiercely to the sun. mirror!

Looking at the dazzling Jin Jian stabbed towards himself, the Japanese mirror smiled for a while.

He used to use "Golden Reincarnation" to cut others, but today he was cut by others with "Golden Reincarnation", which really made him uncomfortable.

Soon, the big tube-like wooden man like a streamer flew in front of the heliostat, and the dazzling golden sword in his hand pierced into the heart of the heliostat.

The heliostat did not have any unnecessary movements, but slowly raised his right hand and greeted the golden sword of the big barrel wooden sheren.


The Dajin Musheren's'Golden Wheel Reincarnation Burst' stabbed in the palm of the heliostat, and immediately a burst of thunder sounds followed. Reflected around.


Seeing that his strongest pupil surgery was easily blocked by the hand of the heliostat, the big tube Mushe opened his eyes, and the bright reincarnation eyes were full of doubts and puzzles.


The heliostat chuckled slightly, and then looked forward with his right hand, instantaneously pinched the neck of the big wooden man.

Like the current Naruto, Sasuke, the big tube man who has reincarnated eyes also belongs to the incomplete "six-level", and such strength simply resists in front of the qualified "Blood Snare" of the Japanese mirror Room.

After all, the heliostat is not the kind of big barrel Muhuiye who can't take Naruto and Sasuke's **** snare for a long time.

"Why... why?"

The man with the big tube pinched around his neck asked hard. Such an inexplicable failure really made him unacceptable.

"Are you puzzled?" He smiled and said to the mirror: "Your arrogance does not match your strength!"

Da Tu Mu She continued to ask: "Who are you? Why are there reincarnated eyes?"

At this time, the heliostat slammed the big barrel of the wooden house to the ground, and then stepped on the head of the big barrel of the wooden house. He asked indifferently, "What are you weak like, who is qualified to ask my reincarnated eyes? Coming?"

When asked by Nikko Mirror, Datong Mushe immediately froze.

At this time, the heliostat kicked the big wooden man out, and then said flatly: "The giant reincarnate eye on the moon has been dealt with by me."

"What!? You... dare you!"

Datong Mushe suddenly climbed up from the ground, and the whole person was angry.

The Japanese mirror looked coldly to the past: "Do you have an opinion?"

"I'm going to kill you!"

The big wooden man shouted again at the

When the heliostat slaps, he yells at the slammed big wooden man, and then says: "Why, are you still reluctant to the giant reincarnated eye that symbolizes the sin of your separation?"

Datong Mushe said, "What do you mean?"

The Japanese mirror said lightly: "Don't your elders tell you that your separation is to kill all the family members on the moon with that giant reincarnation eye, and dig out their white eyes as the nourishment for the giant reincarnation eye?"

Da Tu Mu She was shocked: "You... what are you talking about?"


The heliostat swayed, and while **** up the big tube Mushe, he launched "Yellow Spring Biliangsaka" and took the big tube Mushe to the moon...


The second one is more. The last three days are left in June. Students with monthly tickets don’t forget to vote! In addition, I would like to thank the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!

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